Tuesday, August 26, 2008

[NEFAC Mtl] 35 years of Workers' Struggles: Analysis and Perspectives

The following event is happening in a little more than two weeks. It promises to be one of the most interesting events NEFAC Mtl has ever organized; St-Pierre is a veteran of over thirty years of working class and communist struggles in Quebec, with views which i may not completely share, but which i find much more interesting than most of what the local left produces...

while i'm translating this into english, i don't know if translation will be available at the event itself. Nevertheless, i really hope comrades take the trouble to attend even if french is not their language of choice...

35 years of workers' struggles
analysis and perspectives

NEFAC Montreal invites you to a talk by Richard St-Pierre, a longtime communist activist. He will give an overview of the recent history of the Quebec workers' movement, while bringing to the table some elements of his own political point of view and personal experience.

Over the past decades he has been involved in many quite different struggles. Amongst other things, he was active in groups like the Regroupement Autonome des Jeunes (RAJ), the Confédération des Syndicats Nationaux (CSN) and the Comité des Sans-Emploi (CSE). He is presently a member of the Montreal section of the International Bureau for a Revolutionary Party.

Saturday September 13th
Pub St-Ciboire
1693 St-Denis

A presentation of the Montreal Local of the North-East Federation of Anarchist Communists - NEFAC


  1. The same answer was posted on our blogue la Commune.

    Dans le passé c'était presque à 100% assuré que nos événements étaient traduits du français à l'anglais. Plus récemment on a arrêté de faire ça...surtout parce que la demande n'est pas toujours là.

    Pour ce qui est de la conférence "35 ans de luttes ouvrières", nous ne faisons pas présentement de publicité en anglais (mais merci beaucoup de l'avoir fait sur ton blog!). Dans ce sens, on ne s'attend pas à la participation de beaucoup d'anglophones. Par contre, s'il y a besoin de traduction, assurément que nous la ferons.

    Short answer : yes there will be translation if english-speakers show up!

  2. 情趣用品,情趣用品,情趣用品,情趣用品,情趣用品,情趣用品,情趣,情趣,情趣,情趣,情趣,情趣,情趣用品,情趣用品,情趣,情趣,A片,A片,A片,A片,A片,A片,情趣用品,A片,情趣用品,A片,情趣用品,a片,情趣用品





