- published: 06 Dec 2014
- views: 27961
The Services Reconnaissance Department (SRD), also known as Inter-Allied Services Department (IASD), Special Operations Australia (SOA) and Section A, Allied Intelligence Bureau was an Australian military intelligence and special reconnaissance unit, during World War II. Authorised by General Thomas Blamey in March 1942, following the outbreak of war with Japan, the unit was formed in April 1942 and modelled initially on the British Special Operations Executive (SOE); it was organised initially by a British Army officer, Major G. Egerton Mott. When the Allied Intelligence Bureau (AIB) was established in June 1942, SRD became a branch of AIB. SRD oversaw intelligence-gathering, reconnaissance and raiding missions in Japanese-occupied areas of New Guinea, the Dutch East Indies (Indonesia), Portuguese Timor (East Timor), the Malayan Peninsula, British Borneo and Singapore.
Mensagem forte do Pr Ivan Saraiva para os líderes da IASD
Origen del Logo IASD
Pastor Rafael Santos - IASD Noroeste - IASD Londres - 24/10/2011
IASD IPAE - Dr. Rodrigo Silva 01-10-2016 Tarde
Dinossauros e Deus / idade da Terra - Na Mira da Verdade / IASD / Adventistas
Escuela Sabática Lección 8 Sangre inocente - Job IASD metropolitana 4 trimestre 2016
CD Gratidão
eventh-Day Adventist Church - London Igreja Adventista do Sétimo Dia - IASD Noroeste - Kensal Rise - Londres. Princess Frederica Primary School College Road London NW10 5TP Pastor Enrique Duarte. Adventist Church - Kensal Rise - London. http://www.iasdnoroeste.org
IASD IPAE - Dr. Rodrigo Silva 01-10-2016 Tarde
As Manifestações Demoníacas Quando os demônios são enfrentados e pressionados por meio de uma luta espiritual, às vezes eles demonstram sua própria natureza através da pessoa, de várias maneiras. Estes espíritos maus são criaturas das trevas. Eles não agüentam ficar na luz. Quando sua presença e suas táticas são expostas, eles são capazes de ficar agitados e frenéticos. As manifestações parecem não ter fim
Pastor Marco Pozo.Whatsapp 56-9-57841023 ,http://ministeriofeenaccion.es.tl/. Ademas les envio algunos temas, "DECADENCIA DE LA CORPORACION ADVENTISTA, PARTE 1" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QCX8RfJ6EVM, EL Tiempo de Angustia" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CSziGK4z8Ps, "Los 3 Angeles y la dieta" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3KpqWJ0PPFY, "Los 3 Angeles y los remedios ocultos" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dPBkTJmp4p8, "EL ENGAÑO DE LOS ALIMENTOS" https://www.facebook.com/marcopozocl/videos/10206222307259834/?l=7606022615147023591., "AZUCAR, COCACOLA Y CANCER" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VNtZ1FwFJlg, "EL GRAVE PECADO DE HABLAR MAL DE LOS DEMAS" , mensaje grabado en new york https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MyaZbNt3_AY, Infiltracion Jesuita 2 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aN_Pl...
MINISTERIO ADVENTISTA CLAMORFINAL INTERNACIONAL Contacto, apoyo, invitaciones: +1 781-971-1655
Your love shows many colours
Roses will show their thorns
You showed me signs of silence
Showed me my way back home
I break my back, bent over
I dance on broken glass
I hold my breath half to death
You can't forget the past
Unless you think it's not over
Let's kiss it goodbye
Is it really worth it?
Is it all just a lie?
Not like I'm giving up now, I am willing to try
Unless you think it's not over
Let's kiss it goodbye
My love shows it's horns
Could you lead us home?
Break your,
Break your back on broken glass
You can't forget the past
Unless you think it's not over
Let's kiss it goodbye
Is it really worth it?
Is it all just a lie?
Not like I'm giving up now, I am willing to try
Unless you think it's not over
Let's kiss it goodbye
My love shows many colours
Devils will show their horns
I lead you into darkness
Hoped it would lead us home
You break your back, bent over
You dance on broken glass
I know you'll always love me
You can't forget the past
Unless you think it's not over
Let's kiss it goodbye
Is it really worth it?
Is it all just a lie?
Not like I'm giving up now, I am willing to try
Unless you think it's not over
Let's kiss it good