• Toronto Anarchist Bookfair, July 23-24!

    The Toronto Anarchist Bookfair is only 9 days away! Join us for a weekend full of anti-authoritarian activities, workshops, books, zines, food, friends, and great conversations!

    Saturday 23rd and Sunday 24th
    10:30am – 6pm

    Steelworkers’ Hall (25 Cecil Street) (click here for map)


    There will be a great selection of workshops this year, with presentations on:

    • The Occupation of INAC (Indigenous and Northern Affairs Canada), before, after and now
    • Pinkwashing and Homonationalism
    • Deconstructing Intoxication Culture
    • Applying Anarchist Ideas to Current Cloud and Standalone Tech
    • Calling In: Doing Justice without Breaking Each Other
    • The Ontario Coalition Against Poverty
    ...........READ MORE
  • “…because my sister and I were very close”: An Interview with Ulrike Meinhof’s Sister Wienke

    Today is the fortieth anniversary of the death in of Red Army Faction founding member Ulrike Meinhof.  On May 9, 1976, Mother’s Day that year, Ulrike was found hanged in her prison cell.  An International Commission of Investigation conducted an extensive investigation, presenting its conclusions in 1979.  The evidence, some of which is touched upon in this interview, strongly supported the claim that Ulrike had been murdered and then hanged to make it appear to be a suicide.  To mark the anniversary, former RAF member Ron Augustin interviewed Ulrike’s sister Wienke.  The original German-language interview appeared in the German left-wing ...........READ MORE

    Ulrike Meinhof
  • Marx and Engels: On Colonies, Industrial Monopoly and the Working Class Movement

    Author: Karl Marx & Friedrich Engels
    Format: Paperback
    Size: 160 pages
    ISBN: 978-1-894946-79-7
    Publisher: Kersplebedeb Publishing
    Price:$10.00 (USD)

    available for purchase from leftwingbooks.net

    Originally compiled and edited by the Communist Working Circle (CWC) in 1972, this is a republished collection of excerpts from the corpus of Marx and Engels. These texts show the evolution of Marx and Engels’s ideas about the nascent labor aristocracy, and the enervating effects of colonialism and chauvinism on the British labour movement, with a focus on the British Empire of their time.

    This edition of “On Colonies” includes a substantial introduction by Marxist economist ...........READ MORE

  • Subscribe to Kersplebedeb Newsletter!

    If you want to stay up to date with what Kersplebedeb Publishing is working on, where we are tabling, or what news we think you should be paying attention to – please take a moment and let us know to keep you on the mailing list.

    Select “Kersplebedeb Newsletter” for general news of interest to everyone everywhere, and “Montreal List” if you want to receive news about events happening in Montreal.

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    IMPORTANT NOTE: If you subscribed to the Kersplebedeb mailing list prior to July 1, 2014, you must now ...........READ MORE


ANCESTORS ROLL CALL! What Did They Think? (poem by Jalil Muntaqim)


What did they think?

Tamir Rice, Sandra Bland, Akai
Gurley, Trayvon Martin, Michael
Brown, life precious blood spelled
in the mud FREEDOM …

When will it come?

What did they think?

Eric Garner, Oscar Grant, Sean
Bell, Amadou Diallo whose life
breath echoed the dreams deferred
from Afrikan ancestors through
the middle passage, to Denmark
Vesey and Nat Turner, do you
hear it, are you listening?

Micah heard the torturous
mourning echoing over
the ages forcing us to
remember Shaka Zulu, Queen
Nzinga, the Mau Mau to Steve
Biko and Nelson Mandela.

What did they think?

Marcus Garvey, Malcolm ...........READ MORE


Toronto Anarchist Bookfair, July 23-24!

The Toronto Anarchist Bookfair is only 9 days away! Join us for a weekend full of anti-authoritarian activities, workshops, books, zines, food, friends, and great conversations!

Saturday 23rd and Sunday 24th
10:30am – 6pm

Steelworkers’ Hall (25 Cecil Street) (click here for map)


There will be a great selection of workshops this year, with presentations on:

  • The Occupation of INAC (Indigenous and Northern Affairs Canada), before, after and now
  • Pinkwashing and Homonationalism
  • Deconstructing Intoxication Culture
  • Applying Anarchist Ideas to Current Cloud and Standalone Tech
  • Calling In: Doing Justice without Breaking Each Other
  • The Ontario Coalition Against Poverty
...........READ MORE

Jalil’s Official Statement on Being Denied Parole

Dear Family, Friends and Supporters:

As many of you have learned, I was interviewed on June 21, 2016 by the parole board for the ninth time. On June 27, 2016, I received their decision (attached) denying my release, basically reiterating all that has been said the previous eight times I was denied parole. The denial is based primarily on the “nature of the crime” and “criminal history”—something that will never change. Reading this denial, we can see they doubled-down on attempting to characterize me as an unremorseful “cop killer,” absent any evidence to support their position after 44 years of ...........READ MORE