Sunday, August 08, 2010

Genealogy vs. Context

This is more a note for future reference than a thought-out argument, so bear with me (or skip, if you prefer).

When we think about things, they have two aspects which we need to grasp. i'll call these genealogy and context.

Genealogy is where things get their identity from. I.e. the genealogy of an organization would trace it back to its origins, including name changes and changes in policy and form. Then if at its origin it had been a split from a previous organization, genealogy would trace that organization back to its origins, or if it had come out of a particular movement or campaign, then genealogy would trace that, further and further back, as far as you can or are inclined to go.

Genealogy is fun, in a geeky stamp-collector kind of way, but for the overenthusiastic it can also be very misleading. It is easy to exaggerate the importance of the scandalous, i.e. that the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith used to be the Holy Inquisition, or that Levesque's PQ came out of Bourgault's RIN which at its origins included many young nationalists from Barbeau's fascist Alliance Laurentienne. Scandalous, but not incredible enlightening as to what's going on here and now, because a break can often see more left behind than carried on.

It is difficult to appreciate the relationship of a thing to its own history, which can at times be direct and important, and at other times can be nonexistent, at least for practical purposes. Those are the limits of genealogy.

The second way that things exist is context. Not just the mundane fact that everything has a context, but that things often fit into patterns that are only visible when viewing other things at the same time - often things that have no direct relationship to one another, and so which are arbitrarily selected after the fact simply based on the pattern they constitute. Things retain their identity, inherited through their genealogy, but they are also a part of a broader reality which determines much of their nature. For instance, when looking at the waves of history - for instance the postwar wave of decolonization, or the related 67-68 wave of student and youth rebellion, or the late 80s-early 90s wave of neocolonial peacemaking - clearly the players had their own genealogies and identities, but around the world something else was going on which pushed matters, and pushed the players, in particular directions. (This begs for a resuscitation of the old problem of universals...)

To give two examples: that the FLQ came into existence in the early sixties has something to do with the history of Quebec nationalism (genealogy), but very little compared to "the times", the overarching wave of anticolonial struggles (context). Similarly, that the Maoist movement in Quebec came into existence in the early 70s and fell apart in the early 80s certainly has something to do with the genealogy of communism and the left in Quebec, but a richer understanding may be reached if one also considers the rise and fall of first world Maoism in myriad countries at almost the exact same points in time.

These are obvious examples, but not all cases are so clearcut. Is the antideutsche movement the result of genealogy (a reaction against the weakness around antisemitism of the West German 70s/80s far left) or the result of context (the rise of reactionary ideology around the world in general - and racism in Germany in particular - in the 1990s?) - i'd guess the former, but it's just a guess. (& when considering specific organizations it becomes even more difficult to measure.)

Or let's take a famous case, the rise of Nazism in Germany, which has been studied at length in terms of the history of Germany, the history of antisemitism, the history of authoritarian right-wing schools of thought, and other competing geneaologies - it can also be (and has also been) studied in terms of its context, similar "shirt movements" and other fellow travelers emerging around the world at the same time, sexist and racist consciousness mutating through the traumas of World War I, the Russian Revolution and the Great Depression, anti-Marxist "socialisms" that emphasized the primacy of the nation and cross-class-unity flourishing even on the left.

The relationship reminds me that Mao had something to say about the relationship between internal factors and external factors. He took the counterintuitive view that internal relations are normally more important than external relations, that "what's out there" is of less importance than "what's inside", because it's through the strengths and weaknesses of the internal that the extrernal will be mediated. There's a lot to be revealed if you think this way, though like most things if you take it too far it can get pretty silly, i.e. if someone drowns in a lake it's not because of the water (external!) but because they're not a good swimmer (internal!) or maybe simply because they have lungs not gills (really internal!).

But i think Mao's ideas are a truly red herring in this case, as genealogy is more like history than internal reality - and what i mean by history here is that which is subjectively experienced as "internal" but in actual fact remains external to us, mediated by a bunch of factors ranging from what has been suppressed/preserved to how that is interpreted to how much is "remembered" (though in the case of social formations that is the wrong word, as the individuals within such formations do not necessarily have personal memories of much of the "history", as they were likely not even there or perhaps had not even been members or active or alive when events in question occurred).

Maybe the metaphor from physics of light being both a particle and a wave makes more sense. (At least, not having any training in physics, my ignorance allows it to seem apt.)

In any case, all i really want to say, is that when thinking about things - big things small things, important things trivial things, common things esoteric things - it's worth keeping in mind both genealogy and context.

Saturday, August 07, 2010

August 14th: Queer Between the Covers!

See you there!

August 14 · 12:00pm - 6:00pm
Centre St-Pierre
1212 rue Panet, #1205
Montreal, QC


la troisième édition du salon du livre QUEER ENTRE LES COUVERTURES, qui présente des librairies, des maisons d’édition, et des distributeurs de fanzines de partout de l'est de l’amérique du nord, ainsi que des artistes et écrivainEs de montréal.

...montreal’s third annual queer bookfair, QUEER BETWEEN THE COVERS, bringing you books, zines, and queer cultural production from across eastern north america as well as local zinesters and artists.

* free and wheelchair accessible / gratuit et accessible aux fauteuils roulants


Glad Day Books
Concordia Co-op Bookstore
Bluestockings Press
Ste. Emilie Skillshare
Fight Boredom Distro
Venus Envy
SoftSkull Press
Akashic Books
Qteam Distro
Bits of String Press
& many more/encore plusSee More

Friday, August 06, 2010

G20 Arrests Continue

On August 5, 2010, Ryan Rainville was re-arrested charges stemming from the G20 Summit protest in Toronto in late June, 2010.

Waterloo Regional Police, working in collaboration with officers from the Toronto Police Service, arrived where Rainville's was currently staying in Waterloo yesterday to re-arrest the Indigenous Rights activist. He was out on bail at the time for other G20 related charges after originally spending six days in jail. He was taken to 52 Division and is now charged with causing mischief over $5000 and for allegedly assaulting a police officer.

According to a Toronto Media Co-op release, during his arrest, Rainville asked about the nature of the allegations - stating that he had never assaulted an officer in his life - and was told by plainclothes officers that 'he (did not use) a conventional weapon".

A close friend of Rainville described him as a, "deeply thoughtful intellectual and committed advocate for the rights of First Nations People."

Another G20 activist who was arrested, released and then re-arrested is Kelly Pflug-Back from Guelph, Ontario who turned herself to police on Wednesday July 21, 2010, after being publicly profiled the same day by police on one of its G20 Most Wanted lists.

Pflug-Beck had previously been arrested on conspiracy charges related to the G20 protests and released on bail. Police alleged she was involved in an attack on a police car occupied by Staff Sgt. Graham Queen and vandalism to stores on Yonge Street, including a McDonald's and Urban Outfitters and a CIBC branch on College Street, which lead to the new charges.

Rainville will appear in court again for a bail hearing on Monday August 9, 2010 at the 2201 Finch Avenue West court house.

Update: Friday August 6, 2010 @ 1:03 pm

The Toronto Police Service have released a presser stating that Ryan Rainville is charged with the following:

1) Assault Peace Officer with a Weapon,

2) Mischief Over,

3) Intimidation of Justice System Participant by Violence,

4) Fail to Comply with Undertaking.

By Krystalline Kraus; August 6, 2010 - posted on

Matt Morgan-Brown Granted Bail

The following from Ottawa Movement Defense, which works to support the individuals facing charges related to the bombing of a Royal Bank branch in Ottawa earlier this year:

Great news!

Ottawa Movement Defense is happy to report that Matt MB was granted bail today!

Matt has to serve roughly two more weeks (for an arrest unrelated to his June 18th arrest), after which he can finally re-join his family, friends and co-workers who have been missing him dearly. This is very exciting news for all of us. Matt has been in custody for over six weeks now, which is six weeks too many.

We thank everyone who came out to court today to support him. We packed the room in a very clear display of support and solidarity.

This just the beginning of what will surely be a very long process, but at this point, we feel it is very important to celebrate this victory. Matt is a part of a broad community of people who have been waiting for this moment since his arrest. We are also happy to report that the conditions under which he was released will make it possible for almost all his friends and supporters to see him.

Of course, support will still be needed. Roger has a bail review coming up soon, and the three arrestees will need support throughout their trial. So, take this good news for now, and brace for the long road ahead.

In solidarity,
Ottawa Movement Defense

Wednesday, August 04, 2010

Marilyn Buck

Marilyn Buck died yesterday, surrounded by friends in Brooklyn.

As comrade Judy Greenspan tells us:

Marilyn died today not in the hospital but at Soffiyah Elijah’s house, her close friend and attorney with her friends around her. The federal bureau of prisons and the U.S. Criminal injustice system killed Marilyn by denying her adequate medical care, careful diagnoses, and timely treatment for her cancer. They allowed the uterine cancer to spread until it was inoperable. And they made her serve every single day of her sentence that they could for her “heinous crimes” of actively supporting the Black Liberation struggle, aiding in the escape of comrade Assata Shakur, participating in military political actions against U.S. Wars at home and abroad and remaining defiant and opposed to the U.S. Imperialist racist system every day that she was inside the belly of the beast. Marilyn Buck, Presente!

Marilyn was an accomplished poet - you can listen to Marilyn read her poem Wild Poppies in mp3 format by clicking here.

It`s a sad sad thing.

Ottawa Movement Defense: Matt Morgan-Brown Bail Hearing Friday August 6th

Another update from Ottawa Movement Defense, providing information about the Ottawa comrades who were arrested in relation to the bombing of a Royal Bank earlier this year:

Matt Morgan-Brown Bail Hearing: FRIDAY AUGUST 6th . COURTROOM 9 - 9:30am
Ottawa Courthouse, 161 Elgin in downtown Ottawa (near the human rights monument and city hall)

Ottawa Movement Defense
Tuesday, July 27th, 2010


1. Statement to Supporters from Matt and Roger
2. Legal Update
3. Court Support Days
4. Sending Letters of Support to the J18 Defendants
5. No Public/Media Statements
6. Donate to the Legal Fund
7. Hold a Fundraiser
8. Stay Up-To-Date


We would like to thank everyone for their support. It's much appreciated, much needed, and makes in being in prison more bearable. Although adjusting to life in prison is not easy, everything is more or less alright for now.

Of course, we are both hoping to get out on bail. Getting bail is currently what we are focused on, and this should be the priority for folks supporting us on the outside.

Please remember that right now we don't want supporters talking to the media or making public comments about us or our case.

If you'd like to know details on how to best support us at this time, contact Ottawa Movement Defense at

In solidarity,
Matt Morgan-Brown, Roger Clement
July 15, 2010


Earlier this month, Claude was released on bail with very restrictive conditions, including a curfew, and a requirement that he reside at a relative's home.

Roger was denied bail previously, and has been preparing for a bail review hearing scheduled for Friday, July 30th. Unfortunately, we were informed today by the Court Reporters office that the transcripts of Roger's original bail hearing will not be ready for July 30th. As this transcript is an essential part of the bail review hearing, his court appearance has been postponed, with a date yet to be determined. Roger and his lawyers are working to secure the early possible date for this hearing, and we will let you know as soon as we can.

Matt Morgan-Brown remains in detention, as well, with his bail hearing set to occur friday the 6th courtroom 9, 9:30 am. While this is a lengthy period of time to wait for a bail hearing, this was a strategic decision by Matt and his lawyer based on other criteria not directly related to this case.


On each of the following days OMD is calling for courtroom support for the J18 defendants. Court support is vital in that it helps ensures the Crown and legal system treat our friends fairly and with due process. It also sends a clear message to the defendants that their friends, family, and co-workers care, miss them, are concerned for their welfare, and want them liberated immediately.

a) Roger Clement Bail Review Hearing: Location/Date TBA
b) Matt Morgan-Brown Bail Hearing: FRIDAY AUGUST 6th . COURTROOM 9 - 9:30am

Ottawa Courthouse, 161 Elgin in downtown Ottawa (near the human rights monument and city hall)


Matt and Roger are still being detained at Ottawa-Carleton Detention Centre, where they are only allowed two short visits per week. This cuts them off from their wide support networks during this difficult time as they are facing serious charges.
We encourage you to write letters of support to them. Please tell them that you are with them and support their immediate release.

Their mailing addresses are:

Joseph Roger Clement
Ottawa Carleton Detention Centre
2244 Innes Road
Gloucester, ON
K1B 4C4

(matt is still at this same address)
Matthew Morgan-Brown
Ottawa Carleton Detention Centre
2244 Innes Road
Gloucester, ON
K1B 4C4

Your letters of support will be very much appreciated.


PLEASE NOTE: The June 18th Defendants have asked supporters NOT to make public or media statements at this time.

Please be careful when discussing this situation publicly, including online and to the media, as incautious statements may compromise the ability of the accused to defend themselves in court.

Now that this matter is before the courts, we need to ensure the Crown is able to base its case only on substantive evidence, rather than relying on sensational or incautious public comments.



No matter how friendly or intimidating police may appear, or how clever you think you might be in getting information out of them, nothing good can come of voluntarily talking to the police.

If police contact you, please let us know as soon as possible at


Financial support is crucial right now. We must begin fundraising ongoing legal and support costs, which are already quite significant. In addition to legal fees, there are related support costs accrued by Ottawa Movement Defense. These include such things as collect calls from prison, jail canteen, etc.
To donate to the legal defense fund via PayPal, please follow the below instructions:
  1. Go to
  2. Type in in the "To" box.
  3. Type in your email address in the "From" box
  4. Type in Amount and find CAD (Can Dollars) in the menu to the right.
  5. Click on the "Personal" Tab and check the button "Gift".
  6. Click "Continue".
  7. The next page will ask you to either Log In to your paypal account or sign up for an account. If you sign up for an account, you can link up your account to your credit card or bank account.
  8.  For all transactions, there is a charge of 2.2% of the amount + $0.30. You can decide whether you will pay this amount or the Ottawa Movement Defense (in which case this amount is deducted from the amount you are giving).
For other methods, please contact us at


Please consider organising a fundraiser in your city or within your social networks. We really appreciate the fundraisers people have already organised. There are currently more underway!

If you would like to volunteer and help organise with the fundraising subcommittee, please email us at

Please let us know if you are organising a fundraiser so we can help get the word out.


If you would like to be added (or removed) from the Ottawa Movement Defense announcements list, please write to us:

The purpose of the announcements list to provide information to the friends and supporters of the June 18th Defendants.


Ottawa Movement Defense is a legal and political support committee for the June 18th Defendants. We take direction from the June 18th defendants. Our support activities include: coordinating visits, fundraising towards legal and support costs, informing friends and supporters of the court proceedings, etc. We do not provide legal advice to the defendants. Currently, we are not making any statements to the media.


Phone: 613 304 8770

Mailing Address:
Ottawa Movement Defense
207 Bank Street
Suite 453
Ottawa, ON
K2P 2N2

J. Sakai: G20 or Bust

The following is a note from J. Sakai, in response to the G20 "debate" on the left:

The biggest problem with the "Mr. Black Bloc Has Fun in Toronto" debate, is that it’s so unrealistic. More like the two-dimensional scenery "flats" on school theatrical stages.

Take the cardboard, conspiracy-nut assumptions being used, apparently without any thought at all. Like, that the police are all-powerful and can easily snuff out hundreds of black-masked anarchists in the middle of many thousands of other protesters and bystanders on crowded streets, any time they wish just by snapping their fingers. Or the assumption that if the police did back off from sending major detachments after boys and girls wearing black, it could only be for one reason – as a propaganda maneuver against the Anti-Globalization mass hiking expedition. And Ritch Wyman of "International Socialists" knows all this because he can think just like the top police commanders. Cardboard assumption piled on top of cardboard assumption.

The simplest possible reason why the police let the Black Bloc test the tensile strength of store windows and the barbeque-ability of porkmobiles, isn’t that its an assignment for Consumer Reports. It’s that intercepting and capturing/shooting down anonymous people in black ( headline: "Editor of Vogue Tasered By Police, Dies") in the middle of tens of thousands of marchers and onlookers and others, is a big mess. Potentially far more costly politically than it’s worth. Remember what it cost the capitalists politically when Italian police shot and murdered just one protester? That’s why the Darkest Duds hide out amidst and pop in and out of the big crowds on hike-around-the-city day.

That’s why when the Los Angeles Lakers won the NBA championship a few years back, the cops moved out of the way and let the "rampaging" basketball fans trash rows of parked cars, outside, including cop cars, as well as generally smash into stores and run riot. Same with Montreal in 2008, as we all know, when the police stood back and let not four but eleven cop cars get torched in the "hockey riot", after the Canadiens won the Stale Cup. Were those all sinister police conspiracies, also?

This may be shocking to the white collar middle-class world, but not in the real world. Tactical episodes only have meaning within the larger scope of political factors, and on the larger terrain of the political-military battleground as a whole. In the class war, as in all other wars, the battleground is a large, constantly-changing area partially obscured by "the fog of war". In which no side has infinite resources and perfect position. And in which risks are made and mistakes and surprises are always happening to the combatants. In which events are guided not only by tactical decisions and limitations, but by mistakes and unforeseen developments offstage.

In this real world we actually live in, there’s tons of things that the capitalist state tries to stop and cannot. Or wants to stop but can’t find a cost-effective way to. As we all know. And there are many decisions by the most powerful capitalist "brain trusts" that are complete blunders. Like the "can’t wipe your own ass" wars of Iraq and Afghanistan. So these are the folks who are incapable of not shooting themselves in the foot in Baghdad, too dumb to live, but who are suddenly so clever "geniuses" in Seattle and Toronto? Not too likely, i’d bet.

By the way, even if the Toronto big cheese of police gave a tv interview, where he shouted at the top of his lungs, "I CONFESS, WE GIVE THE BLACK BLOC A PASS TO USE AS PROPAGANDA AGAINST THE ANTI-GLOBALIZATION MOVEMENT!", that doesn’t mean that their smash and run tactics aren’t working. After all, we aren’t guided – or, at least, most of us aren’t guided – by the police commanders about anything else. This is an interesting truth, although inconvenient to some theatre critics.

If we go into the capitalist counter-insurgency history, where the facts are on the table, we can see this kind of strategic gambit over and over. Like when the old Russian Czarist secret police made the strategic decision to have "legal marxism". Individual marxists were still being arrested for specific illegal acts, but for a space marxism as a political current and the teaching of marxism were legalized. Since to the state, their real destabilizing danger seemed to be the popularity of terrorist assassinations of high officials, done by anarchists and the left social-revolutionaries. Lenin and what became the Bolsheviks benefitted greatly by this temporary "free pass" for marxism, which in retrospect most capitalist police would agree was an overly-slick big mistake. Or the many years that the Zionist political police gave "free passes" to Hamas, awarding them early prison releases and the right to conduct fund-raising, covertly helping islamic-right activists in a strategy to counter what seemed like the much greater threat of the PLO and secular radicalism... That didn’t quite work the way they thought. That’s what struggle in the actually-existing world is like. Grow the fuck up.

Toronto Community Mobilization Network August 4th Update

Toronto Community Mobilization Network;

1. We are winning
2. Support those who are still in custody!
3. G20 Zine: Call for submissions

4. 247 Committee--Wednesday, August 4th
5. G20 Acupuncture Fundraiser --Thursday, August 5th
6. Audism and the Toronto Police Service--Saturday, August 7
7. Your Options for Taking Legal Action--Sunday, August 8, 1:30pm

1. We are winning

July 26, 2010, One month after the G20 Convergence

The People Won (Updated);

2. Support those incarcerated as a result of the G20

Kelly Rose Pflug-Back, a friend, ally, poet and Guelph activist who was arrested and released on bail during the G20. After returning home to Peterborough, she turned herself in less than an hour after police gave a press conference stating that Kelly was wanted for six counts of mischief over $5000 in connection with damages related to the G20.
"Rather then allowing the trial to take place in the court, Toronto Police instead chose to have a trial-by-media sensationalizing her case through words such as "ringleader" and "most wanted". Previous arrested people have had publication bans on their bail hearings specifically to stop the media from ruining their chances at a fair trial. With her face splashed on the cover of every news station, she not only lost her chance at a fair trial in court, but is already convicted in the minds of the majority of those who follow the media as a criminal, radical and terrorist."

She has been in custody at Vanier since July 22nd -- please send pictures and messages of the outside:

Kelly Rose Pflug-Back
Vanier Centre for Women
P.O. Box 1040
655 Martin Street
Milton, ON L9T 5E6

Political Prisoner Kelly Pflug Back, who suffers from Diabetes as well as other serious health problems, has been denied a doctor's visit without any valid reason. As we speak , Kellys health is deteriorating and she is getting no medical attention. SOS is calling on all people to call the superintendent at Vanier and demand that Kelly Pflug Back be allowed to see a doctor.


Call Superintendent Donna Keating at (905) 876-8300 ext. 7316 and demand that Kelly be allowed to see a doctor.

3. G20 Zine: Call for submissions

We all have a lot of beautiful and terrible stories left knocking around our heads, so why not get them out? All proceeds going to legal defense for G20 political prisoners.

You can use whatever form of writing you want for both or only one and pictures are welcome as well. Real names are welcome, but not necessary and the dead line for acceptance is August 25. Stories can be as short as you'd like, but longer entries should aim to be about a page or two (if that's possible).

Please send all inquires or entries to

4. 247 Committee

If you are one of the hundreds facing criminal charges stemming from the G20 in Toronto, the 247 Support Committee is here for you.

We are available to assist with:
  • logistics around the upcoming August 23rd court date;
  • resource referrals and information about trauma and other psycho-social needs;
  • legal defence fundraising support and access;
  • a way for members of the 247 Support Committee to connect with each other, mobilize and organize;
  • other ways to support suggested by you!

The 247 Support Committee was created by a group of allies, but we hope that it will be led by and take direction from the defendants. Everyone who is facing criminal charges stemming from the G20 in Toronto is invited and encouraged to join this Committee. All defendants, regardless of their level of involvement in this Committee are entitled to draw from the support resources offered. Allies are also welcome to join, acknowledging that their role is one of support.

please attend the upcoming organizing meeting:

Wednesday, August 4th at 7:00pm OISE (252 Bloor Street West) Room 2-213 or contact us at

In solidarity,
The 247 Support Committee

5. G20 Acupuncture Fundraiser

Thursday August 5th. 6-9pm
Institute of Traditional Medicine. 553 Queen Street West, 2nd Floor

This is a Pay What You Can Event (PWYC), suggested donation is $20. Money raised will be donated to the G8/G20 Community Mobilization Legal Defence Fund. There are only 12 spots available, so please RSVP asap to

This is a safe space for People of Colour and LGBT Communities
FB Event:

6. Audism and the Toronto Police

Date: Saturday August 7, 2010
Time: 6:00pm - 8:00pm
Location: 252 Bloor Street West, OISE- U of T, Room 2212

We have all heard the stories of the Toronto Police Services denying interpreters, accusing Deaf people of "faking", interpreting attempts to communicate as violence, misunderstanding facial expressions that are a part of our grammar as anger, and countless other acts of audism, discrimination, and violence. It is time to do something about it!

Join us in sharing out stories and coming together as a united community of Deaf, oral deaf, hard of hearing, late-deafened, and hearing allies! We will share our experiences in a public forum to promote healing and change. This will be the beginning of a long process of achieving change within the Toronto Police Services policy, training, and sensitivity to our diverse communities.

ASL interpretation provided
Prayer Space Nearby. Child-friendly event. Wheelchair accessible venue
If you require accommodations, please contact Jenny Blaser at as soon as possible.

Endorsed by the Legal Education Action Fund Youth Commission and Signs of Support

7. Your OPTIONS for Taking Post-g8/g20 LEGAL ACTION

Sunday, August 8, 2010 1:30pm - 5:30 pm
United Steelworkers Hall (wheel chair accessible), 25 Cecil Street (near
the intersection of College and Spadina).

Join us on August 8th to learn about:
  •  how to file a human rights claim
  •  the police complaints process
  •  how you can sue the police
  •  the class action lawsuit(s) (that are currently in discussion)

Please register as soon as possible at;

Contact: For more info on the Summit Legal Support Project or this event,
email us at or check out;

For more information on the broader Law Union of Ontario, please visit;



Monday, August 02, 2010

Apartheid France, Where African Babies and Women Are Dragged Through the Streets...

From the youtube site:

In France, rights groups plan to file a complaint about police brutality, after a video surfaced showing officers using excessive force to evict African immigrants from a Paris suburb.

The footage shows police dragging away women with their babies as well as young children.

The group of 60 people had been living in the streets since being evicted from their council homes earlier this month.

The group of mostly women and children had been ordered to move to make way for a new housing project.

The footage shows a screaming woman with a baby wrapped to her back being dragged along the pavement. Another scene shows a pregnant woman lying on her back on the street.

According to France 24 the footage was recorded on July 21 by an observer from the Droit au Logement (Right to Housing) association and uploaded on the internet by French news site Mediapart and broadcast by CNN on Tuesday.

Most of the immigrants are from the Ivory Coast. Some of them had been living in France for ten years and were not illegal immigrants.

Sanyika Shakur On Meditations: A Weapon for Struggle

Meditations on Frantz Fanon's Wretched of the Earth: New Afrikan Revolutionary Writings by James Yaki Sayles

The following is a review of Meditations on Frantz Fanon's Wretched of the Earth: New Afrikan Revolutionary Writings by James Yaki Sayles. The review is written by New Afrikan Communist Sanyika Shakur, the author of the international bestseller Monster: the Autobiography of an L.A. Gang Member, and a comrade of Yaki's.

On Meditations: A Weapon for Struggle

We have here ideo-theoretical gold. A presentation of New Afrikan Communism so profound, clear & precise that if utilized correctly & with consistency, will raise consciousness & sharpen practice. The material here in Yaki's Meditations On Frantz Fanon's Wretched of the Earth, runs comprehensively thru a coherent theme: a brief preface by Comrad Hondo; an editorial introduction allowing the reader to "meet" Our late comrad Yaki - which does a great job at highlighting some of the political & social circumstances & conditions that ultimately shaped this illustrious Brotha into the dynamic New Afrikan Communist he became.

We see his involvement with the student orgs & demos; his community service & his military actions, leading to his capture & imprisonment. In the kamps tho the comrad poured in on & evolved into the ideo-theoretical giant that touched Us all. Rightfully, the editors began at the beginning. Then they expertly connect the dots that will ultimately raise the consciousness & heighten the struggle.

* First, with the "War for the Cities" - which is a lesson he always taught Us which is to function with the People in the area in which you live. Deal with the People who are "off the block." The old tired & true From The Masses to The Masses. The rad was from Chicago, so it stands to reason that this would be where he'd concentrate his initial efforts. It's where he knew best. And yet as We see he doesn't just say "Oh Chicago is such a bad place" - as if We can only clean-up Chicago We'd be alright. No, Yaki ties "War for the Cities" into the whole colonial matrix of u.s. imperialism. The language is precise, clear & conscious. is any ghetto - it is but one of the urban reservations that We find Ourselves stranded on.

* Second, after establishing the fact of a war - of national oppression & genocidal violence - We fall into the "Free the RNA 11: Prisoner of War" chapter - brilliant! Both Yaki's piece & the editorial placement. Cause We are reading, studying & meditating the things that are engaging Our social consciousness: Him (Yaki); How (National Oppression); What (War); Where (New Afrika - inside amerika, "a prisonhouse of nations"); Why (capitalist-imperialist exploitation for wealth & profit) - but let me not get ahead of myself here.

In explaining who the RNA 11 are, Comrad Yaki diligently explicated how, why, where & when the Provisional Government was formed. Crucial this is because most New Afrikans, while natural citizens, remain woefully oblivious to these facts. And as such, they go unknowingly along with the current colonial-settler government of amerika because they see or know of no other alternative. Truthfully, the masses aren't necessarily down with the U.S. government, but without an alternative they cling to what is available. So, presenting this piece after "War for the Cities" highlights the realization of Our alternative to U.S. settler government. Simultaneously it points up the lengths to which the oppressive arrangement will go to keep it's position firm & crush any opposition. Over 500 New Afrikan Nationalists signed the New Afrikan Declaration of Independence. No more than seventy five euro-amerikans signed the U.S. declaration of independence. Imagine that. The difference? Class. Cats will get caught up on that nationality thing, or as the cultural nationalists stress, "black race", & miss the boat altogether on the class significance that is the concrete under any struggle. But as always, Comrad Yaki blows away all that foolishness here. Yes, it's a good thing to be around New Afrikans - but i'd rather be around Communists.

* Third, lest We forget, the Comrad (& again the editorial geniuses) goes right into "On Transforming the Colonial & 'Criminal' Mentality." i remember when i first read & studied this piece back in the mid-1980s - it was shocking to me. No, seriously, because up until that time i was thinking like the old Eldridge Cleaver, that the criminal or outlaw was just like a revolutionary. That as long as he or she was breaking the law or shooting pigs they were somehow on Our side. That when the revolution matured & We hit the streets, in confrontation with the state, they'd be with Us against the law. But "On Transforming..." shattered that line of thinking & brought the truth right down front! And, in so doing, taught a fantastic lesson in dialectics.

The criminal has no qualm with capitalism, colonialism or imperialism. In fact, the criminal is in league with these evils. Why, the capitalist is who the criminal wants to be. The criminal can only flourish under capitalism - with some degree of impunity. The criminal is an individualist, a greed driven parasite, just like the capitalists. The criminal has more in common - as far as class aspirations - with the oppressor than he or she has with the working class &/or revolutionaries. Again We are confronted with class & class interests. How practical it is to run this chapter right after the "RNA-11: POW" piece; lest people get the notion that packing heat & correcting pigs is the be all & end all to revolution. To transform one's mentality is, in essence, to commit class suicide. To alter one’s class allegiance. Of course it's dialectical, far from static, so it can go either way, i.e. a rev can commit class suicide by becoming a capitalist or criminal. Conversely, a backward, or lumpen, individual can transform into a rev.

Also, while skilfully explaining this process, the difference between the two (rev vs. criminal) & how to go about actually doing it (thru study, struggle & practice) - the rad lays down some very important definitions: Captive Colonials (those New Afrikans captured who are not revs, but natural citizens of the Nation); Political Prisoners (New Afrikans captured for non-military anti-imperialist activity) & Prisoners of War (those New Afrikans who are captured for carrying out military strikes against the state). Also included within these definitions is the category of PP or POW where one who is already in a kamp, who has transformed his or her colonial/criminal mentality, makes political/military assertions & is consequently locked in a SHU/Control Unit for it, is recognized by Our Movement.

These definitions, along with the whole "Transforming..." piece on the criminal/colonial mentality, is of the utmost importance to have in Our ideo-theoretical arsenal because they give Us concrete lines to follow, to adhere to & to apply in Our overstanding of struggle in the belly of the beast.

* Fourth, "Scenes from the Battle of Algiers". Now, i've read, studied & meditated on the "Transforming..." piece, i have read the paraphrased version of Ali Aponte's scene in question - but i never saw the movie. Thought the Comrad's paraphrased version was sufficient. That is until i read the actual scenes from the film! A master stroke by the editors to bring the actual scenes in. It totally brings to life what the Comrad wrote in the "Transformation" piece. It's like seeing it as it happens & if you're a real studier (like me) you won't be able to help yourself from going back to the "Transformation" piece after you've read the actual "Scenes". The fact is the transformation must be genuine & thorough - not an emotional commitment based on "race", or an imagined slight, but a genuine & authentic transformation of class allegiance & interest. And this must be tied into the struggle for National independence & Socialism. i feel this piece is pivotal in the work as a whole.

* Fifth, the "Raids on Chicago Public Housing - Fact Sheet" - here We see the rad going back to the block or the hood in an effort to point up the continuing genocidal violence perpetrated under the guise of bourgeois law & order. And while this was written for Crossroad in 1989, it is just as relevant today as it was then. But what can We learn from this? We can see that We need to be more conscious & active in Our particular areas of operation - to document, study & struggle with the people who are in these conditions. Again, from the masses to the masses. And, again, like everything else, the Comrad keeps politics in command by tying the Chicago Housing Raids into the overall genocidal violence of U.S. capitalism against internal nations. Get out, get active, get involved in what's going on where you live. Learn from the masses, keep your politics in command, transform the conditions under which you live.

* Sixth, We have the "From One Generation to the Next" piece. Again, right out of the New Afrikan P.O.W. Journals, Books 1-7. Also in abbreviated form in False Nationalism False Internationalism: Class Contradictions in the Armed Struggle. This, too, was/is beautifully placed because it clearly puts into perspective the continuity of struggle & migration. And isn't it poignant today with what's going on with immigration (so-called) issues with Mexicanos? Our New Afrikan ideological formulation instructs Us that just like Mexicano people (or other immigrants) who are coming across the artificial & political border in search of work & better conditions, so too did New Afrikans migrate out of the National Territory & into amerika in search of better jobs & nicer "white" folks. And, true to the social development of others, before & to come, the Northern cities proved to be devastating to Our cultural unity & awareness.

This is essentially what "From One Generation to the Next" points out. "That Ours is a struggle with continuity, unbroken except occasionally in Our own mind."
Now, if you're not aware at this point of Yaki's consciousness & energy; the class nature of the struggle; the National reality of New Afrika as an internal neo-colonized Nation; or of the existence of Our Provisional Government, Declaration of Independence & the war waged against oppressed nationalities & Our efforts to extricate Ourselves from U.S. capitalist-imperialism & the need to transform your colonial (allegiance to the oppressor nation) & criminal (allegiance to individualism, exploitation & capitalist class interests) mentality - while constructing a proletarian/revolutionary mentality - then you're not reading, studying or meditating on this work.

But read on - read over & think deeply, cause this is the truth!

Where else are you gonna find quotes by Martin Luther King, jr. on: "Extremism, Capitalism, Imperialism"? Read on.

* Seventh, "Malcolm, Model of Personal Transformation" - here, no clearer, is the actual transformation of the colonial/criminal mentality in Brother Malcolm X. And altho We know that his early stages of consciousness with the patriarchal theocracy of the NOI was hardly complete, We know that he continued to grow, transform & develop his revolutionary mentality. It's unfortunate for Us all, however, but it is a testament to his seriousness & commitment (and correct line) that he was targeted & assassinated by reactionaries in league with the settler government. Continuously, We are confronted with class alliances that go above & beyond what's perceived as "race". The leadership of the capitalist Nation of Islam had more in common, on a class level, with the U.S. ruling class, than it did with people of its own Nation. So when Malcolm pointed out that the hit on Kennedy was a "case of the chickens coming home to roost" - & the bourgeois press reported it (knowing Elijah Muhammad's class allegiance) - Elijah Muhammad acted swiftly to show his class allegiance with capitalism & submission to imperialism. He silenced Malcolm for ninety days.

Malcolm, however, had that infernal thirst for truth & genuine freedom & kept on studying & investigating other struggles that resembled Ours only to find that "every revolution fought has been against capitalism & for some type of socialism."

We can learn a whole lot from the steadfastness of Malcolm in the face of varying degrees of adversity that rushed upon him. He committed class suicide in prison; he overcame his addiction; he became an excellent orator, recruiter & military strategist; he read, studied & meditated constantly - never being satisfied with what was. He associated with other movements & struggles. He travelled & made alliances. And, too, We must overstand that when he left the petty-bourgeois Nation of Islam, according to what his beliefs were initially, he wasn't just going against Elijah Muhammad, but against Allah himself. Elijah Muhammad had propped himself up as the "Messenger of Allah", so to oppose him was to oppose Allah. No easy feat, huh?

Once he found orthodox Islam he was relieved, i'm sure, to learn that that b.s. old Elijah was kicking was just that. So, Malcolm was a true revolutionary - he was the message he brought. And it is this sort of fortitude, thoroughness & conscious effort that We must strive to emulate. This is, of course, a strong piece & a well placed piece in the work. Props to the rad & kudos to the keen eye of the editors.

* Eighth, "Reflections on Victor Serge's ‘What Everyone Should Know About (State) Repression’". Perfect piece, perfect placement. i know i keep saying this, but building a book of this magnitude, of this depth & seriousness, is like arranging an album of classic jazz - some Bird, or Coltrane. The layout has to be coherent & consistent in order to maximize the effect. In order to realize the intent - which of course, is to heighten awareness so as to see things both as they really are as well as they can be.

So, the "Model of Personal Transformation" of Malcolm is followed by "What Everyone Should Know About (State) Repression" - can you dig that? They were able to repress & eliminate Malcolm, the Muslim Mosque Inc. & the Organization or Afro-American Unity (both of his young orgs) because their security wasn't tight. Because there was no real culture of security.

i remember when this piece first was sent to me in 1988, the actual pamphlet the Comrads printed it in was called: "Study Notes On Secure Communications: So That We Don't Fool Ourselves Again". It was an eye-opening piece then & it's still - more so - an eye popper now! Especially in the day & age of Patriot Acts & Homeland Security! It's timely & precise. It reminds Us that any anti-imperialist activity is against the law & expect to be surveilled. Therefore work overtime to create a culture of security & need to know. The stress throughout this piece is consciousness. Overstand your situation, believe that the enemy is always alert, act always as if your phone is tapped, your mail is being opened & that anyone can be turned. It's not about being paranoid - it's about being secure. But again, all this stems from being conscious, overstanding your politics, keeping them in command & maintaining a working-class stand. "Never say anything over the phone that you wouldn't say to a police officer." Why? Because the police are your class enemy - they represent the settler state as a first line of defense & offense.

We have to overstand, dialectically, that weaknesses of every kind begin within - as a qualitative degeneration. That the primary cause of change is within a thing - anything. And that the secondary, or quantitative development is what alters the time & the space of the thing. So We know that Our old Movement was destroyed by its primary weaknesses - by the internal, or qualitative, deficiencies - & only secondarily by the outer or quantitative make up of the contradiction.

The internal was Us, Our orgs & the class make up of them & how they in turn related to each other & the masses. With no clear class-based criterion for recruitment, Our qualitative center was weak, unsound & not ready for prime time with the imperialist state. The secondary make up of this contradiction was the imperialist state as represented by its various security agencies, foundations, social orgs & loyal citizens. We learned that the FBI, or Cointelpro didn't "destroy" Our Movement. Didn't scatter Our forces. On the contrary, Our Movement was weakened from within. We, as the rads say, "Fooled Ourselves". Like the New Afrikan in this piece who after discussing surveillance & knowing that others' cars had been tagged, still refused to "be an espionage agent" - to secure himself. It's almost as if We have grown biased against Our own safety & security. And this discussion, as pointed out by Comrad Yaki, took place at the so-called height of consciousness. And yet & still, stunning strikes were able to be made against Us by the oppressive forces.

We are not emphasizing security & safety in order to just be "safe & secure" - We are emphasizing security & safety in order to carry out Our activity of re-building. In order to raise up cadres who can relate to the masses in order to replenish ranks, in order to re-build Our Movement, in order to get free & build Socialism. If We are to do these necessary things We need to survive, to have a sense of safety & security. And of course, to make strikes. Can you see how things are building with this work? We are climbing up a ladder of consciousness, circling & spiraling towards a heightened state of revolutionary awareness. You see, the Comrad has both the practical & the theoretical experience that he brings to the table here & lays out. This work is important.

i remember what Comrad Yaki would do was type out position papers, policies & long theoretical tracts & send them out to Us wherever We happened to be. That way We'd all have the same things & then he'd expect Our comments, positions & feedback. So a lot of these Meditations on Wretched - especially Parts One, Two & Three - We (Comrads of the NAC) got in raw letter form. i can remember thinking as these papers arrived, how was he able to see things as he did - so vividly, so astoundingly clear? The answer, of course, is study & meditation. The Brotha was a "beast" - seriously. And trust me, We need beasts more than ever.

We come now upon the actual Meditations on Wretched of the Earth, the primary namesake of the work. If you've read my first book, Monster, you'll know then that on page 345, i wrote about my initial arrival at San Quentin SHU (the hole) & a fellow prisoner sending me Frantz Fanon's Wretched of the Earth. This was '85 or early '86. Admittedly the book was over my head - i couldn't overstand what Fanon was saying. i even admitted this in the book. i wanted to, tho, cause i'd heard that it was considered the "Panther Bible". Well, it now appears that not even they completely overstood Wretched of the Earth. A small consolation to what's left of my ego...

When We started receiving these Meditations i was so grateful that the Comrad had taken the time to break down Wretched from a New Afrikan Communist perspective. This work will last a hundred years because it is the truth. And it is rich with substance & dialectical-materialist reasoning. It’s solid & concrete. It is a true weapon for Our struggle & should be read, studied, discussed, meditated upon & practiced in order to realize a better world than that in which We now live. This work will take its place next to Settlers: Mythology of the White Proletariat, by J. Sakai; Night-Vision: Illuminating War & Class on the Neo-Colonial Terrain, by Butch Lee & Red Rover; False Nationalism False Internationalism: Class Contradictions in the Armed Struggle; Coming of Black Genocide, by Bottomfish Blues. i won't go into the Wretched Meditations, by now you should be ready to go forth. Trust me, this is ideo-theoretical gold! Lets get free!

Sanyika Shakur
New Afrikan Communist

You can write to Sanyika at:

s/n Kody Scott D#07829
Pelican Bay State Prison
PO Box 7500
Crescent City, CA

Sunday, August 01, 2010

Reflections on the RCP's "Legitimate Revolt Is Not a 'Conspiracy'"

Just finished translating this text by the Revolutionary Communist Party - the Quebec-based Maoist organization, not the american avakian outfit - examining post-G20 fallout on the left:

Legitimate Revolt Is Not a “Conspiracy” provides a pro-militancy critique of the "Trotskyist and revisionist" left and their shameful rush to spit on the Black Block and present themselves as "good protesters". It is a welcome voice of solidarity, and as such the RCP stands out from the morass of shameless sycophants on the left, who just couldn't wait to reassure the state that they were "good protesters".

What the RCP has to say is correct, and refreshing. And even amongst those of us who favor militant action, some of their observations bear repeating. For instance:
The protesters’ stated goal was to attack the fence. This action was about attacking a symbol of power, oppression and exploitation. If the police stopped them, then there were other targets – perhaps less significant, but still symbolic – and a segment of the protesters took them by force. The heavy deterrent force employed by the police was not enough to prevent this legitimate expression of those protesters who attacked other targets – mainly police vehicles, media vans, and big chain stores. Small businesses were not attacked, citizens were not hurt, there was no looting. In point of fact, there has been more carnage at certain Stanley Cup riots in Montreal. In 2008, when the Canadiens beat the Boston Bruins, there were 11 police cars that went up in flames.

It is easy to claim that an attack against the fence would have been more meaningful and would have enjoyed greater public support. The political meaning would have appeared more direct and obvious to the masses. We can’t know for sure. What we do know for sure is that the police and the public authorities understood these to be attacks against their power. They understood that this was a political action. No Stanley Cup riot was ever followed by 1,100 arrests!
 Or better yet:
Accusing the revolutionary masses of being agent provocateurs is a dishonest ploy to cover up one’s own refusal to play a vanguard role. It amounts to situating oneself as an elite that hopes to replace the current elite. One denies the role of the masses, their political positions. One denies their capacity to transform society. One denies the possibility that they can make mistakes or score successes, just as one refuses to admit that the bourgeoisie and its authorities can also make mistakes. The elite is supposedly all-knowing and all-powerful; the only logical response is to hope to join it, as the masses are supposedly stupid and easily manipulated. This is what the Trotskyists and revisionists are: wannabe bourgeois full of contempt for the masses.

The RCP's contribution is not surprising - this organization has consistently supported militant action and resistance. Despite political differences on a number of points, these are indeed comrades. So far as the anti-G20 events go, they're on the same page as we are.

That said, the RCP's document is thought-provoking for other reasons, too. Despite - or in fact, because - we are on the same page for the main story, it brings out other areas where we may disagree. Worth examining, perhaps, in the spirit of solidarity and respectful exchange.

As already noted, the RCP is almost the only organization from the "party-oriented" left to support militant resistance. This "party-oriented" tradition - which is entirely of Marxist descent, and which has organizational genealogies going back decades and in some cases much further than that - stands in contradistinction to what i call the movement-oriented left, which is of mixed descent, with Marxist influences for sure, but less consciously so. The movement-oriented left often seems to "have no past" organizational history beyond a few years, and of course is much more likely to want to wave the black flag of anarchism. (It of course suffers from some serious weaknesses too, but we can leave those til another day.)

The RCP text itself does not touch upon this distinction, and that gives it an odd feel. For instance, the torched cop cars and broken windows are not described as the work of political activists, but of "the radical wing of the protesters" or even simply "a section of the masses". To name the key political current behind this militancy would be to name anarchism, which the RCP's text does not do.

This leads to weaknesses.

First, this frames what happened in a much more "organic" light than warranted. It is true, of course, that political activists are not "outside of" society or various social classes, but it is equally true that their (or our) political attacks mean something different than spontaneous outbreaks of popular or working-class violence. As the comrades point out in their comparison with the Stanley Cup riots, in many ways politically premeditated activity is far more important and threatening - but by the same token, as a barometer of where things are at with the "Canadian population", our self-consciously organized activity has to be given less weight, not more.

The desire to blur premeditated political activity into "a revolt of a segment of the masses" leads to a distorted appraisal of capitalist hegemony, but just as importantly it makes one's texts and analyses seem disconnected from reality and propagandistic. With no disrespect intended to the comrades, who i know take seriously the injunction to tell no lies, when many people read this stuff with a dispassionate eye, they go away with the feeling that they have read something dishonest, or at least misleading.

While it is certainly true that many "regular people" joined in the fun on the 26th, it is just as true that some of the rank-and-file or "passive base" of the soc dem and socialist groups did, too. But to the degree that this was rebellion and rage - because for some, of course, it was curiosity and fun - the ideology that held hegemony, not only within the Black Block, but throughout the "radical wing of the protesters", was anarchism. i don't mean that most of the militants were anarchists, but that anarchism is the ideology that most informed the structure and strategy behind the BB in particular and militant anti-G20 resistance in general. To the degree that the 26th was a political defeat for the bourgeoisie, it is primarily anarchism which will take the credit and harvest (or fail to harvest) the bounty.

So what's behind this non-mention of anarchism?

i think it may say something about the division between the party-oriented (or vanguard-oriented) tradition, and the movement-oriented tradition. i say this because it does not seem to specific to the RCP - for instance, this desire to blur anarchist-dominated political activity into "a revolt of a segment of the masses" reminds me of the Sparts and other Trots who, when they want to be sympathetic about anarchist militancy, tend to describe it in terms of "angry" or "frustrated" "youth" or "young workers". (i recall the milquetoast american SWP went through a phase of referring patronisingly to "fighting youth".) Within the "party-oriented" left, there is a tendency to see everything outside of the "party-oriented" tradition in passive sociological terms, maybe more than a "class in itself" but somewhat less than a "class for itself", or at least without conscious political plans or strategies. Extra ecclesiam nulla salus.

This coyness does have consequences not entirely separate from those mentioned above. For instance, when the RCP states that "The proletariat is not really interested in debates on the evils of Stalin, or the quarrels between different Trotskyist sects," they are certainly correct. But if they are thinking specifically of "proletarians interested in revolution", then i think many of these people are in fact interested in what they've heard about Stalin. Not only is the Stalinist legacy one part - not the main part, but a factor - in why since the 1980s in Canada Trotskyism has enjoyed greater success that Maoism within the shrinking milieu of the party-oriented left, it is also a large factor in why anarchism and other non-Marxist ideas hold sway in the much larger and more dynamic movement-oriented left. (Plus, let's face it: that majority of "the proletariat" that does not care about debates between Trot sects, rarely cares about the GPCR or the Makhnovists either.)

Certainly, given the importance of anarchism within the "revolutionary segment of the masses" who were active on the 26th, i think for communists to dismiss the question of Stalin - by which people often really mean, "what went wrong with communism in the 20th century?" - is an error.

Which brings me to the final point - look at how the RCP ends its text:
To convince the masses in English Canada that communism and revolution go together will require a broad campaign of ideological decontamination to wipe out Trotskyist and revisionist ideology. Maoists in English Canada should take on this operation. While it is certainly true that the surrounding ideological scene is infectious, in deepening the ideological struggle it will be possible to free it from its opportunist tendencies.

Calling for "ideological decontamination" and "wiping out" ideologies is partly a matter of writing style, and i certainly know that anarchists and everyone else can be sectarian too. But this kind of metaphor - incorrect ideas being "contaminants" that must be "wiped out" - can lead to a qualitatively different political stance. One should deal with incorrect ideas differently than one deals with infection. The medical model is not conducive to democratic process. For those of us who cannot dismiss debates of the "evils of Stalin" as irrelevant, this kind of metaphor is not very appealing.

In all, though, i gotta repeat, the RCP's statement on the anti-G20 events is a welcome voice of solidarity. My criticisms are not criticisms of the document - which is overwhelmingly good - so much as questions and observations regarding the relationship between different traditions of struggle.

Saturday, July 31, 2010

The Sculpture of Exception: The Black Bloc's Interactive Art at the Toronto G20

The Sculpture of Exception: The Black Bloc's Interactive Art at the Toronto G20 from brandon jourdan on Vimeo.

Beka Economopoulos, a member of the Brooklyn-based group Not An Alternative, interprets a moving sculpture by artists at the Toronto G20 using the “Black Bloc” method of sculpting. The piece entitled “The Sculpture of Exception,” ironically turns political theorist Carl Schmitt’s “state of exception” on its head. The state of exception, according to Schmitt, frees the executive from any legal restraints to its power that would normally apply in a given crisis situation or any situation where power needs self-legitimization.

“The Sculpture of Exception” illustrates that collective bodies can also operate outside legal restraints when governments perpetuate crisis through capital consolidation and austerity. The piece draws attention to the possibilities for refusal and non-compliance in the face of such given force and shows a dialectic that forms within this context.

Thursday, July 29, 2010

G20 Activists warned that speaking to media could lead to jail

Activists warned that speaking to media could lead to jail

OPP seeks to silence alleged G20 protest ringleaders
Activists warned that speaking to media could lead to jail

July 29, Toronto – The OPP have warned two alleged G20 protest ringleaders that their recent media interviews are a violation of bail conditions not to organize, participate or advise protests. On the morning of July 28, OPP officers called their sureties and threatened to re-jail them if they persist in speaking to the media. Leah Henderson and Alex Hundert were released on bail on Monday July 19, three weeks after they were arrested at gunpoint in a pre-emptive nighttime raid on their Toronto home.

“There could hardly be a clearer indication that the police are trying to silence the voices of these organizers at all costs. Alex and Leah refuse to be intimidated from speaking out about their experiences and the daily injustices perpetrated against our society’s most marginalized communities,” says Faraz Shahidi, their supporter and member of the Ontario Public Interest Research Group (OPIRG – Toronto).

Leah and Alex recently appeared on CBC radio, Toronto Sun, Vancouver Media Co-op, and Rabble decrying the politically-motivated nature of the charges against them and calling on all people to support Indigenous communities, poor people, precarious migrants, and communities under occupation in the face of attacks by the leaders and policies of the G20 on their lands, livelihood, and health.

“Freely expressing opinions is not illegal. These violations of the right to free speech and the freedom of the press to speak to G20 defendants have a grave impact on all of us,” said Ryan White, a lawyer with the Movement Defense Committee.

According to well-known constitutional lawyer Clayton Ruby, “The targeting of activists should be of concern to all of us. The erosion of Charter rights, the trampling of civil liberties, and the criminalization of dissent is an attempt to destroy the foundation of our society. Everyone has an equal stake in this.”

Leah Henderson and Alex Hundert will appear in court again on Friday to defend against a Crown appeal of their bail. Dave Vasey, an anti-G20 environmental justice organizer who was arrested for breaking the illusory 5-metre rule under the Public Works Act on June 24, 2010, appeared in court on Wednesday only to find that his charges had mysteriously disappeared from all court and police records, circumstances the presiding justice of the peace called “highly unusual.”

“The mass arrests and targeting of activists raises serious issues about the criminalization of dissent as we confront deepening austerity on a global basis. These instances make visible the power of the police and governments to continue acting with impunity,” says Cynthia Wright, a York University professor.

“Our movements will not be silenced. We dare to dream of a world with freedom, justice, and equality; without tanks and prisons and borders and other oppressive institutions that steal sustenance from the world's majority,” says Rachel Avery, member of AW@L and a music student at Wilfrid Laurier University in Waterloo. “We will continue to organize against the G8 and G20 leaders and their corporate villains that pillage the earth with industrial projects and profit from war.”

- 30 -

Marika Heinrich 416.301.3583 ;
Rachel Avery 519 616 5549 ;
Ryan White 416.605.3409 ;
Faraz Azad 905.484.0570 .
To arrange further media interviews email or

From the G8/G20 Toronto Community Mobilization.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Black Bloc Action in Guelph

Guelph comrades stand in solidarity with the Black Block...

Personally, i feel kind of unconditionally that the Black Block's activities in Toronto recently were legitimate, regardless of follow up. But in terms of political efficacy, in terms of being "successful" or not, all our activities are vindicated (or not) based on what we and others do next. How we exploit the opening for discussions, conversations, arguments. Burning cop cars are good in and of themselves, but they are truly great when they're a part of a long-term dynamic that entices people to break with the system.

As part of that process, these comrades have made a nice contribution:

(from Toronto Media Co-op)

Militant Black Bloc Action in Guelph.

by Sense of Security

Thursday July 22, 2010
Guelph, Ontario


Despite the current climate of fear tactics, arrests and police intimidation, a group of people in support of those arrested for Black Bloc related charges engaged in direct action which demonstrated the radical spirit of the Black Bloc: handing out sandwiches.

Two people with bandannas covering their faces and clothed in black held a black banner with colorful letters reading “Solidarity Means a Snack” while a number of others, similarly dressed, gave out free food to local downtown residents and bystanders, many of whom stopped to talk and discuss the issues raised by the G20 protests and subsequent crackdowns on activists.

Members of Guelph’s Sense of Security (SOS), a grassroots community organization that provides food, shelter and advocacy for people in need chose to stand in support of the G20 political prisoners in spite of the ongoing repression. “This is a militant Black Bloc action, and we are here in support of people arrested for Black Bloc related charges during the G20. We’re doing this today to show that people who confronted capitalism in the streets are doing it day in and day out in their local communities: serving food, doing needle exchanges, doing harm reduction programs, outreach, advocating, providing food and shelter.”

Far from being a public relations stunt or an attempt to polish their image, they were happy to explain the political reasons behind their actions: “We’re not here saying ‘this is what the Black Bloc should be doing. The point is that this is what the Black Bloc does. The idea that what happened on the 26th was random or non-political is inaccurate bullshit. The word ‘radical’ comes from the Latin ‘radix’, which means ‘root’, and the heart of the Black Bloc is going to the root of what causes poverty: colonialism and capitalism. What people saw during the G20 happens every day on our streets to poor people, people of color, indigenous people, any marginalized community: the reality is that the intent of the so-called ‘justice system’ has nothing to do with justice, that the police don’t serve the people, they brutalize, violate and terrorize with impunity. So, really, who are the real ‘criminal extremists’ here?”

Talking with community members, the SOS and allies found that the majority of people who came up to chat with them were not intimidated by their anonymity. Several related stories of experiences in their home countries and expressed their lost faith in having immigrated to a “free” country, only to find the same old repressive state violence in action. Meanwhile, a heavy police presence was maintained and all downtown public transit was re-routed outside of the streets where the action was taking place, despite the fact that the Guelph SOS serves food on a regular basis in the square, and that no confrontations took place.
In the words of one woman, her face hidden by a pink and black bandanna: “Police violence, criminalizing political and social movements, these aren’t novelties that just magically appeared on June 24th-27th and then disappeared. This is street level reality and it happens every day. And every day, people who believe another world is possible are working, organizing, dreaming and fighting in a diversity of ways to cultivate those movements.”

Their faces may be hidden, but the message is clear: if the billions of dollars wasted during the G20 were intended to scapegoat us into fearful silence, then every cent was a drop in a sea of total failure.

Sandwiches, anyone?

Roger Clement's Bail Hearing Postponed

This just in from Ottawa Movement Defence:

Roger was denied bail previously, and has been preparing for a bail review hearing scheduled for Friday, July 30th. Unfortunately, we were informed today by the Court Reporters office that the transcripts of Roger's original bail hearing will not be ready for July 30th. As this transcript is an essential part of the bail review hearing, his court appearance has been postponed, with a date yet to be determined. Roger and his lawyers are working to secure the early possible date for this hearing, and we will let you know as soon as we can.

To read their entire update/synopsis of the situation of the Ottawa comrades who are facing charges in relation to the April bombing of an RBC branch in that city:


Ottawa Movement Defense
Tuesday, July 27th, 2010


1. Statement to Supporters from Matt and Roger
2. Legal Update
3. Court Support Days
4. Sending Letters of Support to the J18 Defendants
5. No Public/Media Statements
6. Donate to the Legal Fund
7. Hold a Fundraiser
8. Stay Up-To-Date


We would like to thank everyone for their support. It's much appreciated, much needed, and makes in being in prison more bearable. Although adjusting to life in prison is not easy, everything is more or less alright for now.

Of course, we are both hoping to get out on bail. Getting bail is currently what we are focused on, and this should be the priority for folks supporting us on the outside.

Please remember that right now we don't want supporters talking to the media or making public comments about us or our case.

If you'd like to know details on how to best support us at this time, contact Ottawa Movement Defense

In solidarity,
Matt Morgan-Brown, Roger Clement
July 15, 2010


Earlier this month, Claude was released on bail with very restrictive conditions, including a curfew, and a requirement that he reside at a relative's home.

Roger was denied bail previously, and has been preparing for a bail review hearing scheduled for Friday, July 30th. Unfortunately, we were informed today by the Court Reporters office that the transcripts of Roger's original bail hearing will not be ready for July 30th. As this transcript is an essential part of the bail review hearing, his court appearance has been postponed, with a date yet to be determined. Roger and his lawyers are working to secure the early possible date for this hearing, and we will let you know as soon as we can.

Matt Morgan-Brown remains in detention, as well, with his bail hearing set to occur in early August, though no specific date is yet confirmed. While this is a lengthy period of time to wait for a bail hearing, this was a strategic decision by Matt and his lawyer based on other criteria not directly related to this case. We will notify everyone as soon as Matt's bail hearing date is known for certain.


On each of the following days OMD is calling for courtroom support for the J18 defendants. Court support is vital in that it helps ensures the Crown and legal system treat our friends fairly and with due process. It also sends a clear message to the defendants that their friends, family, and co-workers care, miss them, are concerned for their welfare, and want them liberated immediately.

a) Roger Clement Bail Review Hearing: Location/Date TBA
b) Matt Morgan-Brown Bail Hearing: Early August, all day, Courtroom TBA


Matt and Roger are still being detained at Ottawa-Carleton Detention Centre, where they are only allowed two short visits per week. This cuts them off from their wide support networks during this difficult time as they are facing serious charges.

We encourage you to write letters of support to them. Please tell them that you are with them and support their immediate release.

Their mailing addresses are:

Joseph Roger Clement
Ottawa Carleton Detention Centre
2244 Innes Road
Gloucester, ON
K1B 4C4

Matthew Morgan-Brown
Ottawa Carleton Detention Centre
2244 Innes Road
Gloucester, ON
K1B 4C4

Your letters of support will be very much appreciated.


PLEASE NOTE: The June 18th Defendants have asked supporters NOT to make public or media statements at this time.

Please be careful when discussing this situation publicly, including online and to the media, as incautious statements may compromise the ability of the accused to defend themselves in court.

Now that this matter is before the courts, we need to ensure the Crown is able to base its case only on substantive evidence, rather than relying on sensational or incautious public comments.



No matter how friendly or intimidating police may appear, or how clever you think you might be in getting information out of them, nothing good can come of voluntarily talking to the police.

If police contact you, please let us know as soon as possible at


Financial support is crucial right now. We must begin fundraising ongoing legal and support costs, which are already quite significant. In addition to legal fees, there are related support costs accrued by Ottawa Movement Defense. These include such things as collect calls from prison, jail canteen, etc.

To donate to the legal defense fund via PayPal, please follow the below instructions:

1.Go to

2. Type in in the "To" box.

3. Type in your email address in the "From" box

4. Type in Amount and find CAD (Can Dollars) in the menu to the right.

5. Click on the "Personal" Tab and check the button "Gift".

6. Click "Continue".

7. The next page will ask you to either Log In to your paypal account
or sign up for an account. If you sign up for an account, you can link
up your account to your credit card or bank account.

8. For all transactions, there is a charge of 2.2% of the amount +
$0.30. You can decide whether you will pay this amount or the Ottawa
Movement Defense (in which case this amount is deducted from the
amount you are giving).
For other methods, please contact us at


Please consider organising a fundraiser in your city or within your social networks. We really appreciate the fundraisers people have already organised. There are currently more underway!

If you would like to volunteer and help organise with the fundraising subcommittee, please email us

Please let us know if you are organising a fundraiser so we can help get the word out.


If you would like to be added (or removed) from the Ottawa Movement Defense announcements list, please write to us:

The purpose of the announcements list to provide information to the friends and supporters of the June 18th Defendants.


Ottawa Movement Defense is a legal and political support committee for the June 18th Defendants. We take direction from the June 18th defendants. Our support activities include: coordinating visits, fundraising towards legal and support costs, informing friends and supporters of the court proceedings, etc. We do not provide legal advice to the defendants. Currently, we are not making any statements to the media.


Phone: 613 304 8770

Mailing Address:
Ottawa Movement Defense
207 Bank Street
Suite 453
Ottawa, ON
K2P 2N2


Tuesday, July 27, 2010

G20 Activists Still Behind Bars

It may come as a surprise to some, but activist organizers who were arrested during the G20 Summit demonstrations in Toronto are still being held in custody -- for over a month -- while others are finally starting to trickle out of jail.

G20 community organizers Leah Henderson and Alex Hundert were released on bail on July 19, 2010. They learned yesterday that the Crown is appealing their release.

"The appeal of our bail release, like the pre-emptive arrest, is a strong indication of the state's intent to criminalize ideas, dissent, and effective community organizing," says Alex Hundert.

Amanda (Mandy) Hiscocks' bail hearing started on July 26, 2010, and the outcome should come either today or tomorrow. Hiscocks has been held in custody for a month.

Hiscocks, Hundert and Henderson were all arrested for their alleged role as "ringleaders" in regards to their community organizing around the Toronto G20 Summit protests in late June 2010. The three were pre-emptively arrested at gun-point in a house raid on the morning of Saturday June 26, 2010, before the day's protests began.

"The arrest at gunpoint of these three and the delay before bail hearings amounts to the criminalization of dissent. It is not the first time perceived leaders of an action have been jailed for what they were alleged to have said in meetings or demonstrations. I have worked with Leah Henderson, she deserves an award not vilification and arrest," said veteran activist Judy Rebick.

In another example, community organizer SK Hussan was arrested while making his way to the Saturday Labour/NGO/Peace march at Queen's Park where he describes his arrest as being tackled by plain-clothes police officers, thrown into an unmarked police van and essentially disappeared.

They are among 17 accused of various offences; some but not all of whom are also being accused by the Crown of allegedly being on the executive of or associates of the Southern Ontario Anarchist Resistance (SOAR). The one thing that the defendants have in common is the often amorphous conspiracy charge.

In statement from SOAR in defence of their comrades:

"Our comrades have been targeted for obvious political reasons and are being held on bullshit charges. The "justice" system integral to state power is fundamentally illegitimate and we will not leave our brothers and sisters to fight it alone. And so we will struggle and organize until they are free. We are calling on anarchists and anti-authoritarians everywhere to support us.

"We will support our friends and comrades to our last breath, and show the world that our solidarity is stronger than their terror."

The defendants themselves -- and the community that supports them -- have not wavered in their resolve to fight these chargers, and it sparks in my mind a certain type of anger: how can Canada claim it is a democratic nation when citizens are punished harshly when they exercise their democratic rights? It is that heavy feeling that pushes on the shoulders and tightens the chest when you are made to feel wrong for doing something right.

"It is important for people to continue to raise their voices, and for communities to refuse to let this attempt at silencing be anything more than further inspiration to build the world we believe to be possible -- a world where land and people are valued over profit and power," said Leah Henderson.

From krystalline kraus's blog on

Monday, July 26, 2010

Lone Star Transphobia and Cruelty

Nikki Araguz, transgender wife of a firefighter killed in the line of duty July 4, 2010, gets emotional during a press conference at her attorneys' office Thursday, July 22, 2010 in Houston. Relatives of Thomas Araguz are suing to keep her from getting benefits as Texas does not recognize same-sex weddings. (AP Photo/Pat Sullivan)

Excuse me while i vomit... this woman's husband died and her inlaws are working to have her marriage voided (and thus deprive her of insurance payments) because she had been "born a man", and it seems in Texas the law thinks this means you're always gonna be one, and in TX men can't marry men...

From AP:

Texas mom challenges transgender widow's marriage


HOUSTON — The family of a southeast Texas firefighter killed in a July 4 blaze has sued to void his marriage to his transgender widow and prevent her from getting his death benefits because she was born a man and Texas doesn't recognize same-sex marriages.

The attorney for the mother of Thomas Araguz III said Thursday that the firefighter only learned of his wife's gender history and after he found out, he moved out of their home and planned to end the marriage.

But a tearful Nikki Araguz said her marriage was not a fraud.

"I'm absolutely devastated about the loss of my husband. I'm horrified at the horrendous allegations accusing me of fraud. They are absolutely not true," Araguz, 35, told reporters during a brief statement at a news conference.

Thomas Araguz died while battling a blaze at an egg farm in Boling, about 55 miles southwest of Houston. The 11-year veteran of the Wharton Volunteer Fire Department was trapped by falling debris in a burning production building.

In a lawsuit filed July 12 in Wharton County, his mother, Simona Longoria, asked to be appointed administrator of her son's estate and that her son's marriage to Nikki Araguz be voided because the couple were members of the same sex.

According to court documents included as part of the lawsuit, Nikki Araguz was born Justin Graham Purdue and changed her name to Nikki Paige Purdue in February 1996.

Voiding the marriage would prevent Araguz from receiving any insurance or death benefits or property the couple had, with these things only going to her husband's heirs, said Chad Ellis, Longoria's attorney.

A Friday court hearing is planned to determine whether to extend a temporary restraining order granted Longoria that prevents Araguz from receiving insurance or death benefits or having access to bank accounts or property the couple had.

"Nikki is attempting to make a huge money grab," Ellis said.

But Darrell Steidley, one of Araguz's attorneys, said Thomas Araguz was aware his wife had been born a man and that the couple still was living together at the time of his death. The couple had been married for nearly two years.

"We're going to assert her rights as a spouse of a fallen firefighter," Steidley said.

Ellis said his client's efforts to void the marriage are supported by Texas law, specifically a 1999 appeals court ruling that stated chromosomes, not genitals, determine gender.

The ruling upheld a lower court's decision that threw out a wrongful death lawsuit filed by a San Antonio woman, Christie Lee Cavazos Littleton, after her husband's death. The court said that although Littleton had undergone a sex-change operation, she was actually a man, based on her original birth certificate, and therefore her marriage, as well as her wrongful death claim, was invalid.

"The law is clear, you are what you are born as," Ellis said.

While Phyllis Frye, one of Nikki Araguz's attorneys, declined to comment on what role the 1999 appellate ruling will play in her client's case, she said the decision "wrecked a lot of lives."

In April, Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott's office was asked to give a legal opinion in a separate case on an issue connected to the 1999 ruling.

El Paso County Attorney Jo Anne Bernal asked for an opinion on whether the county clerk's office could issue a marriage license to two West Texas women if one of the women, who had previously undergone a sex change, presented a birth certificate that identified her as being born a man.

The West Texas couple didn't wait and went to San Antonio, where Bexar County officials granted them a marriage license, saying they relied on the 1999 ruling. Bexar County has previously issued marriage licenses in similar situations.

Abbott's office has yet to issue an opinion.