Decolonewz, the newspaper of Decolonize Academy
Voces de inmigrantes en resistencia
KRip Hop

POOR's Mission

POOR Magazine is a poor people led/indigenous people led, grassroots non-profit,arts organization dedicated to providing revolutionary media access, art, education and advocacy to silenced youth, adults and elders in poverty across the globe.

All of POOR's programs are focused on providing non-colonizing, community-based and community-led media, art and education with the goals of creating access for silenced voices, preserving and degentrifying rooted communities of color and re-framing the debate on poverty, landlessness, indigenous resistance, disability and race locally and globally.

POOR Magazine

POOR Magazine Revolutionary Journalism, poetry, & prose on issues of poverty, racism, disability, in/migration, border fascism, incarceration, welfare (de)form, profiling, indigenous resistance, art, media, and more by the folks who experience these struggles first-hand.

(POOR Magazine -The print edition- Is currently out of print due to lack of funding. Some copies of Volume #4: MOTHERS still available by mail order. Contact

Blogs and Journalizm by Poverty Skolaz locally and globally linked below:

"Sweeping" us like we were Trash in Hypocrisy City (Berkeley)

For the past few months, every other Thursday, CalTrans alongside the Berkeley Police Department and the California Highway Patrol have been pushing out houseless communities out of their encampment space from under the overpass at Gilman Street in Berkeley.  Most of these communities are the casualty of being pushed out of the Albany Bulb and having been forced out of Downtown Berkeley (Shattuck Avenue corridor) because of the newly adopted local city ordinances that discriminate and marginalize houseless and poor communities.

THC and the city

Sometime last year THC (Tenderloin Housing Clinic) started housing homeless people in privately owned hotels by subletting rooms in them through the navigation center.

Obviously most of these clients had some situation that landed on the street. Anything from lack of finances to mental illness and/or substance abuse.

Prince, Hollywood and the walk of fame

In April I came into a little money so I decided I would treat myself to a much needed vacation.

I booked a flight for the 19th to LA thinking I would try my hand at street performance and it just happened to be the day before the big marijuana celebration of 4/20.

Building Homefulness....

Like thousands of people, I have worked, cultivated and planted seeds, never to see or enjoy the fruits of our labor. We have made and cleaned the most beautiful gardens that I have seen in my life in the mountains of Berkeley for people with money. Earning $10 an hour, we have built and managed houses with immense beauty, only to never see them again.

Death of an Artist, Notes from the Inside

Today I got the news that yesterday the young Raza Artist, Antonio Ramos, was shot and killed in Oakland, Califas as he was paining a mural on the wall. It is horrible to hear of any young people being murdered, but to hear of an artist, a cultural worker being killed, is something worse.

A Wrongfully Convicted Man // Notes from the Inside

Peace and Balance:

In Full Resistance Behind Enemy Lines:


Death of a Journalist, Notes from the Inside

The recent death of the Mexicano Journalist Ruben Espinoza who was found dead in a Mexico City apartment along with four wimmin was a reminder of the many sacrifices that Journailist make. Delivering the truth is very threatening to those who oppress others. Apparently there is a lot of oppression in parts of Mexico at this time.

I used to sell CD’s on the street and I was never killed. This goes out to all my fellow light-skinned POC's and poor white people

“$5-10.00 per Disc- Hip Hop , Salsa, You name it, we got it,” At the corner of Vine and Melrose, Hollywood and Vine and Pico and Wilshire in LA, I would scream out my best CD deal of the day. I was 11 years old when i started selling CD’s. My best location was in front of the 7-11 downtown, until the poLice came and arrested me for soliciting without a license. For years me and my mama sold CD’s, art and all kinds of other things considered “illegal” on the street. We never had a permit or license to vend, sell or solicit.


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