Thought for the day 29 July 2016

Uranus turns retrograde today. It's time to address and correct mistakes, revisit situations that have seemed impossibly stuck, and do what's necessary to move forward - or at least sideways! All the 'personal' planets have been in fixed signs since the Sun moved to Leo last week, bringing a feeling of tension that needs relief. As Mars and Mercury form a square today, the time for action is now! And as the planets begin to move on this weekend, the tension begins to release.

We all need reassurance and we all need a bit of help sometimes to make sense of the world. Understanding yourself is a good place to start and nobody could match Jonathan for inspiring insights and astonishing predictions. A birth-chart based on your birth details and written by Jonathan will give you hope and the help you need to make your future a better future. And until July 31 there's a huge 25% discount on all charts. You can download your discounted chart here.


Jan 21 - Feb 19


Here we are, two thousand and sixteen years since the generally agreed year of the birth of Jesus. For Christian societies, that was the moment when everything changed, and that date delineates events as happening before or after it. Individually we may have experiences that are so powerful that we come to look differently at our lives 'pre' and 'post' these moments. Though it won't be quite as dramatic, you're about to feel a palpable shift in your circumstances. Seize upon it and you'll forever celebrate this event. Now, let me highly recommend a full birth-chart based on your birth details and written by Jonathan. It will give you hope and the help you need to make your future, a better future. And until July 31 there's a huge 25% discount on all charts. You can download your discounted chart here.


Feb 20 - Mar 20


Someone wise once said, 'If you can learn to truly enjoy your job, you need never do another day's work.' Whilst you cannot avoid onerous tasks, you can apply yourself to them with enthusiasm. Or you can create a distraction that will make the process more enjoyable. One way or another you have to help yourself become comfortable. Jonathan's words on how today's cosmic outlook encourages you to find the formula for doing this: 'Time will start flying by and a problematic scenario will begin to look welcoming.' Now, let me highly recommend a full birth-chart based on your birth details and written by Jonathan. It will give you hope and the help you need to make your future, a better future. And until July 31 there's a huge 25% discount on all charts. You can download your discounted chart here.


Mar 21 - Apr 20


Sometimes our lives take on that feeling that comes in a hot summer... when the air is thick with moisture, the temperature high and cloying and the sky is waiting impatiently for a thunderstorm. It's during these moments that we long for a change in the weather, no matter what form it may take, be it a tumultuous wind or just a cool breeze. There's a high chance of a break in your weather today. And the possibility that, even if you can't control which way the wind blows, you can use it to fill your sails. Now, let me highly recommend a full birth-chart based on your birth details and written by Jonathan. It will give you hope and the help you need to make your future, a better future. And until July 31 there's a huge 25% discount on all charts. You can download your discounted chart here.


Apr 21 - May 21


Imagine a judge having a nightmare. She dreams of being on trial and awakes just before a severe sentence is passed upon her. How scary - and how silly. This is the person who has all the power, not the one who must await their fate. Yet often, we underestimate ourselves and fail to acknowledge the extent of our own potential power. Venus's relationship with Jupiter today may be causing you to worry about a matter that ought not to trouble you. Have you forgotten the full extent of your own resourcefulness? Now, let me highly recommend a full birth-chart based on your birth details and written by Jonathan. It will give you hope and the help you need to make your future, a better future. And until July 31 there's a huge 25% discount on all charts. You can download your discounted chart here.


May 22 - June 22


Middle management is full of phraseology that asks us to try new approaches. 'Think outside the box' we're told. 'Blue-sky the idea' we're confusingly encouraged. Er, exactly how are we supposed to brain 'storm' in a blue sky without any clouds in it? There's a problem in your life that calls for a creative solution, though it must also have a practical, flexible application. A strong will, and a genuine commitment to get to the heart of matters are all the tools you need to tackle any obstacle today. Now, let me highly recommend a full birth-chart based on your birth details and written by Jonathan. It will give you hope and the help you need to make your future, a better future. And until July 31 there's a huge 25% discount on all charts. You can download your discounted chart here.


Jun 23 - Jul 23


Some people make much ado about nothing. They love to stand on a soapbox and explain their methods of success. Subtlety is anathema to them. You, though, are much more likely to keep your accomplishments close to your heart. Just remember that an achievement can be used as a springboard for your next endeavour. The energy you save by not talking about your ideas and plans will carry you further than you think possible. You can confound expectations and achieve more than you think this weekend. Now, let me highly recommend a full birth-chart based on your birth details and written by Jonathan. It will give you hope and the help you need to make your future, a better future. And until July 31 there's a huge 25% discount on all charts. You can download your discounted chart here.


Jul 24 - Aug 23


What's stopping you from getting what you want? Has someone taken umbrage with you and is cutting off a supply to a vital resource? Are you riding a race in which, though you can see the finish line, your steed prefers the look of the succulent grass in the neighbouring meadow? We may be tempted to reach for the whip when we find ourselves in this kind of situation, but it will do more harm than good. You have a strong sense of where you'd like to go right now. Avoid sticks and follow carrots this weekend. Now, let me highly recommend a full birth-chart based on your birth details and written by Jonathan. It will give you hope and the help you need to make your future, a better future. And until July 31 there's a huge 25% discount on all charts. You can download your discounted chart here.


Aug 24 - Sep 23


'I can see clearly now the rain is gone,' sang Johnny Nash, 'I can see all obstacles in my way'. It's an apt song for this promising weekend. Of course, seeing obstacles is not the same thing as overcoming them. But having a clear view of what's been holding you back is quite a different proposition to stumbling in the dark, unable to see walls that bump, or steps that trip. You can finally start to form a plan and create a road map to progress. As Mr. Nash asserts: 'It's going to be a bright, sun-shiny day'. Now, let me highly recommend a full birth-chart based on your birth details and written by Jonathan. It will give you hope and the help you need to make your future, a better future. And until July 31 there's a huge 25% discount on all charts. You can download your discounted chart here.


Sep 24 - Oct 23


How long has it been since you last breathed out? How long have you been hanging on by your fingernails, holding on to your last reserves of strength? Here comes some much-needed relief. Here comes a break from strain. Don't you deserve it? Then don't worry about whether it is temporary or permanent. It will last as long as you need it to, as long as you allow your sense of hope to outweigh your sense of fear. As Uranus turns retrograde in your opposite sign, breathe out and let go of all that's been bothering you. Now, let me highly recommend a full birth-chart based on your birth details and written by Jonathan. It will give you hope and the help you need to make your future, a better future. And until July 31 there's a huge 25% discount on all charts. You can download your discounted chart here.


Oct 24 - Nov 22


It's time to come out of your shell... you have more to offer. This should come as no real surprise. It's not a bad idea to keep something in reserve. But when you're in a situation where you can make a real difference, how would you feel if you come away with less than you desire, knowing there was more you could have done? Sometimes it's best to quit whilst you're ahead. And there's no point throwing 'good money after bad'. But don't hold back if you can genuinely see a way forward this weekend. Now, let me highly recommend a full birth-chart based on your birth details and written by Jonathan. It will give you hope and the help you need to make your future, a better future. And until July 31 there's a huge 25% discount on all charts. You can download your discounted chart here.


Nov 23 - Dec 21


Intuition is not always logical. If it were, we wouldn't need it. We would just use intellect instead. Intellect thinks, it analyses, it acquires information and subjects it to scrutiny. Some say intellect is a talent. Others say that it's more like a pencil - it can be sharpened. But intuition is definitely more like a pencil which, when we are born, is equally sharp for each of us. As your ruler makes tense alignments with the Sun today, you must be sure it's not blunt. You'll need it to make a very clear impression. Now, let me highly recommend a full birth-chart based on your birth details and written by Jonathan. It will give you hope and the help you need to make your future, a better future. And until July 31 there's a huge 25% discount on all charts. You can download your discounted chart here.


Dec 22 - Jan 20


No-one likes walking on eggshells. Except, perhaps a new-born chick. For the baby bird a broken eggshell marks their first achievement... the barrier between themselves and a world of possibilities has been broken apart. Of course, inside the egg the chick was cosy, warm and well nourished. But it was also trapped. And when we're trapped we're also vulnerable. The coming days may bring a change that could feel alarming. Don't fear a mis-step. Remember instead how great an opportunity this is to move onwards. Now, let me highly recommend a full birth-chart based on your birth details and written by Jonathan. It will give you hope and the help you need to make your future, a better future. And until July 31 there's a huge 25% discount on all charts. You can download your discounted chart here.