Medicare funding blow Back blood tests that can save babies

Back blood tests that can save babies

TRAGIC deaths of healthy unborn babies could be avoided if Medicare funded a blood test for Down syndrome, health experts say.

Hallucinogenic What it’s like to hallucinate on DMT

What it’s like to hallucinate on DMT

YOUR mind twists and loses all sense of reality. Earth is amiss and you’re travelling to a new dimension. This is what it’s like hallucinating on DMT.

Stress The strange statistic about stress

The strange statistic about stress

THERE’S a funny thing about stress. We’re all taught that it’s bad for us, but studies show it’s the opposite if we use it to our advantage.

Health plan ‘Unravel the freeze’: AMA boss

‘Unravel the freeze’: AMA boss

THE head of the nation’s top doctors’ group has called on the Turnbull Government to commit to a timeline to “unravel” the Medicare rebate freeze

Ethical dilemma This woman is taking on her doctors

This woman is taking on her doctors

WHAT happens when a patient wants a procedure performed, but their doctor is against it? Whose opinion matters more?

Rebate freeze ‘This policy hurt them the most’

‘This policy hurt them the most’

IT IS the issue that gave the Coalition the “scare of their lives” in the narrow federal election. But will Malcolm Turnbull push ahead with it?

Social media One sign you’re a big narcissist

One sign you’re a big narcissist

WE LOVE to hate on Kim K, but you may be more like her than you think. A new study says there are two types of narcissists, and the indicator comes down to one little habit.

Melanoma trials Home-grown breakthrough with cancer drug

Home-grown breakthrough with cancer drug

CANCER trials at a Brisbane hospital have delivered new hope to patients with deadly melanoma.

Healthy eating Six foods you should eat more often

Six foods you should eat more often

IF YOU want to give your diet a bit of an overhaul, these are the six foods our resident nutrition expert recommends.

Body + Soul

Young girl eating chocolate bar

6 ‘naughty’ foods that are healthier than you think

Nutritionist Louise Cavanough shares surprising foods that you can actually wipe OFF the naughty list.

Jamie Oliver, South Morning China Post, July 31, 2014

Health crisis Jamie’s campaign to reduce obesity in kids

JAMIE Oliver is determined to combat the obesity crisis faced by Aussie kids, saying: “Empower your kids. Teach them to avoid sh*t, processed food.”

Body and Soul - DOBBO MUST DO

Success How Sarah made ‘old chic’ sexy

IN AN age obsessed with youth, Sarah Jane Adams, 61, reveals how she’s managed to become a style icon to thousands.

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