Australia’s top-paying industries

Australia’s top-paying industries
ONLY five industries have average fulltime salaries of over $100,000, with one dominating the $150,000 plus bracket. In the right career?

Six reasons Trump won’t win

Six reasons Trump won’t win
OPINION: Donald Trump is the Y2K Bug of 2016. He’ll never sit in the oval office. Here are six fears and why they won’t come true.

Man elected with just 77 votes

Man elected with just 77 votes
HE THINKS climate change is rubbish and Australia needs greater freedom of speech - Meet One Nation’s newest senator.

You can cash out annual leave

You can cash out annual leave
WORKAHOLICS rejoice. Rather than taking that excess annual leave, you can now ask your employer for the cash instead.

Donald Trump’s week from hell

Donald Trump’s week from hell
AFTER a series of blunders, Donald Trump’s campaign has hit rock bottom. Now, Republican leaders are fighting back.

‘No more brown people’: Exec

‘No more brown people’: Exec
A SYDNEY ad agency is in hot water after telling a job hunter she was not suitable for the role because of her skin colour.

This is why you’re zoning out right now

This is why you’re zoning out right now
DO YOU find yourself dozing at your desk by midafternoon? There’s a scientific reason why, but it can be reversed with a few tricks.

Turnbull on Rudd: ‘I was very frank’

Turnbull on Rudd: ‘I was very frank’
MALCOLM Turnbull told 3AW why he vetoed Kevin Rudd’s for the top UN job, after Mr Rudd said the PM’s call will damage his international standing.

Trump says the election is rigged

Trump says the election is rigged
BEFORE a vote has even been cast, Donald Trump is claiming the presidential election could be ‘rigged’ so Hillary Clinton wins.

Wrath of Kevin Rudd can’t be silenced

Wrath of Kevin Rudd can’t be silenced
THE considerable energy and intellect Kevin Rudd put into his drive to lead the UN is now being channelled into revenge.

The growing presence at work

The growing presence at work
THE workplace is continually evolving and women, of all ages, are now entering and returning to the workforce in record numbers.

Two simple ways to improve your life

Two simple ways to improve your life
IF YOU answer emails after work hours and eat lunch at your desk, you’ve got a problem, according to some new studies.

Workforce is the most skilled ever

Workforce is the most skilled ever
ALMOST two-thirds of Australians now have gone on to some kind of study after high school than have not, making the workforce the most skilled it has been.

Hanson powerful as Senate finalised

Hanson powerful as Senate finalised
MALCOLM Turnbull will have to rely on controversial characters Pauline Hanson and Nick Xenophon, final election results show.

Aussies spill on ‘broken dreams’

Aussies spill on ‘broken dreams’
UNIVERSITY graduates struggling to get work have told story after a story about how worthless their degrees have become.

Best reactions: What is Trump doing?

Best reactions: What is Trump doing?
THE Donald sent social media into a frenzy with this photo of himself on his private jet. But there’s something wrong.

Obama takes down ‘unfit’ Trump

Obama takes down ‘unfit’ Trump
IN A searing speech, Barack Obama has castigated Donald Trump as “woefully unprepared” to serve as president.

Trump makes Muslim gaffe worse

Trump makes Muslim gaffe worse
A FAMILY in the United States is at the centre of a dispute with Donald Trump that has the nation — and the world — talking.

Jeep Australia boss steps down

Jeep Australia boss steps down
THE boss of Jeep Australia has announced he will step down from his position just days before the US car giant takes former boss Clyde Campbell to court.

Clinton could throw Rudd a lifeline

Clinton could throw Rudd a lifeline
THE PM may think he’s closed the door on Kevin Rudd’s UN aspirations but one expert believes America could keep his hopes alive.

Work perk that’s now a deal breaker

Work perk that’s now a deal breaker
STAFF are telling their employers they want jobs that meet their health and lifestyle needs — and if not, they’ll be on their bikes.

Preparing to go to ‘war zone’

Preparing to go to ‘war zone’
THIS is not a war, but the threat of violence is so great, people are being trained for a “war zone”.

How to deliver a game-changing speech

How to deliver a game-changing speech
BARACK Obama makes it look so easy, but delivering a moving speech takes a lot more work than you realise.

Ruddileaks: Letters to Turnbull

Ruddileaks: Letters to Turnbull
FORMER Prime Minister Kevin Rudd claims Malcolm Turnbull pulled his support for the UN gig. Here’s what happened.

‘Insulting’: Donald Trump hits back hard

‘Insulting’: Donald Trump hits back hard
DONALD Trump has responded to Hillary Clinton’s big speech, calling it a “ridiculous collection of cliches”...among other things.

Zuckerberg hits another level of rich

Zuckerberg hits another level of rich
WE’D BE laughing, too. It began in a university dorm room, but Facebook’s stock value is about to overtake one of the world’s most precious resources.

Donald Trump’s biggest mistake

Donald Trump’s biggest mistake
PRESIDENT Obama’s rousing speech yesterday made one thing absolutely clear: Donald Trump has made a massive mistake.

Chelsea’s question for Ivanka

Chelsea’s question for Ivanka
THEY may be friends — despite all that’s been said — but Chelsea Clinton hasn’t hesitated in calling out Ivanka Trump.

Woman swindles $77k for NYC spree

Woman swindles $77k for NYC spree
A WOMAN stole $77,000 from her bosses to splash on a luxury trip to New York — and shared the travel pics online, a court has heard.

‘I owe Mr Rudd a phone call’

‘I owe Mr Rudd a phone call’
KEVIN Rudd has received the call that could make or break his bid for the top spot in the UN, but we won’t know until the morn.