Young couple in their new home

Build and avoid financial headaches

BUILDING a new home delivers buyers the freedom to choose everything, but also the chance to be caught out by costly extras.

The new pension rule affecting Aussies

The new pension rule affecting Aussies
PENSIONERS and people nearing retirement are being urged to check their assets before rule changes that will affect hundreds of thousands of Australians.

Using equity to make money

Using equity to make money
A HOME’S equity — the difference between what is owned and what is owed — can be a powerful investment tool if people manage the risks.

Kochie transforms your family budget

Kochie transforms your family budget
FIFTEEN minutes is all it takes to revamp your family finances, David Koch reveals, and most of the time spent on saving money will cost you nothing.

Join the fight to lower power bills

Join the fight to lower power bills
TENS of thousands of Australians frustrated by soaring energy prices have joined the fight to lower climbing household costs.

How to avoid daily banking fees

How to avoid daily banking fees
MANY banking customers are paying unnecessary fees by spending cash on their day-to-day accounts they could easily avoid.

Is this the end of the wallet?

Is this the end of the wallet?
THIS is the new type of technology that many Australian shoppers are embracing and using to pay at the checkout now that more banks are on board.

Secrets to get the best tax return

Secrets to get the best tax return
DON’T be among the millions of Aussies who miss out on the tax refund they deserve because they think it’s all too hard.

Kochie’s mid-year investment review

Kochie’s mid-year investment review
THE start of a new financial year should be a time to step back and assess how your investments are faring and whether they end with a solid finish.

Protect yourself against a tenant

Protect yourself against a tenant
TENANTS charging smartphones that can lead to a house fire is one of the things that can go wrong when a property is leased out, and why landlord insurance is a must.

The Aussie who has seven jobs

The Aussie who has seven jobs
WHY have one job when you can have seven. George Botros spends his week earning income from seven different popular apps.

Shares that can guard your nest egg

Shares that can guard your nest egg
STOCKS that pay steady dividends are an important part of portfolios. These are the sectors experts suggest investors should consider.

How to cancel a credit card correctly

How to cancel a credit card correctly
MANY Australians are unaware of how failing to put a proper stop to an unwanted credit card account can cost you money through fees and fraud.

Have an interest in your savings rate

Have an interest in your savings rate
SAVERS have been watching returns on their stashed cash dwindle and they’re likely to see these deals fall even further in the coming months.

How to become a super millionaire

How to become a super millionaire
ONE million dollars is a daunting number, but some long-term strategies and investing can help make it possible to build a nest egg that big.

Fight to cut your energy bills

Fight to cut your energy bills
HOUSEHOLDS across the country have experienced exorbitant electricity price rises over the past decade. But now you can join the fight to lower the cost.

Kochie: Don’t make rash decisions

Kochie: Don’t make rash decisions
BREXIT has thrown global markets into turmoil but Kochie says you should keep calm and carry on with this financial advice.

Credit addicts lured by sweeteners

Credit addicts lured by sweeteners
CREDIT cards users aren’t shying away from using their plastic to pay, and lenders are taking advantage of this by rolling out incentives to lure them in.

The move that will ‘destroy your wealth’

The move that will ‘destroy your wealth’
DESPITE the RBA keeping the cash on hold this month borrowers are being urged to steer clear of dipping into the loans as buffers build up.

Dial up these tax deductions

Dial up these tax deductions
THERE are ways to ring in the new financial year with some extra savings that may be hidden within your mobile phone contract.

Paying for Christmas without debt

Paying for Christmas without debt
CHRISTMAS is just six months away and households are being urged to get their festive budgeting plans in order to avoid getting stung in December.

Five global forces to shape 2016-17

Five global forces to shape 2016-17
GLOBAL factors will have a big impact on the direction of your savings, superannuation and shares in the year ahead.

Be fiscally fitter this financial year

Be fiscally fitter this financial year
WE are just a few days into the new financial year - which makes it a perfect time to adopt new strategies that will leave your hip pocket in better shape.

Fixing interest rates may pay off

Fixing interest rates may pay off
WITH the Reserve Bank tipped to keep the cash rate on hold next week, some experts are saying now could be the perfect time to fix your home loan.

How to invest in industrial property

How to invest in industrial property
PROPERTY investors with an eye for extra income are increasingly looking into industrial real estate - but do your homework before jumping in.

Make your savings election-proof

Make your savings election-proof
NO matter who wins government this Saturday, David Koch’s basic savings principles will stand you and your money in good stead.

Earning a valuable set of keys

Earning a valuable set of keys
A TEENAGER’S first car gives them independence, and with the right moves from their parents, it also can put them on the road to financial success.

It’s time for last-minute action

It’s time for last-minute action
FREE money or an early tax refund will disappear if you don’t make the right financial decisions by June 30.

How to date on a shoestring

How to date on a shoestring
DATING can be an expensive game but there are plenty of ways to find true love without blowing the budget.

A vote that’ll change your hip pocket

A vote that’ll change your hip pocket
LESS than a week before the Federal Election, now is the time to think about how your vote may affect your finances and Australia’s future.