
By Nemequene Tundama [Nemequene Tundama is an anti-imperialist activist based in London, originally from Muisca Territory (Colombia), is the co-writer of We Are Not Latino which can be downloaded for free here, has organised history and political education classes for Nican Tlaca (Latinos) for the last 7 years.] The 52 year old conflict between the […]


Impromptu protests began in Milwaukee on Saturday night after a man, later identified as Sylville Smith, was murdered by police in Sherman Park neighborhood in the northwestern section of the city. According to the Milwaukee police department and the city mayor, the police shot Smith on Saturday afternoon when he was stopped inside a car […]


Recently an article was republished by several websites, most notably the Huffington Post, about a transgender model and activist who has recently posed with a large dress made up of the flags of 76 countries which have made homosexuality illegal. This stunt was, naturally, celebrated by the liberal media outlets as an inspiring move toward […]


[The following two articles by the Tatar Bolshevik Mirsaid Sultan-Galiev appeared in the official journal of the Narkomnats, Zhizn’ Natsional’nostei (Life of the Nationalities), in three parts in 1919, though only the latter two are reproduced here. In them, Sultan-Galiev criticizes the focus of the Comintern on the West, and further warns that a social […]


By Burn the Tombs During the upcoming Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia, a coalition of nominally left parties will be seeking unity with elements of the white populist wing of the Democratic Party currently represented by the Bernie Sanders campaign. Under the banner of a “Socialist Convergence,” the political goals of this collection of panel […]


If capitalism is the age of the commodity, then patriarchy under capitalism is the age of commodity sexuality. Capitalist-patriarchal relations are defined by the evaporation (or near-evaporation) of the ‘moral housewife’ model, and the success of new forms of subjugation through liberal or neo-colonial notions of liberation. A truly capitalist sexuality began emerging shortly after […]


By Nemequene Tundama [Nemequene Tundama is an anti-imperialist activist based in London, originally from Muisca Territory (Colombia), is the co-writer of We Are Not Latino which can be downloaded for free here, has organised history and political education classes for Nican Tlaca (Latinos) for the last 7 years.] No, this is not a parody article […]


By Comrade D. [The contributor of this piece is a certified Judo coach and has participated in numerous antifa-type actions. While they are an experienced comrade, this article is intended primarily to help comrades avoid serious injury from knife-attacks during actions and not as a way to disarm or overcome knife-wielding reactionaries. As a general rule, […]


By Torkil Lauesen [Torkil Lauesen is a long-time anti-imperialist organizer and activist, former member of the Danish Communist Working Circle [KAK] and later Manifest-Communist Working Group [MKA], and author of Det Globale Perspektiv (the Global Perspective), awaiting publication in English. The story of the MKA and its members’, including Lauesen’s, daring acts of illegal practice for […]


[Written by W.E.B. Du Bois for The Atlantic Monthly of May 1915, the following, ‘The African Roots of War’, (edited for length and relevancy to the modern reader) explores not only the root of European inter-imperialist rivalry and war, but the type of state—one born of an uneasy partnership between labor and capital—that the parasitic […]


By Torkil Lauesen [Torkil Lauesen is a long-time anti-imperialist organizer and activist, former member of the Danish Communist Working Circle [KAK] and later Manifest-Communist Working Group [MKA], and author of Det Globale Perspektiv (the Global Perspective), soon to be published in English. The story of the MKA and its members’, including Lauesen’s, daring acts of illegal […]


“…[W]e thank Dr. Cope for his immense and ongoing contributions to the political economy of anti-imperialism—so far most comprehensively in Divided World Divided Class, now in its second edition—and for his work on this project. And Torkil Lauesen, former member of CWC (the original publishers of the bulk of the present work) and M-KA, whose […]

Pulse 1

The media has now widely circulated the horrifying story of a mass shooting carried out at a gay nightclub in Orlando that left 49 dead and 53 wounded. The motivations of this attack have been deliberated in the media before settling upon the age-old racist cliche of “Islamic terror” in a cheap, popular response to […]


By J. Alexander & Sarah E. In the aftermath of one of the largest union strikes in recent amerikan memory, the First Worldist left is enthusiastic in their support for what they see as the militancy of the working class. They defend the strike as a resurgence of proletarian labor struggles in the united states, […]


Chelsea Manning is currently serving the 6th year of a 35 year prison sentence due to her involvement in a massive military security breach in May of 2010. This breach involved a leak of hundreds of thousands of documents detailing u.s. war crimes in Iraq and Afghanistan, as well as thousands of documents exposing torture […]

A mural memorializing Baltimore resident Freddie Gray adorns a wall near the place where he was tackled and arrested by police. The Baltimore Sun says it has acquired a copy of the unreleased government autopsy report in the case.

By now most of us have seen the news that Edward Nero, the police officer who was charged with the death of Freddie Gray, has been acquitted of the 4 charges levied against him. His role in the death of Freddie Gray, as well as the tradition among police officers to not only murder young […]


The editorial staff of AI apologize for a lack of steady content in recent weeks, due mostly to work on two publishing projects and an upcoming theoretical journal. We certainly hope to be publishing more articles in the coming weeks, as well as introducing our new projects and going over some of what we have […]


As many people are now hearing, a rebellion has started in Holman Prison in Alabama after the stabbing of one guard and the warden on Saturday morning. The rebellion, which began as a response to the intolerable conditions of the prison and the brutality of the guards, succeeded in securing the whole facility for a […]

Two men look for scraps at a garbage dump in Tegucigalpa, Honduras, Saturday, Jan. 26, 2002. In Honduras poverty affects 81.1% of the population which is 6.7 million of which 2.6 million have to get by with only one dollar per day while the basic cost of living is $ 7 per day. (AP Photo/Esteban Felix)

[The piece which follows was written by Eduardo Galeano as the introduction to his 1971 magnum opus, Las Venas Abiertas de América Latina, which was translated into English in 1973 by Cedric Belfrage for Monthly Review Press. As always, this piece has been posted for the purposes of study and general discussion.]   120 Million […]


When discussing the merits and achievements of the Soviet Union, detractors of various stripes, from anti-communist to anti-Leninist, often point to a 2013 International Business Times article named “How Many People Did Joseph Stalin Kill?” by Palash Ghosh. The article, which depicts Soviet leader J. V. Stalin as an inhuman cold-blooded mass murderer, claims that […]