21:38 GMT +3 hours30 July 2016
The Aedes Aegypti mosquito is photographed in a lab at the Ministry of Health of El Salvador, in San Salvador

67 Countries Have Evidence of Zika Virus Transmission Since 2007

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Over sixty states have reported evidence of Zika virus transmission since 2007.

MOSCOW (Sputnik) – Over sixty states have reported evidence of Zika virus transmission since 2007, the World Health Organization (WHO) said in a situation report.

"As of 27 July 2016, 67 countries and territories have reported evidence of mosquito-borne Zika virus transmission since 2007 (64 of these countries and territories have reported evidence of mosquito-borne Zika virus transmission since 2015)," the WHO said on Thursday.

Since February of this year, 11 countries have reported evidence of person-to-person transmission of Zika, "probably via a sexual route," the WHO added.

As of July, 14 countries or territories have reported microcephaly and other central nervous system malformations associated with Zika.

"Based on research to date, there is scientific consensus that Zika virus is a cause of microcephaly and GBS [Guillain-Barré syndrome]," the WHO said.

The latest Zika outbreak started in Brazil in the spring of 2015. The Zika virus is transmitted by daytime-active mosquitoes. It does not cause serious complications in adults but is suspected to cause severe brain defects and microcephaly in newborns.

First Zika Case Reported in Romania - Health Ministry
South Korean Health Authorities Confirm Seventh Case of Zika Virus
Utah Confirms First Zika Related Death in Continental US
Zika Virus, World Health Organization (WHO)
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  • Nonwo
    Its biological warfare to depopulate the planet. How come Zika isn't present in Anglo countries?
  • sukhoi47
    The "prevention" is avoid pregnancy! That corrupt jew illuminati is so ridiculous!

    Zika virus, hoax or engineered, is one more tool to spread panic and push the society for population reduction. Same as they did with AIDS, by promoting gay sex (gays are not able to procreate) and many other crimes against human race.
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