

Our leaders don't reflect who we are

Where are our culturally diverse leaders?

 Australia is often described as a multicultural success story. Yet our cultural diversity isn't yet reflected in the ranks of leadership within society. The ethnic and cultural default of leadership in Australia remains Anglo-Celtic. Unfortunately, we mightn't be making the most of our talents.

Winter sunlight, Birregurra, Saturday 3pm

The author's "attempt at an impressionist painting".

The wind from the west was cold and cutting. Rain fell in big slow drops, each a mini-ice bucket. What was I doing, I asked myself, going to a football match on such an unfriendly day. And then I beheld the Birregurra oval!

What was missing in Bill's speech about Hillary

Former U.S. president Bill Clinton speaks during the Democratic National Convention (DNC) in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, ...

Melania Trump asked voters to take her word that her husband is an a good guy, while Bill Clinton provided detail after detail about his wife. But the speech still had a gaping hole.

Russia will be the cleanest team in Rio

'The white flag of capitulation': The IOC's decision to abdicate responsibility in banning Russia has been met with fury ...

Which nation will field the most doping-free team at the Rio Olympics, due to start on Aug. 5? Russia, the country that narrowly avoided a blanket ban from the games for drug abuse.

Maintain your rage at these 'routine atrocities'

The Four Corners program exposed a broken child protection system.

I couldn't watch the Four Corners expose of the abuse of children in the Northern Territory, it was just too much to bear. Especially after having just watched Australian Story, about a schoolgirl wasting away in detention after having fled Iran in fear of her life.

A case study in white privilege

Senator Bernie Sanders gestures on stage during the Democratic National Convention.

For a case study in white privilege, look no further than the brats who this week booed a dignified Bernie Sanders at the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia when he said the time had come to back Hillary Clinton for president.