Nican Tlaca Communism, Part 1: Towards a Synthesis

The following article is the first in what i intend to be an irregular series (as i overall re-energize and re-activate this blog project) in which i will lay out my now several years deep personal political project. This is an attempted synthesis of two often distant, and times thought to be opposing, radical streams of thought: Nican Tlaca Nationalism (Indigenism) and communism, specifically Historical Materialism (“Marxism”), though i do take some influence from non-Marxian communisms as well.

This post, and indeed the series that will follow, should never be taken as the final word however. I am constantly reading, constantly studying (not least of which is due to my primary work as a Doctoral student) and such i am always synthesizing new information, new theory, as i attempt to come to a fuller understanding of the situation facing Nican Tlaca (Native) People and the path forward to our liberation.

Ena͞emaehkiw Thupaq Kesīqnaeh Continue reading Nican Tlaca Communism, Part 1: Towards a Synthesis

The Uprising at Kanehsatà:ke: A History of Resistance

Today marks the 25th anniversary of the outbreak of the Uprising at Kanehsatà:ke by warriors of the Kanien’kehá:ka Nation, otherwise known at the Oka Crisis. In memory of their courage, the following article was penned by Enaemaehkiw Thupaq Kesīqnaeh.

This land is ours, ours as a heritage given to us as a sacred legacy. It is the place where our fathers lie buried beneath those trees, where our mothers sang our lullaby, and you would tear it from us an leave us wonderers at the mercy of fate. – Chief Joseph Onasakenrat of Kanehsatà:ke Continue reading The Uprising at Kanehsatà:ke: A History of Resistance

New Book – Settlers: The Mythology of the White Proletariat from Mayflower to ModernN

Onkwehón:we Rising is pleased to promote the (re)release of Settlers: The Mythology of the White Proletariat by the comrades at Kersplebedeb. Settlers is a uniquely important text that has been critical in shaping the views of many comrades and warriors within the Onkwehón:we, Chicano, Boricua and African liberation movements regarding what we here call the north amerikan nation. Continue reading New Book – Settlers: The Mythology of the White Proletariat from Mayflower to ModernN


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