El Sol – a Spanish phrase meaning "the sun" – may refer to:
Other uses:
El Sol is the common name for the "Latin American Advertising Festival", which is held annually in Bilbao in Spain.
The festival, which takes place by the end of May, is organised by the Spanish Association of Advertising Agencies (AEAP) and is aimed at promoting advertising creativity.
Each year works form Latin American countries along with Portugal and the Latin community in USA, compete in the contest to get the golden sun awards (Sol de Oro in Spanish).
EL SOL News ("The Sun") is a weekly Spanish-language newspaper based in Stamford, Connecticut. Founded in 1982, it is the oldest newspaper in that language in that U.S. state, and the dominant Spanish-language newspaper in Connecticut, serving a growing Hispanic population. It serves both lower Fairfield County, Connecticut, and Westchester County, New York.
Founder Arnulfo Arteaga has said the newspaper aims to inform the Hispanic community about such issues as health, education, and immigration. The publication has two reporters, and most of the 52 pages in a normal edition are filled with wire stories. Several pages of each issue are devoted to news from Connecticut, New York and Latin America. The publication is written in Latin American Spanish and comes out on Fridays. The newspaper is supported by advertising revenue, and copies are free.
The family-run newspaper has a circulation of about 16,000 as of July 2008, when the newspaper's management said they wanted to increase circulation to 20,000 by the end of the year. As of 2005, the Hispanic population of stamfrod was 254,500, according to the American Community Survey; the city's total population in 2007 was 118,475.
Enfagranada & pechera estos son mis compañeros
Astucia pa' el que me sobra, velocidad & el ojo abierto
Al tiro & acelerado van 4 días que no duermo
Sangre a montón huele a muerte con mi rifle
Apago vidas, ahora si estoy bien contento es el
Puesto que quería pelear contra los contrarios por la
Empresa doy la vida
Pa' el que no logra el estilo aquí se gana o se pierde
& es que la orden es muy clara desmadrense a los que
Se encuentren barren con los enemigos veran como
Me apetece
Entre pólvora & casquillos ya traigo ampollado el dedo
Plomo & algunos cristales incrustados en el
Cuerpo las caras de los que tumbo grabadas en
Mi cerebro
Creo que no se han acabado no se de onde irán
Saliendo por mas que los extermino mas & mas siguen
Viniendo lo bueno estamos blindados por mi amigo
El Macho Prieto
Honores a la bandera de la que dice MZ & dandole
Gusto al gusto limpiando acá en la frontera