PHC ThinkGiving 10-10-10 Fundraising Campaign- Gabriola
ThinkGiving 10-10-10 is a ten day fundraising campaign for
Please consider making a monthly donation before
2013. Go to
ThinkGiving is a grassroots fundraising campaign for
People for a Healthy
Community (PHC) located on
Gabriola Island,
On Oct. 1, 2013 PHC launched a ten day fundraising campaign with the goal of increasing regular monthly donations by 1,
000—that's ten-times-ten-times-ten—by encouraging all Gabriolans to commit to a minimum $10/month donation by
October 10th, 2013.
Imagine 1000 Gabriolans donating $10 on 10/10/2013: $10x1000 or 10x10x10x10=$10,000.00.
Imagine 1000 Gabriolans committing to donate $10 per month: 10x1000x12=$
Imagine 1000 Gabriolans each asking one friend to donate $10. It just keeps multiplying!
Please make a $10/month donation to PHC between Oct.1-10, 2013 and watch our imagination become a reality.
There are two ways for you to
sign up to be a regular monthly donor:
1. Mail or drop off a voided cheque to the PHC office.
Download the Donation
Form so that you can be sure we're receiving all of the information we need.
Sign up to be a monthly donor using your credit card via the CanadaHelps site.
Just go to and click on the donation button. This button will take you directly to our CanadaHelps secure donation page.
We're always happy to receive a donation, and every amount helps. There are numerous ways for you to make a one-time financial contribution:
1. Mail a cheque or drop off cash or a cheque to the PHC office. Download the Donation Form so that you can be sure we're receiving all of the information we need.
2. You can make a one-time online donation using your credit card via the CanadaHelps website. Go to and click on our donation button which will take you directly to our CanadaHelps secure donation page.
To find out other ways you can support PHC throughout the year go to and click on "support us".
Other ways to support our campaign:
Watch PHC's Thinkgiving campaign video
Spread the word by sharing the Thinkgiving video campaign on
Facebook, blogs, newsletters, emails to friends, etc
Join the PHC Thinkgiving
Campaign events page on Facebook
Follow the campaign updates, invite friends, etc...
Your help today:
• Helps keep our
Gabriola Food Bank open and operating
• Helps keep our Food Bank gardens growing
• Helps ensure that PHC continues to offer Monday, Tuesday, and Friday free soup socials
• Supports the
Seniors' garden program
• Supports the
Circle of
Care program for seniors
• Helps keep Gabriolan seniors connected though the seniors' monthly luncheon
• Supports free counseling and outreach
• Supports caregivers support groups
• Helps link landlords with tenants on Gabriola
• Supports
Moms 'n
Babes program
• Supports seniors' comfort on computers programs
• Supports
Transportation Tuesdays for seniors
Thanks for your support