- published: 29 Jul 2016
- views: 217349
The Kurds (Kurdish: کورد Kurd) are an ethnic group in the Middle East, mostly inhabiting a contiguous area spanning adjacent parts of eastern and southeastern Turkey (Northern Kurdistan), western Iran (Eastern or Iranian Kurdistan), northern Iraq (Southern or Iraqi Kurdistan), and northern Syria (Western Kurdistan or Rojava). The Kurds have ethnically diverse origins. They are culturally and linguistically closely related to the Iranian peoples and, as a result, are often themselves classified as an Iranian people.Kurdish nationalists claim that the Kurds are descended from the Hurrians and the Medes, (the latter being another Iranian people) and the claimed Median descent is reflected in the words of the Kurdish national anthem: "we are the children of the Medes and Kai Khosrow". The Kurdish languages form a subgroup of the Northwestern Iranian languages.
The Kurds are estimated to number, worldwide, around 30–32 million, possibly as high as 37 million, with the majority living in West Asia; however there are significant Kurdish diaspora communities in the cities of western Turkey, in particular Istanbul. A recent Kurdish diaspora has also developed in Western countries, primarily in Germany. The Kurds are the majority population in the autonomous region of Iraqi Kurdistan and in the autonomous region of Rojava, and are a significant minority group in the neighboring countries Turkey and Iran, where Kurdish nationalist movements continue to pursue greater autonomy and cultural rights.
The Fight Against ISIS: Ross Kemp Joins Kurds [Documentary HD]
Who Are The Kurds?
The Kurds: The Most Famous Unknown People in the World | Stephen Mansfield | TEDxNashville
The Kurds: Everything You Need to Know (Part 1 of 2)
Israelis: What do you think of the Kurds?
Kurds In Fight Against ISIS: Big Phil's War [Amazing Documentary HD]
Why is ISIS fearing Kurds? [Documentary HD]
EXCLUSIVE - Syria: Kurds destroy a suicide bomber's truck filled with explosives coming at them
Hunting ISIS With Kurdish Female Fighters [Documentary HD/Kurds]
Kurds killed all ISIS (Nearly 100) who attacked Tell Abyad from Turkey 28 February 2016
The former EastEnders actor visits Iraq and Syria to follow Kurdish armed forces to the front lines of the ongoing fight against the so-called Islamic State and gets nearly hit by sniper fire. Before I set about reviewing Ross Kemp: The Fight Against Isis (Sky 1), I thought I’d have a glance to see whether other critics had been as impressed as I was. Clearly the flip groovester from the Guardian — who opened, inevitably, with a jaunty quip about Grant from EastEnders — had seen a very different documentary from the one I saw. Otherwise, he could not have failed to be moved by Kemp’s heartbreaking interview with the Yazidi woman from Sinjar who’d recently escaped from Isis. Her 10-year-old daughter squatted beside her — only survivor of the five children she had had when Isis captured he...
With ISIS all over the news, it's easy to forget that there are many more groups in Iraq fighting for control. One of these groups of people are the Kurds and they're starting to become a force to be reckoned with. Who are they and what do they want in Iraq? Learn More: Who Are The Kurds? http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-srv/inatl/daily/feb99/kurdprofile.htm A largely Sunni Muslim people with their own language and culture, most Kurds live in the generally contiguous areas of Turkey, Iraq, Iran, Armenia and Syria A BRIEF SURVEY OF THE HISTORY OF THE KURDS http://www.institutkurde.org/en/institute/who_are_the_kurds.php The first question which comes to mind is that of the origins of the Kurds. Who are they? Where do they come from? _________________________ TestTube's n...
The Kurds are an ancient and noble people who are now the primary “boots on the ground” against ISIS in the Middle East. They are 35 million strong worldwide, the largest people group on earth without their own homeland. In this stirring talk, Stephen Mansfield tells the story of the Kurds and does so, surprisingly, through the lives of three women. Stephen Mansfield is a New York Times bestselling author who first rose to global attention with his groundbreaking book, The Faith of George W. Bush, a bestseller that Time magazine credited with helping to shape the 2004 U.S. presidential election. He has written celebrated biographies of Barak Obama, Booker T. Washington, George Whitefield, Winston Churchill, Pope Benedict XVI, and Abraham Lincoln, among others. Mansfield’s latest book, The...
Bayan Sami Abdul Rahman (Kurdistan Regional Government Representative to the USA) joins Dave Rubin, discussing the history of the Kurds and breaking down "Kurdistan 101." Watch part 2: http://bit.ly/1o1RrnY ***Subscribe: http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=RubinReport This is a bonus edition of 'The Sit Down' on The Rubin Report. What are your thoughts? Comment below or tweet to Dave: https://twitter.com/RubinReport Watch more on Ora TV: http://www.ora.tv/rubinreport Find us on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/rubinreport?ty=h Sign up for our newsletter with the best of Rubin Report each week: http://www.ora.tv/rubinreport/article/2015/10/19/subscribe-to-our-rubinreport-show-updates ****** Bayan Sami Abdul Rahman Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) Representative to ...
This project is made possible by donations from viewers like you. Please donate to the project at: http://www.gofundme.com/Ask-Project . Want to know what Israelis and Palestinians in the Middle East really think about the conflict? Ask a question and I will get answers. People ask Israeli Jews, Arabs and Palestinians questions. I go out and ask random people to answer.
Phil Campion, a former SAS soldier and a veteran of just about every major conflict zone in the world, travels to the front line in Syria and Iraq to meet the men and women taking the fight to Islamic State. Known as 'Big Phil', he filmed for Sky with both the YPG and Kurdish Peshmerga, observing their war against a well-equipped and motivated enemy. He experienced some of the worst battles of his life while embedded with the Kurds and met the all-female fighting units of the YPJ, described as a secret weapon of the war. Are those fighting Islamic State properly equipped for battle? And is this a fight they can win? Find out in our special report.
An award-winning Israeli documentary by Itai Anghel about the war led by Kurds against Islamic State (ISIS/ISIL) in Syria and Iraq. Kurdish freedomfighters, both female and male, from YPG, YPJ, PKK and Peshmerga are the most successful and efficient warriors against the medieval terrorists from the so called Islamic State. Kurds want to set up a liberal, feminist and direct democratic state called Kurdistan, their traditional homeland, in the Middle East. But they are currently brutally opressed and prevented by either dictatorial states like Syria and Iraq or islamist like Turkey and Iran from fulfilling their dream.
Subscribe to France 24 now : http://f24.my/youtubeEN FRANCE 24 live news stream: all the latest news 24/7 http://f24.my/YTliveEN For two years the strategic town of Shaddadi, in northeastern Syria, was a stronghold of the Islamic State (IS) group jihadists. In February, 5,000 fighters from the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF), a coalition of Kurdish and Arab militias, encircled the city and battled the terrorists for 10 days. Visit our website : http://www.france24.com Subscribe to our YouTube channel : http://f24.my/youtubeEN Like us on Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/FRANCE24.English Follow us on Twitter : https://twitter.com/France24_en
A fierce war is raging in Syria. A unit of fearless female fighters are battling the world’s most brutal enemy, ISIS. And they’re winning. Deep within Kurdish Syria, the YPJ, made up of local women, are fighting the barbaric terrorist movement. Now, six months after she first met them, Tara Brown returns to the war zone to see firsthand just how these extraordinary female fighters are winning the war. They are brave women who have lost family and friends, but won’t let anything weaken their resolve to defeat ISIS.
Kurds killed all ISIS (Nearly 100) who attacked Tell Abyad from Turkey 28 February 2016 It has been confirmed from many sources: http://www.breitbart.com/national-security/2016/03/03/kurdish-fighters-repel-attack-by-islamic-state-jihadists-in-syrian-town-targeted-by-turkish-military/
Turkey will not fight alongside Kurds Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has said his government is willing to work with the US to remove the Islamic State group from its de-facto capital, Raqqa in northern Syria.
Kurds vs ISIS (2015): In the disputed area on the edges of IS-controlled territory are the last outposts of Kurdish resistance to IS. With incredible access this report meets the hardened fighters and embittered refugees among them. For similar stories, see: Kurdish Militias' Last Stand Against ISIS (2014) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uOgsnacxM2c The Islamic State Is Responsible For Growing Humanitarian Disaster (2014) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FISusmlSsVA An Insight Into ISIS (2014) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=76ELjmU8Uks Subscribe to journeyman for daily uploads: http://www.youtube.com/journeymanpictures For downloads and more information visit: https://www.journeyman.tv/film/6364 Like us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/journeymanpictures Follow us on Twitter: h...
September 6, 2016 Kurdistan, province: Sirnex (Sirnak). 6 сентября 2016 Курдистан, провинция Ширнекс (Ширнак) Храбрые курды атаковали турецкую военную базу. 6 de septiembre de, año 2016 El Kurdistán provincia de Sirnak (Sirnak) Brave kurdos atacaron una base militar turca. 6 settembre 2016 la provincia del Kurdistan di Sirnak (Sirnak) Coraggiosi curdi hanno attaccato una base militare turca. 6. September 2016 die kurdische Provinz Sirnak (Sirnak) Brave Kurden angegriffen einen türkischen Militärbasis . 06 de setembro de 2016 a província do Curdistão de Sirnak (Sirnak) Bravos curdos atacaram uma base militar turco. 6 septembre 2016 la province du Kurdistan Sirnak (Sirnak) Brave Kurdes ont attaqué une base militaire turque.
Kurds Of The Caliphate: Turkish PM blames Ankara bombing on Islamic State. How Assad And The Kurds Are Teaming Up Against ISIS https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fnd60U7HM38 On The Kurdish Front Line In The Fight Against ISIS https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=00s8h3DIKEs The Drug Fuelling Conflict In Syria https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7ke13JNlpBQ Subscribe to journeyman for daily uploads: http://www.youtube.com/journeymanpictures For downloads and more information visit: http://journeyman.tv/69200/short-films/kurds-of-the-caliphate-hd.html Like us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/journeymanpictures Follow us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/JourneymanVOD https://twitter.com/JourneymanNews Follow us on Instagram: https://instagram.com/journeymanpictures For over a year Kurdish forc...
Secret Revolution (2014): Out of the chaos of Syria's civil war, Kurdish PKK leftists have forged a radical, multi-ethnic mini-state. But with ISIS and Turkey now attacking the PKK leaning groups, how long can this new political geography last? For similar stories, see: The Syrian Foot Soldiers In Assad's Media War https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E-82ctgTkYQ On The Kurdish Front Line In The Fight Against ISIS https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=00s8h3DIKEs Is it Time for Kurdish Independence? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SodmYCPm9BM Subscribe to journeyman for daily uploads: http://www.youtube.com/journeymanpictures For downloads and more information visit: https://www.journeyman.tv/film/6317/secret-revolution Like us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/journeymanpictures Follow us o...
Turkey has a long history of conflict with the Kurdish people whose historic homeland is spread over what is now Turkey, Syria and Iran. For many year, Kurds from the country’s South-East have campaigned for autonomy within the Turkish state. The Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK) has been fighting for independence and because it’s considered a terrorist group, is outlawed in Turkey. Until recently, a ceasefire had been in effect between the government and the PKK; that has now ended. Since then the conflict has escalated and hundreds have been killed. The local Kurdish population claims that Erdogan’s government is conducting an operation against their people. Civilians continue to die and the Turkish police enjoy unchecked authority. They insist that the widespread murder of Kurds is systemat...
Phil Campion, a former SAS soldier and a veteran of just about every major conflict zone in the world, travels to the front line in Syria and Iraq to meet the men and women taking the fight to Islamic State. Known as 'Big Phil', he filmed for Sky with both the YPG and Kurdish Peshmerga, observing their war against a well-equipped and motivated enemy. He experienced some of the worst battles of his life while embedded with the Kurds and met the all-female fighting units of the YPJ, described as a secret weapon of the war. Are those fighting Islamic State properly equipped for battle? And is this a fight they can win? Find out in our special report. SUBSCRIBE to our YouTube channel for more great videos: http://www.youtube.com/skynews Follow us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/skynews an...
Syria has been at war now for five years. And in that time, the Kurdish Democratic Union Party or PYD, and its armed wing the YPG, have skillfully gained control of almost the entire northern stretch of the country. An area the Kurds call Rojava. Aided by US material support and air-strikes, they are seen as a key ally in the fight against ISIL. But the Kurds of Syria have been frustrated, as their victories on the battlefield have not translated into political gains. Shut out of UN-brokered peace talks in Geneva, they have chosen to go it alone. Declaring their intention to establish a federal Kurdish region in northern Syria. The Kurds say they are not pushing for independence. Rather, for a decentralised, federal model to be applied throughout Syria. But their plan is running into ...
I've lived long enough to see the dead horse
I've lived long enough to cross swamps at night
I've lived long enough to chase a rat
I've lived long enough to take a jet ride
If you see me on an airplane
Just make sure and get out of my way
I lived long enough to know the sun will drop
And you ought to leave it lie
To see the dying of the pines
I've lived long enough to kill my first love
I've lived long enough to break in and do harm
I've lived long enough to fly an airplane
I've lived long enough to break a machine
If you see me on an airplane
Just make sure and get out of my way
I lived long enough to know the sun will drop
And you ought to leave it lie