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'Emergency, emergency, emergency': Albany kayaker in frightening shark encounter

Footage has emerged of the frightening moment a man kayaking in Albany's King George Sound was rammed and circled by a great white shark up to five metres.

Vision from a helmet camera worn by Ian Watkins displays the kayaker's understandable panic at his close encounter 200 metres off Possession Point on Thursday afternoon.

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Albany kayaker's shark encounter

The frightening moment a man kayaking in Albany's King George Sound was rammed and circled by a great white shark measuring up to five metres.

"Whale charter, whale charter, whale charter, do you copy? Emergency, emergency, emergency," Mr Watkins can be heard saying on a hand-held radio to a nearby whale spotting boat.

"I've got a white pointer attacking the kayak.

The fin seen from the helmet camera worn by Ian Watkins off Albany.
The fin seen from the helmet camera worn by Ian Watkins off Albany. 

"Mate, he's still hanging around me... you better hurry." 

Upon returning to land, Mr Watkins shared details of the terrifying experience on social media. 


"It come up behind me and all I could hear was a wave - I looked to see a bloody big fin," he said. 

"It then pushed the back of the kayak around end then come up beside the kayak and pushed me sideways.

"It then stayed, circling and going under back [and] forwards."

Mr Watkins told the ABC the shark was "definitely interested" by him.

He said he was unsure whether he would be able to return to the water after the close encounter. 

Paul Guest from Albany Ocean Adventures helped the kayaker after hearing the radio call.

"I thought it was someone trying to say that there were whales," he said. 

"I heard 'emergency, emergency, emergency', and ascertained he was talking to us. We went over and he was pretty happy to have us there."

Told by Mr Watkins that the shark might have been the size of his 5.2-metre kayak, Mr Guest turned to Hollywood for an apt reply.

"I told the guy maybe you should get a bigger boat," he told the ABC.

The Department of Transport's marine team helped the kayaker to safety at Emu Point.

A shark warning was put in place for the area.