These day's the internet is not such a easy place to visit if you are outdated browsers or not having any protection at all depending on your
Windows defender only's just not possible anymore.
Yesterday after installing
Windows 8.1 I was looking for a driver and then
BANG BANG BANG , I don't even know what happened , all sorts of software started to install out of nothing ( I was using EXPLORER the one that comes with Windows 8.1) and I was totally amazed how sites are now dealing with the ones not protecting their Windows Devices.
So what will we do in this video ?
After we did a restore back in to time we cleared the mess we got
hijacking our machine and browser ..I started all over ..and filmed it for you so you can also have benefit out of that.
In this video you will not find any links , because I show you in this video how you can find it yourself..
Also you will learn another way of installing
Comodo Internet security Free , a package I,m using over 5 years or longer already
and I can say it's fantastic , but
...only if you install it the way I show , just because the company also comes with add ware and stuff that have nothing to do with protection, instead using your info and sell it to the highest bidder.,
So in this video you will need 2 tools
2 Comodo internet security Free (
Check video how to get the right version and not the trial)
Of course i don't have to tell you that security updates are also important , so get the ones you know what they do and install them or even ignore them..I turned my
Auto Update Off cause I get 3 updates that give me a blackscreen while the machine is on and running n the background , so i deleted these 3 updates , keeping the rest of the updates that have no issues and turned off Auto Update ..
For the rest just follow the video and get your benefit out of it , and one thing I can guarantee is that after you did all I showed in this video , you won't need any other tool to be safe and have a pc that does what you want and not have a life on his own..controled by others on the other side of the world.
Good luck and stay safe out there.
Course if this video was helpful share it
with your good friends that still put their faith into
Virus scanners with
Fake serials , or cracked , or just not good enough packages that are viruses their selfs like the fantastic
Video by Channel48
Voice Puck Darlington (c) 2016
- published: 09 Jun 2016
- views: 1