Nigel Slater’s roast summer vegetables and herb mayonnaise recipe

Warm to the feel of summer with a delicious vegetable dish

Roast summer vegetables with herb mayonnaise on top, on an earthenware plate
Roast of the town: Nigel Slater’s roast summer vegetables with herb mayonnaise recipe. Photograph: Jonathan Lovekin for the Observer

The recipe

Trim 400g of young turnips and cut them in half. Scrub 200g of small carrots then cut them in half lengthways. Place the vegetables in a roasting tin with 2 tbsp of olive oil and 4 large peeled cloves of garlic, then add 4 sprigs of thyme. Season lightly, toss everything together then roast for about 30 minutes at 200C/gas mark 6 until golden and tender.

Combine 3 heaped tbsp of natural yogurt with the same amount of mayonnaise, 2 tbsp of chopped parsley and 1 of tarragon. Season and set aside.

Shred 150g of sugar snap peas and put them into the hot pan and fold into the other vegetables.

Place the vegetables on plates then spoon over the herb dressing. Serves 2.

The trick

The only turnips worth roasting are the sweet, early summer variety, no bigger than a golf ball. The older ones are better for casseroles and braising. Roasted, they can appear a little bitter. Cutting the turnips in half before roasting, gives a chance for the edges to toast appetisingly. Shake the pan every now and again during roasting to give the vegetables a chance to brown evenly.

The twist

Use young parsnips if you wish, or new potatoes instead of or as well as the turnips. For a summer salad allow the vegetables to cool completely, then toss them in the dressing for serving with cold roast meats.

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