Lawsuit Lawsuit over Dora’s potty mouth

Lawsuit over Dora’s potty mouth

WHO knew Dora the Explorer was such a bully? A classmate of the actor who voices Dora says she’s anything but an innocent.

Nature’s best Video of ‘nature birth’ goes viral

Video of ‘nature birth’ goes viral

A MELBOURNE woman wanted to give birth in a stream. She didn’t expect 52 million people to watch. WARNING: Nudity.

Malnourished baby Parents lose custody of vegan child

Parents lose custody of vegan child

A 14-MONTH-OLD Italian boy is recovering from malnutrition after his parents reportedly fed him a vegan diet.

Youth violence ‘There’s no such word as justice’

‘There’s no such word as justice’

PAUL Stanley knows first-hand what it’s like to lose a son to a coward’s punch. His 15-year-old was killed by a single, senseless, unprovoked blow, and he will never have justice.

Lavish affair Salim’s niece has lavish first b’day party

Salim’s niece has lavish first b’day party

THE MEHAJER family is known for throwing no-expenses spared parties. His niece’s first birthday party was no exception.

‘Misleading claims’ Paddle Pop and Sakata makers fined

Paddle Pop and Sakata makers fined

THE makers of Sakata rice crackers and Paddle Pops have been fined and agreed to stop using claims that their products are suitable for school canteens.

Facebook shaming Mum savagely trolled over photo

Mum savagely trolled over photo

A MUM who shared a picture of her daughter pretending to feed her doll on Facebook was shocked to wake to a flood of comments the next day.

TV turn-off Why Peppa Pig is a danger for kids

Why Peppa Pig is a danger for kids

WITH hundreds of thousands of little viewers tuning in to watch Peppa Pig every day, experts warn our children could be in harm’s way.

Poisoning Paracetamol dosage a pain for parents

Paracetamol dosage a pain for parents

A “SPIKE” in the number of Australian children hospitalised for paracetamol poisoning has led health experts to call for better dosage labelling of children’s paracetamol.

Supplied News Funny but true: 10 old wives' tales about pregnancy

Funny but true: 10 old wives’ tales about pregnancy

From the slightly weird to the downright wacky, are any of them true?

Little boy with his piggy bank. Picture: iStock

Put your kids to work these holidays

HERE are five pocket money rules you can put in place today to begin training your kids in money management.

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