Troy Anthony Davis

Lynched by the State of Georgia 11:00 PM Sept 21, 2011

Rest In Peace

"The struggle for justice doesn't end with me. This struggle is for all the Troy Davises who came before me and all the ones who will come after me. I'm in good spirits and I'm prayerful and at peace."


The Davis Family needs your help

The Davis family had to bury three warriors for justice in 2011. Virginia Davis, the matriarch of the family, passed in April, just two weeks after the US Supreme Court denied Troy's final appeal, paving the way for the state of Georgia to set a new execution date. According to Martina, her mother died of a broken heart--she couldn't bear another execution date. Troy was executed on September 21, despite an international outcry over executing a man amid such overwhelming doubt. Troy's sister Martina succumbed to her decade-long battle with cancer on December 1, exactly two months after her brother Troy's funeral, leaving behind a teenaged son.

There are still outstanding medical and funeral bills for that the Davis family must pay.

The Davis family has had to bear more tragedy and sorrow than any family should ever have to. Troy Davis is not here to help his family through this ordeal, so friends and supporters who fought for his life are doing so for him. Information about ways to help and fundraising events is below. 


Please contact with any questions.

Martina Davis-Correia Fund

There are three ways to contribute to the family's fund to help with Martina's funeral and medical expenses:

1. ONLINE, through this easy-to-use account:

2. VIA PAYPAL, using the email address:

3. CHECKS can be made out to "The Martina Davis-Correia fund" and can be mailed to:

Kimberly Davis
PO Box 2105
Savannah, GA 31407

Fundraising Events

There are events being organized in DC, NY and Seattle. These events will educate about Troy's case, the death penalty and the criminal justice system, and donations will go towards the Davis family. 

DC Event/Fundraiser

February 25, 5-7pm
Busboys & Poets, 5th and K St, Washington DC more info:

Seattle Event/Fundraiser

Saturday, March 17, 5-6:30pm
Keystone Church, 5019 Keystone Place NorthSeattle, WA 98103
more info:

New York Event/Fundraiser

Details TBA

If you would like to organize a fundraising event in your community, please let us know at

Benefit Album

Hip-hop artist E.Red (adopted brother of Troy and the Davis family) has produced a 3-song benefit album, available for download, called "Long Live Troy Davis." All proceeds from the album go to the Davis family. You can download the album HERE:



4th Death warrant signed for Troy Anthony Davis
Tuesday, September 6, 2011

The Atlanta Journal-Constitution

A Chatham County judge on Tuesday signed a death warrant for Troy Anthony Davis, who was convicted of killing a Savannah police officer in 1989.

The warrant sets the execution between Sept. 21 and Sept. 28. The state Department of Corrections will set the actual date. Davis has been on death row for 19 years.

Davis' appeals are exhausted. He is expected to once again ask the Georgia Board of Pardons and Paroles to grant him clemency. The board has previously denied that request.

Troy's legal team finishes making its case before parole board Sept 19, 2011

Parole board denies clemency for Troy Davis | Sept 20, 2011

Execution Scheduled for Sept 21, 2011 at 7:00 PM



Exonerated Death Row Survivors Urge Georgia to Stop the Execution of Troy Davis

Painting Troy Davis & Video

James Clark Blog: I am Troy Davis

The railroading of Troy Davis

Why the war to save Troy Davis isn't over:
 Martina Correia Mar 29, 2011

The Death Penalty Gender Gap
April 25, 2011

January 2011 Atlanta MLK Parade


Martina Correia, sister of Troy Anthony Davis,  just spent a few days in Dublin at the Annual General Meeting of Amnesty International Ireland where she also received an International Award : The Sean McBride Award for Outstanding Contribution to Human Rights 2010. See Irish Times article.  Read more media clips from Irish trip.

See latest article The Irish Times - Monday, April 25, 2011


Life and Death on Georgia's Death Row

See CNN Video: Death Row Mistake?

English Rock Band Keane Visit Troy

Martina speaks to the Institute for Race& Justice at the Harvard Law School Sept 16, 2009

Congressman Hank Johnson May 29th shows his support of Troy Davis after visiting Troy on Death Row.
Congressman Hank Johnson speaks to media after visiting Troy Davis Georgia's 4th District


Hear the KBCS interview with Troy and others

A new animated video, featuring original music by
State Radio, illustrates the injustice of Troy Davis' case.
Video produced by Citizen.


Federal court rejects Troy Davis’ appeal: Apr. 16, 2009

Judge Rosemary Barkett dissented. “To execute Davis, in the face of a significant amount of proffered evidence that may establish his actual innocence, is unconscionable and unconstitutional,” she wrote.

Global Day Of Action for Troy Davis: May 19, 2009
Why President Obama should have Georgia on his mind: May 19, 09
Poets 4 Political Prisoners Benefit
Martin Luther King Jr. Parade in Atlanta, Georgia January 19, 2009
SavanahNow calls Martina The Crusader -- Person of Impact
Watch the Video
UCC minister offers to die for Troy Davis
Read The ECONOMIST : Story of Reasonable Doubt
See New Message from Troy
Hear new Song composed for Troy
Troy's case subject of International Human Rights Competition

Thank you to all those who support Troy, many of you have wanted to send Troy a financial gift. There is a new address to sending Troy a personal money order:
Please send money orders from now on to: 

                                          Troy Anthony Davis #657378 GDCP
                                           c/o Georgia Department of Corrections
                                           Inmate Accounts
                                           P O Box 405699
                                           Atlanta, Georgia 30384-5699
Do Not Send Cash, It will be Returned and Sometimes is Lost!
Please keep copy of money order for your records & write and let him know you mailed a money order:
                                             Troy A. Davis #657378 GDCP
                                             G-2-48 PO Box 3877
                                             Jackson, Georgia. 30233

Martina Takes Troy's Case to the European Union

In a addition to speaking to the European Union in Brussels Belgium and the Council of Europe in Strasbourg she also attended a demonstration in Paris, which was organized by Amnesty International France.

Here are some pictures from the Rally and demonstration for Troy.

Here is Press Coverage in Le Monde. Below are the Video clips attached to this article. Be sure to view them.

Excerpt: Amnesty International Report on theCase of Troy Davis 

Where is the Justice for me?
A plea from Troy Davis

Where is the Justice for me? In 1989 I surrendered myself to the police for crimes I knew I was innocent of in an effort to seek justice through the court system in Savannah, Georgia USA. But like so many death penalty cases, that was not my fate and I have been denied justice. During my imprisonment I have lost more than my freedom, I lost my father and my family has suffered terribly, many times being treated as less than human and even as criminals. In the past I have had lawyers who refused my input, and would not represent me in the manner that I wanted to be represented. I have had witnesses against me threatened into making false statements to seal my death sentence and witnesses who wanted to tell the truth were vilified in court.

For the entire two years I was in jail awaiting trial I wore a handmade cross around my neck, it gave me peace and when a news reporter made a statement in the local news, “Cop-killer wears cross to court,” the cross was immediately taken as if I was unworthy to believe in God or him in me. The only time my family was allowed to enter the courtroom on my behalf was during the sentencing phase where my mother and sister had to beg for my life and the prosecutor simply said, “I was only fit for killing.” Where is the Justice for me, when the courts have refused to allow me relief when multiple witnesses have recanted their testimonies that they lied against me?

Because of the Anti-Terrorism Bill, the blatant racism and bias in the U.S. Court System, I remain on death row in spite of a compelling case of my innocence. Finally I have a private law firm trying to help save my life in the court system, but it is like no one wants to admit the system made another grave mistake. Am I to be made an example of to save face? Does anyone care about my family who has been victimized by this death sentence for over 16 years? Does anyone care that my family has the fate of knowing the time and manner by which I may be killed by the state of Georgia?

I truly understand a life has been lost and I have prayed for that family just as I pray for mine, but I am Innocent and all I ask for is a True Day in a Just Court. If I am so guilty why do the courts deny me that? The truth is that they have no real case; the truth is I am Innocent.                                          

Where is the Justice for me?    

By Troy A. Davis

November 2007 Vigils. Before and After Oral Arguments

See Full Amnesty International Report: Where is the Justice for Me

Law students and Law schools get involved:

It was Troy's Birthday Oct. 9. Many people left him a birthday message on YouTube.  Look at the wonderful video messages many have left him.

For further info or to learn how you can help please contact:

Information <>
Phone 404 876-5661 Extension


Copyright -- Troy Anthony Davis 2004