- published: 11 Nov 2008
- views: 9506443
The blood sugar concentration or blood glucose level is the amount of glucose (sugar) present in the blood of a human or animal. The body naturally tightly regulates blood glucose levels as a part of metabolic homeostasis.
With some exceptions, glucose is the primary source of energy for the body's cells, and blood lipids (in the form of fats and oils) are primarily a compact energy store. Glucose is transported from the intestines or liver to body cells via the bloodstream, and is made available for cell absorption via the hormone insulin, produced by the body primarily in the pancreas.
Glucose levels are usually lowest in the morning, before the first meal of the day (termed "the fasting level"), and rise after meals for an hour or two by a few millimolar. Blood sugar levels outside the normal range may be an indicator of a medical condition. A persistently high level is referred to as hyperglycemia; low levels are referred to as hypoglycemia. Diabetes mellitus is characterized by persistent hyperglycemia from any of several causes, and is the most prominent disease related to failure of blood sugar regulation. Intake of alcohol causes an initial surge in blood sugar, and later tends to cause levels to fall. Also, certain drugs can increase or decrease glucose levels.
Pendulum - Blood Sugar
Pendulum - Blood Sugar [1080p HD]
The Myth about Blood Sugars and Diabetes
Top 7 tips, How To Lower Blood Sugar Naturally?
Blood Sugar: Stop Fatigue, Beat Insomnia, Lose the Weight.
How to Control Blood Sugar Level Naturally | Diabetes Treatment
Blood Sugar Health Tips - Pre Diabetic Blood Sugar Levels!
Pendulum - Blood Sugar Full 5min Version
5 Foods to Stabilize Blood Sugar
How to test your blood glucose (sugar) levels
You can make a requests via PM. Check out my channel for more music, or go here for the HD playlist: http://www.youtube.com/playlist?p=PL31E9242DB30E2319 Pendulum - Blood Sugar (Uncensored)
Find Your Body Type: http://bit.ly/BodyTypeQuiz Dr. Berg explains blood sugars and what the body must have in order to stay healthy. In this video, Dr. Berg talks about what the body burns first – fat or sugar and why it may be difficult for those who have diabetes to be on a diet and get results. Dr. Eric Berg DC Bio: Dr. Berg, 50 years of age is a chiropractor who specializes in weight loss through nutritional and natural methods. His private practice is located in Alexandria, Virginia. His clients include senior officials in the U.S. government and the Justice Department, ambassadors, medical doctors, high-level executives of prominent corporations, scientists, engineers, professors, and other clients from all walks of life. He is the author of The 7 Principles of Fat Burning, publi...
Diabetes treatments: http://tinyurl.com/diabetes-in-three-weeks If you have diabetes, lowering blood sugar isn’t just a short-term goal: It absolutely helps prevent or delay diabetes complications, including kidney, eye and nerve diseases, such as diabetic peripheral neuropathy. Most of these conditions require 10 or more years to develop, but “it’s still worth aggressively managing blood sugar levels to slow the onset of complications. Here are 7 tips how to lower blood sugar naturally. 1. Never eat huge meals To help your body regulate blood sugar levels: - Avoid fasting - Don’t skip meals - Know your carb counts How many carbs per meal are ideal? A typical starting point is 45 grams per meal for women and 60 grams for men, according to the American Diabetes Association (ADA). But som...
Confused about blood sugar and it's problems? Dr. Marlene Merritt from the Merritt Wellness Center in Austin, Texas, clearly explains how the problems started, progressed, and how most people are inadvertently making things worse. 4 out of 5 adults at the age of 55 are diabetic or pre-diabetic — this video explains how that occurred and why it will only continue to happen. (part 1 of 4)
Pre-Diabetes? Discover how to quickly improve your blood sugar and prevent the future health problems that come with Diabetes. http://drsam.co/yt/Pre-Diabetic-BSO ********************** Blood Sugar Health Tips - Pre Diabetic Blood Sugar Levels! ******************************* Pre-diabetes will almost always develop into (Type 2) diabetes if left unchecked. It’s a wake-up call and a “warning” for your future health. Pre-Diabetes can be reversed. Simply making some small adjustments in each of these categories will make fast results for you, which means, more energy; less body fat; better cognition and you will simply look and feel YOUNGER! However, time is of the essence. If you have a Pre-Diabetes blood sugar level, visit Dr.Sam Robbins at this link to stay healthy. http://drsam.co/yt...
More nutrition tips and videos: http://barbaramendeznutrition.com Good morning everyone and Happy Monday! Do you find yourself waking up tired making it hard to get your day started in a robust way? Do you get big dips in your energy levels in the afternoon? Are you gaining weight in your mid-section and uncertain as to why? All of these symptoms could be signs that you have an unstable blood sugar, also known as Hypoglycemia. Your blood sugar waxes and wanes throughout the day depending on the foods you've eaten and when you have eaten them. If you have a big candy bar, for example, your blood sugar will spike upwards and then come crashing down not long after leaving you feeling tired, foggy and hungry for more sugar. Hypoglycemia can increase your cravings and appetite, leading to ...
Watch a step by step guide on how to test your blood glucose levels. In order to perform a blood glucose test you will require your blood glucose meter, a test strip to hand, a lancing device and a monitoring diary to record the results of your blood glucose test. Diabetes.co.uk's Benedict Jephcote runs through how to test your blood sugar. In this video, Benedict is using a OneTouch meter and test strips. How to test blood glucose: http://www.diabetes.co.uk/blood-glucose/how-to-test-blood-glucose-levels.html How to inject insulin: http://www.diabetes.co.uk/insulin/how-to-inject-insulin.html Ben's blood glucose was 3.6 mmol/L (or 65 mg/dL) in this video. Learn about hypos (low blood glucose) at http://www.diabetes.co.uk/Diabetes-and-Hypoglycaemia.html For those not in the UK, mmol/L i...
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Tracklist: 00:00 The Power Of Equality 04:09 If You Have To Ask 07:44 Breaking The Girl 12:42 Funky Monks 18:06 Suck My Kiss 21:44 I Could Have Lied 25:15 Mellowship Slinky In B-Major 29:21 The Righteous & The Wicked 33:33 Give It Away 38:22 Blood Sugar Sex Magik 42:58 Under The Bridge 46:44 Naked In The Rain (some parts where blocked due to copyrights) 51:16 Apache Rose Peacock 56:05 The Greeting Song 59:25 My Lovely Man (some parts where blocked due to copyrights - 1:01:42) 1:04:11 Sir Psycho Sexy 1:12:35 They're Red Hot COPYRIGHT STATEMENT This audio is property of the Red Hot Chili Peppers and Warner Music Group. This is not being used to make money in any way and it's for entertainment and leisure purposes only. Non-commercial use. .
I created this video with the YouTube Video Editor (http://www.youtube.com/editor)
Yoga For Diabetes: Yoga helps reduce high blood pressure along with blood sugar levels. Daily yoga exercises help reduce the symptoms of diabetes and blood pressure. Type 2 diabetes is a lifestyle problem, which can lead to complications. Stress, unhealthy diet and poor fitness are some of the causes of diabetes. How yoga can help fight diabetes - Regular yoga practice can help reduce the level of sugar in the blood, along with lowering blood pressure, keeping a weight check, reducing the symptoms and slowing the rate of progression of diabetes, as well as lessening the severity of further complications. Let's see how. - Like for most lifestyle diseases, stress is one of the major reasons for diabetes.It increases the secretion of glucagon hormones in the body, responsible for increasin...
Episode #135- Dr. Brian Mowll discusses balancing blood sugar. ➢ Check Out Dr. Mowll's Diabetes Summit: http://highintensityhealth.com/diabetes ➢ Listen to the Audio in iTunes: http://highintensityhealth.com/itunes --------------------------------------Lets Connect---------------------------------- ● Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MikeMutzelMS ● Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/metabolic_mike --------------------------------------Key Takeaways---------------------------------- ➢ Precision Neo Glucose meter http://amzn.to/1VRXOYy 05:06 Assessing our Blood Sugar: We should all have a glucometer and be testing our blood sugar. Dr. Mowll recommends the Precision Neo by FreeStyle. 14:12 Fasting Blood Sugar Testing: Some of us have the Dawn Effect or Dawn Phenomena where ou...
This video is about the difference between blood sugar and insulin. There is a fairly common misconception that insulin and blood sugar are basically the same thing. Many believe if blood sugar is low, insulin will be low, but that is not always the case. In fact, insulin and blood sugar are often very different and this fact goes to the very heart of the obesity problem and the heart of the type 2 diabetes problem. You need to understand this concept and more importantly, you need to know that while insulin doesn't always track with blood sugar, it does track with body fat. This video tells you how to test for insulin, where you can buy a test, and what you can do to set your mind at ease, if you can't afford a test right now. The written version of this video, with links - "Blood Suga...
The Gotobeds 6/10/16 album Blood // Sugar // Secs // Traffic Order here http://u.subpop.com/1Zu3Ajo TRACKLIST 1. Real Maths/Too Much (0:00) 2. “Bodies” (3:28) 3. Brass Not Rash (6:08) 4. Rope (9:38) 5. Why'd You? (14:20) 6. Red Alphabet (16:25) 7. Cold Gold (LA's Alright) (20:14) 8. Crisis Time (22:46) 9. Manifest (25:47) 10. Glass House (27:21) 11. Amazing Supermarkets (31:50) The Gotobeds Facebook https://www.facebook.com/thegotobeds/ Bandcamp https://thegotobeds.bandcamp.com/ Sub Pop https://www.subpop.com/artists/the_gotobeds Sub Pop Records http://www.subpop.com Twitter https://twitter.com/subpop Facebook https://www.facebook.com/subpoprecords SoundCloud http://soundcloud.com/subpop MegaMart https://megamart.subpop.com/
A documentary of Blood Sugar Sex Magik
High levels of blood glucose define diabetes. To understand diabetes and how to manage it well, it is essential to understand sources of glucose in our blood, how normal levels are maintained and what happens in diabetes. Balanced interaction between carbohydrates in food, glucose in blood and insulin in our body results into normal blood glucose levels. Loss of this balance causes high blood sugar levels. Once you understand this interaction well, you are in a much better position to understand and even self manage your diabetes on a day to day basis, says Dr. Anup, MD That is exactly what this presentation does. It empowers you to understand dynamics of blood glucose better. Diabetes is defined as the disease with high blood sugar levels. Why do the levels of blood sugar go up in di...
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