- published: 29 May 2010
- views: 34409
Vaida is a small borough (Estonian: alevik) in Rae Parish, Harju County, northern Estonia. It's located about 21 km (13 mi) southeast of the capital Tallinn, by the Tallinn–Tartu road (E263). Vaida has a population of 990 (as of 1 January 2010).
Vaida was first mentioned in 1241 in the Danish Census Book. Vaida Manor (Wait) was established in the 1630s, during the almost three centuries of existence the manor had many owners. The 1-storey main building from the beginning of the 19th century was burned down during the 1905 Revolution. In 1911 an ethnic Estonian Jaan Saar built a new wooden main building, but this also burned down in 1945. Nowadays mainly the park has remained from the former manor.
In the Soviet times a sovkhoz operated in Vaida.
Nowadays there are primary school, library and a post office in Vaida.
Urmărește ediția integrală pe AntenaPlay: https://goo.gl/ciPWOp Paula Chirilă şi soţul ei, Marius, sunt căsătoriţi la distanţă de aproape 12 ani. El a refuzat să se mute din Cluj, ea are proiectele în Bucureşti. Cei doi au susţinut "testul compatibilităţii", în direct, la Xtra Night Show!
Matilda Pascal Cojocăriţa şi Mirela Vaida Boureanu au fost invitatele Iulianei Tudor în ediţia din 11 aprilie a emisiunii O dată-n viaţă de pe TVR1. http://www.facebook.com/fantvr1 http://www.tvr.ro http://youtube.com/TVRcanaluloficial
Monikos Linkytės turas ,,Po dangum'' vasario-kovo mėn. Bilietai: http://www.bilietai.lt/lt/event/28905 Monikos albumas "Walk With Me" - parsisiųsk jau dabar! https://itunes.apple.com/lt/album/walk-with-me/id1031983283 Download album "Walk With Me" from itunes: https://itunes.apple.com/lt/album/walk-with-me/id1031983283 Music & Lyrics: Leon Somov & Jazzu Photo: Naglis Bierancas Make Up: Rasa Pakamorytė Style: My wardrobe P.C. UAB "Gyva Muzika" *** DRAUGAUKIME Facebook https://www.facebook.com/monika.linkyte *** INTERNETINIS PUSLAPIS http://www.atlikejai.com/atlikejai/monika-linkyte/ // Monika Linkyte Official YouTube page // Follow: https://www.facebook.com/monika.linkyte
Va puteti imagina cat a sta masina "parcata" pe sine daca sunt 2 tramvaie oprite si pasagerii coborati ? :)
Mallorca Holiday video 2016 HD
Ruta and her friend Vaida decided to take a short trip to Lisbon Portugal. So much fun. You definitely should visit this great country. Beautiful beaches, wonderful cliffs, amazing clubs and food. What more could you want from a 4 day holiday.
Pursuit of happiness in Latvia. All the credits for music: Lost Frequencies feat. Janieck Devy
von stefan vaida
Rimworld version 0.16 (Wanderlust) has just been launched ... SO LET'S GET INTO IT!!! Brings the ability to travel and interact with the rest of the planet. Very cool. :)
baby when i met you there was peace unknown
i set out to get you with a fine tooth comb
i was soft inside there was sumthen goen on
you do sumthen to me that i cant explain
hold me closer and i feel no pain
every beat of my heart we got sumthen goen on
tender love is blind it requires a dedication
all this love we feel needs no conversation
rely on eachother uh huh
maken love with eachother uh huh
islands in the stream
that is what we are
no one in between
how could we be wrong
sail away with me
to another world
we can rely on eachother uh huh
from one lover to another uh huh
i cant live without you when your love is gone
everything is nothing when you got no woman
and you just walk in the night slowly
losen sight of the real thing
that won't happen to us
and we got no doubt
too deep in love and we
got no way out and the
message is clear this could
be the year of the real thing
no more will you cry
baby i will hurt you never
we started in as one
in love forever we rely on
eachother uh huh
maken love with eachother uh huh