From anger to action: Building the movement for Black liberation
A statement on the shootings in Dallas and struggle against police crimes

(July 16, 2016)

Trump, Clinton, and the 2016 elections: Let’s build the struggle on the streets
PDF flyer of this statement (July 16, 2016)

Las elecciones del 2016: Trump, Clinton, y la lucha popular de calle
(16 de julio, 2016)

Latest Statements

All out for May Day! Stand up, fight back on International Workers Day 2016
(April 24, 2016)

¡Este primero de mayo todo el pueblo a la calle! Sigue la lucha en el Día Internacional de los Trabajadores 2016
(24 de abril 2016)

Celebrate International Women's Day 2016
(March 5, 2016)

Chicago stands up to killer cops. Community control of police now!
(December 30, 2015)

Freedom Road leader expresses condolences to people of Paris, opposes more U.S. wars
(November 15, 2015)

On the passing of Nelson Peery, an outstanding American revolutionary
(October 20, 2015)

Donald Trump, the Republican Party and their attack on citizenship
(September 10, 2015)

Stop Police Crimes! Build the movement for community control of police!
(August 29, 2015)

FRSO: Supreme Court marriage equality ruling ‘important accomplishment’
(June 26, 2015)

White supremacist terror attack in Charleston and the need to shatter the chains of oppression
(June 20, 2015)

La necesidad de romper las cadenas de la opresión: Sobre el ataque terrorista de la supremacía blanca en Charleston
(20 de junio 2015)

Click here for more statements...



Theory, Analysis

On Marxist organization
The article Developing Marxist Organization and the Role of Units has long been studied inside Freedom Road Socialist Organization. It was written by a leading comrade in the late 1990s to guide an internal campaign to strengthen our organization and to help us in our efforts to integrate Marxism-Leninism with the concrete conditions we are confronting.

FRSO Seventh Congress and Main Political Report
Main Political Report sections: Domestic Report | U.S. Economy | International Report (October 24, 2014)
FRSO's assessment of the conditions facing us. This is the Main Political Report (MPR) from FRSO's Seventh Congress, held in 2014.

FRSO Program: Class in the U.S. and Our Strategy for Revolution
This document is a portion of the political program of Freedom Road Socialist Organization. It was adopted at our 5th Congress. Other parts of the program are still in the process of development.

FRSO Program: Immediate Demands for U.S. Colonies, Indigenous Peoples, and Oppressed Nationalities
This document is a portion of the political program of Freedom Road Socialist Organization. It was adopted at our 5th Congress. Other parts of the program are still in the process of development.

Some Points on the Mass Line
A study prepared by a leading member of FRSO in the late 1980s. This study has been used extensively inside and outside our organization and it has been reprinted in a number of different political settings. (pdf pamphlet version)

Looking back at Tiananmen Square, the defeat of counter-revolution in China
(May 2009) (PDF printable version)

The Immigrant Rights Movement and the Struggle for Full Equality (New FRSO pamphlet, April 2009)

Build a Fighting Workers Movement
A new pamphlet by the Labor Commission of Freedom Road Socialist Organization (February 2009) (PDF pamphlet version)

Fred Hampton – A Fighter for Black Liberation, Revolution and Socialism
An essay for Black History Month, 2008








Freedom Road Socialist Organization is a Marxist-Leninist organization in the United States. This website contains information about our organization, our politics and some of our activities in the people's movements.
FRSO on facebook | | email us | PO Box 87613, Chicago, IL 60680-0613, USA