Report Abuse
To ensure .LGBT is a safe space for the LGBT community, .LGBT has a strict Acceptable Use Policy that prohibits any use of a .LGBT domain in a manner that is harmful, threatening, abusive, harassing, defamatory, or hateful with respect to the LGBT community. Since it’s impossible for us to monitor the content on every .LGBT site, we must rely on the help of the online community in identifying and reporting .LGBT sites that may be in violation.
We take every abuse claim seriously and will review each report carefully.
If you wish to report a site or use of a .LGBT name that you believe fails to adhere to .LGBT anit-abuse policies, or violates the Acceptable Use Policy, please fill out the form below completely and tell us why you believe there is a breach or violation in as much detail as you can. We will review your claim promptly and carefully.
Thank you for taking the time to assure .LGBT remains true to its mission of providing a safe internet namespace for the LGBT community.