Mayday Anti-Capitalist and Anti-Authoritarian Contingent (US, LA)

  • Posted on: 24 April 2005
  • By: worker

Bring flags, banners, anti-authoritarian literature (in different languages, English, Spanish, Korean, Chinese), yourself and your friends Worldwide May 1st is recognized as International Worker's Day, a holiday that carries with it a history of class struggle, state repression, and resistance from the working class.
In 1886, 800,000 workers from all trades and factories throughout the US went on strike demanding the eight-hour workday. The Ruling class responded by sending out their lap-dog police forces, opening fire on picketers, and in the end, framing, railroading, and murdering eight anarchists in Chicago, known as the “Haymarket martyrs.�

Anarchists Spring Picnic (US, Indiana)

  • Posted on: 23 April 2005
  • By: worker

It's time to fold up our winter blankets and come out of hibernation. Indiana anarchists are at it again! Bring your friends, family, and neighbors to Indianapolis on May 7th to discuss plans for the year and figure out ways to support each other. Our friends working on Roadless Summer have asked that we set aside a morning session so folks across Indiana can coordinate their organizing efforts as we approach the beginning of the summer. Any other ideas for workshops or discussions can be sent to please bring a picnic basket with food to share as well as softball gloves, kickballs, soccer balls, etc.

Mehmet is insisting on his guilt of loving Baris. (Turkey)

  • Posted on: 23 April 2005
  • By: worker

Mehmet Tarhan known as a gay, anarchist and total objector is taken into custody at an hotel in Izmir, when he went to work for TUYAP book fair and then sent to military bureau. At there he had declared that “You brought me here by force, I am a conscientious objector, I will not sign any document.� Mehmet is insisting on not signing anything. Mehmet continued his resistance at Tokat 48 th Infantry Training Division where he was sent: he refused to wear uniform, didn't permit his hair and beard to be cut, and didn't sign any paper. His resistance for conscientious objection right has impacted soldiers: a group of soldiers with some officers demanded to meet Mehmet Tarhan to get info about conscientious objection and declared that they want this right to be legalised and supporters of this right to work more intensely. Mehmet is insisting on his conscientious objection right.

Can We Change The World Without Taking Power? by John Holloway

  • Posted on: 23 April 2005
  • By: worker

1. I don't know the answer. Perhaps we can change the world without taking power. Perhaps we can not. The starting-point - for all of us, I think - is uncertainty, not knowing, a common search for a way forward.

2. We are searching for a way forward, because it becomes more and more clear that capitalism is a catastrophe for humanity. A radical change in the organisation of society, that is, revolution, is more urgent than ever. And this revolution can only be world revolution if it is to be effective.

Heartcheck-a new zine by political prisoners Jeff 'Free' Luers and Rob 'los ricos' Thaxton

  • Posted on: 23 April 2005
  • By: worker

<table><tr><td>Heartcheck is a 40 page zine with new, unpublished writings and artwork by political prisoners Jeff 'Free' Luers and Robert 'Los Ricos' Thaxton. The zine is printed on recycled paper by 1984 Printing in Oakland, California and has a 4 color cover.</td><td><img src="./files/pictures/heartcheck_coversmall.jpg"></td></tr></table>

From the introduction:

With millions of people dying, the environment being poisoned and destroyed by consumerism, there really are only three kinds of people: the victims, the problem, and the solution.

Anti-Globalization and "Diversity of Tactics" By Chris Hurl

  • Posted on: 23 April 2005
  • By: worker

The recent wave of protests that have swept across the world under the banner of "anti-globalization" have recaptured the left's imagination, shattering the illusions of inevitability cast by neo-liberal magicians. The images and slogans from Seattle, Québec City, Prague, and Genoa have become an important legacy, a fresh inspiration to replace the fading images of Weathermen in football helmets. The "new activism," as exemplified in the anti-globalization movement, appears as a paradigm shift away from the politics of stale social democratic parties and small Marxist-Leninist sects awaiting their turn to play vanguard.


  • Posted on: 23 April 2005
  • By: worker

<table><tr><td>SAN FRANCISCO MAY DAY 2005 MARCH

What: May Day March and Rally in Solidarity with Local Labor Struggles and Immigrant Workers.
When/Where: Sunday May 1st.
3PM- March from Jefferson Square Park (Gough/Turk 10 minute walk from Civic Center BART)
5PM- Rally at Dolores Park (18th/Dolores)
7PM- Town-Hall meeting, food, music, film screening at CellSpace (2050 Bryant near 18th St.)</td><td><img src="./files/pictures/anarchistaction.gif"></td></tr></table>

Arming Desire in Disarming Times by Lawrence Jarach

  • Posted on: 22 April 2005
  • By: worker

<table><tr><td>As the magazine moves into its 25th year, I thought it would be a good opportunity to revisit the title. What is the “Liberation of Desire,� and what does it mean to arm it?

In an era of untrammeled consumerism and acquisitiveness the question of desire is, to say the least, complex; fueled by the inherent anxiety that exists within capitalism, enormous amounts of time and energy are expended in an unparalleled effort to get people all over the world to spend their money on commodities that are shoddy, unnecessary, harmful, and/ or trivial. </td><td><img src="./files/pictures/chair.gif"></td></tr></table>
