
Trump and the Legacy of the Anti-Globalization Movement

  • Posted on: 21 July 2016
  • By: thecollective

From Agency: An anarchist project by B. Traven (CrimethInc.)

Really, Mr. Trump, it’s been surprising to hear some of the language you’ve been using in your Presidential campaign: globalization is a bad thing, you want fair trade rather than free trade, the global elites are out to get us. The last time I heard such rhetoric, I was inside a besieged convergence center preparing for a police raid.

I’m curious if you’re aware that there was already an anti-globalization movement? Like, twenty years ago?

VOID NETWORK "On the tragic and the farcical of the British referendum"

  • Posted on: 21 July 2016
  • By: Anonymous (not verified)

If we take as reliable evidence the anxiety (verging to panic) that spread over the social media among supporters of Remain once the results of the British referendum were made known, it would seem that a real tragedy has been played out on the 23rd of June. Or was it a ‘triumph of democracy’, as the celebrations of some leftists, who saw in the result a vindication of their own anti-EU agenda, would have us believe? Without adopting an imaginary middle road, it is advisable to distance oneself from both attitudes; neither the mix of fear with self-righteous indignation against those who voted “Leave”, nor the hasty projection of one’s own wishes add anything to a critical understanding of the referendum, of its driving forces, its context and its outcome. A drama no doubt unfolds, but what is its nature? Arguing that Brexit, in its immediate manifestations, has more farcical elements than tragic, is not meant to suggest that the referendum was an insignificant event; far from it. A farce can be deadly serious in its consequences, so much so if it is part of an unfolding tragedy.

An Anarchist FAQ after 20 years

  • Posted on: 20 July 2016
  • By: Anonymous (not verified)

It is now 20 years since An Anarchist FAQ (AFAQ) was officially launched and six years since the core of it was completed (version 14.0). Its has been published by AK Press as well as translated into numerous languages. It has been quoted and referenced by other works. So it has been a success – although when it was started I had no idea what it would end up like.

It is Time to Kiss the Earth Again

  • Posted on: 17 July 2016
  • By: Anonymous (not verified)

“We can never recover an old vision, once it has been supplanted. But what we can do is to discover a new vision in harmony with the memories of old, far-off, far, far-off experience that lie within us.” —D.H. Lawrence

“All things are full of gods.” —Thales

“One existence, one music, one organism, one life, one God: star-fire and rock-strength, the sea’s cold flow And man’s dark soul.” — Robinson Jeffers

Are Anarchism and Democracy Opposed? A Response to Crimethinc

  • Posted on: 15 July 2016
  • By: Anonymous (not verified)

Summary: Crimethinc has initiated a discussion about the relationship between anarchism and democracy. Their opinion is that anarchism must be opposed to democracy—not only to bourgeois representative democracy but also to direct, participatory, libertarian-socialist, democracy. I argue, instead, that there is a struggle over the meaning of “democracy,” and that anarchism can and should be interpreted as the most radical, decentralized, and participatory extension of democracy.

Are Anarchism and Democracy Opposed? A Response to Crimethinc
by Wayne Price

The Institute for Anarchist Studies at Twenty

  • Posted on: 14 July 2016
  • By: Anonymous (not verified)

Perspectives offers this reflection on the IAS’ first twenty years from the current anarcha-feminisms issue, available here, by an IAS member who has been involved since the beginning. In order to assemble a growing history of the IAS that’s as rich and multi-vocal as possible, we are inviting additional reflections from those who have been involved as board members, authors, grantees, and readers, which we can post throughout the year.

The Clarity of Rupture: Dallas and Los Angeles

  • Posted on: 11 July 2016
  • By: thecollective

From Lucha No Feik

On October 28, 1967 Huey Newton allegedly killed police officer John Frey. Up until that moment the Black Panther Party, barely a year old and only around one hundred members deep, had only engaged in police patrols, established community defense initiatives, planned rallies for Denzil Dowell who was shot dead by police in Richmond,CA, and enacted the spectacularized armed protest at the California State Assembly. October 28, 1967 marked a significant turning point in the tenor of the BPP and the broader Black Power movement. This singular action became both a moment of division and clarification that went on to set the tone for a future wave of struggles.

A Non-Pacifist's Critique Of The Gun Debate

  • Posted on: 6 July 2016
  • By: Anonymous (not verified)

Radicals around me from the far-Left, mainly anarchists, Marxists, and non-affiliated anti-fascists, since Obama was elected, have been up in arms about the looming potential of maybe losing their arms. After another example of mass death via the easy accessibility of mass-murdering weapons, Democratic politicians in the US are trying again to reform the legalize-faire laws on guns. People I know are saying guns=revolution, that they, as a small minority in arms, will have the ability to stop the neoliberal-State and/or fascist-State.
