Afghan Patriots - Living with the Taliban
What would some of you do if a foreign country invaded your homeland? Put yourself in their shoes. A
Western journalist lives with a Taliban fighting group, documenting and filming their daily lives, risking his own freedom and his life in the process.
The United Kingdom has been involved in this military action and occupation for nine years.
There is no end in sight.
Combatants on both sides are dying daily.
Innocent civilians -- men, women and children are dying almost daily.
Both sides are totally convinced that God is on their side.
Opinions on the conflict are deeply divided in the UK, with probably a majority of the electorate being against the war being continued and in favour of withdrawal.
Opinion in
Pakistan is deeply divided about the conflict.
The coalition forces are not winning this conflict.
The original objectives of the invasion of
Afghanistan have been repeatedly redefined and have become blurred and confused.
The occupation of Afghanistan has created what is rapidly becoming an unbridgeable rift between the
West and Islamic nations and cultures. It has also created serious tensions within the UK itself.
The invasion of Afghanistan was launched by the now wholly discredited
Bush/Cheney neocom regime in
The coalition forces and the Karsai government will almost certainly do a deal with the Taliban to secure a diplomatic end to the conflict.
Living with Taliban from
Channel 4-
Description from TAofMoridura's channel-
Reuploaded from truth2theyouth's channel-
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