
Learner chasing Pokemon when caught driving drunk: police

A Brisbane learner driver has been caught allegedly driving drunk down a West End street searching for Pokemon.

Police officers spotted a vehicle allegedly driving erratically down Riverside Drive without headlights on about 2.30am last Thursday.

Police say a woman was playing Pokemon Go when she was pulled over.
Police say a woman was playing Pokemon Go when she was pulled over. Photo: Bloomberg

When police pulled the woman over they discovered she was playing Pokemon Go and seemed drunk.

The 27-year-old, was driving on a learner's permit without the required passenger and when breath tested, allegedly returned a positive reading of 0.156 per cent.

The West End local was charged with one count of driving under the influence and one count of failing to comply with requirements of class C learner licence.

She is due to face Brisbane Magistrates Court on Monday August 8.

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