
The Socialist Party relies solely on donations from ordinary people to fund our campaigns. We have no big business or government backers. If you can make a donation, be it once off or on a regular basis, there are several ways you can make payments.

Donate via Paypal or credit card

Donation Information

I would like to make a donation in the amount of:

I would like to designate this donation to a specific fund

I would like this donation to automatically repeat each month

Donor Information

First Name:
Last Name:
Add me to your mailing list

Donate using cheques or money orders

Make cheques or money orders payable to Socialist Party and mail to:
PO BOX 1015 Collingwood
Victoria, Australia, 3066.

Directly transfer money into our bank account

Our details for internet banking are:

Account name – Socialist Party
Account Number – 12061448
BSB Number – 313 140

Please put a note with your transaction saying Donation

For other options please contact our National Office.