Why I joined the Socialist Party

Why I joined the Socialist Party

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Three new members explain why they joined the Socialist Party

I have identified as a socialist for a while without really doing anything about my political views. Although being raised to recognise injustice when I was confronted by it, the most politically active people I knew growing up, were those who handed out Liberal Party voting cards on election day.

University, travels and employment have exposed me to less conservative views and imbued an anger at the social and structural inequalities that exist everywhere.

I have previously avoided joining any kind of political organisation due to scepticism and seeing the lack of action and success in the approach of groups with similar socialist ideologies.

However, engaging in discussions with members of the Socialist Party about their grass roots approach to mobilising ordinary people in their campaigns, as well as hearing about the long list of successes they have had, really impressed me.

The party’s willingness to take a stand on a range of issues, no matter how seemingly small, and their commitment to be there front and centre to see it through convinced me I had finally found a group of activists I wanted to join.

By Amy Neve


I was raised in a conservative family that never discussed politics because that was considered rude. Even from a young age, with a naïve perspective of the world, I knew there was something wrong with the fact that there were these super rich people living in mansions while simultaneously there were countries stricken with famine.

As I grew older, environmental destruction became another issue close to my heart but without any knowledge of political alternatives, I became alienated and didn’t engage in politics. I didn’t know what I could do.

My introduction to socialist ideas came when a friend who is a member of the Socialist Party invited me to come to a rally against education cuts. From there I realised that I’d become an activist after being convinced to attend other protests including a demonstration for refugee rights and pickets against the East-West toll road.

By Jorden Griggs


I joined Socialist Party as I was inspired by the campaign against the East-West toll road. The work of the party helped empower people who would be affected by its construction, especially those in the City of Yarra.

I’ve lived my whole life in Thornbury where terrible decisions by the state government, and Darebin Council, in regards to urban planning, public transport, youth services and public housing have run rampant.

The entire community have got to a point where they feel extremely disempowered. Quite frankly, the people around my area are so used to being ignored and taken for granted by the major parties that many don’t see any point in raising issues any more.

The qualities which the Socialist Party brought to the political landscape in the campaign that stopped the East-West toll road need to be spread to Darebin and beyond. We are in dire need of a community minded political alternative like the Socialist Party right across Australia.

By Jules Sheldon