WA News

Record-breaking balloon-man Fedor Konyukhov wants bits back from souvenir gang

Russia's record-breaking pilot Fedor Konyukhov ended the weekend triumphant in Northam but has started the new week with a message for the people of WA - he'd like all the pieces of his balloon back.

Mr Konyukhov, 64, crash-landed in Bonnie Rock 360 kilometres north-east of Perth on Saturday afternoon, breaking by two days Steve Fosset's previous world record for circumnavigating the globe.

Souvenir hunters got a little carried away, according to the organisers of Fedor Konyukhov's epic journey.
Souvenir hunters got a little carried away, according to the organisers of Fedor Konyukhov's epic journey. Photo: 7 News Perth

But the joy - marked by a hero's welcome and a shower of champagne - turned to deflation on Monday when it emerged over-enthusiastic fans had removed more parts of the balloon than Mr Konyukhov would have liked.

An appeal to the public released by his team asked members of the public to hand in their new souvenirs, no questions asked.

Fedor Konyukhov lands near Bonnie Rock after breaking the round-the-world ballooning record.
Fedor Konyukhov lands near Bonnie Rock after breaking the round-the-world ballooning record. Photo: Facebook/SBS Russian

"Unfortunately in their enthusiasm the souvenir collectors got a little carried away and many parts of the balloon were removed," the appeal read.

"The balloon will go into a museum which is being specially built in Moscow and we really would like some of the missing parts to complete the collection.  Of particular importance is the valve mechanism from the top of the balloon and the solar panels.  These have absolutely no monetary value or use but are obviously of great importance to Fedor.

"If the people in possession of these parts would contact us we will collect them from you and provide you with large pieces of the balloon fabric personally signed and endorsed by Fedor Konyukhov. 

"Alternatively if you wish to remain anonymous please drop these parts outside the  Northam Airport aero club.   The solar panels and valve are of enormous personal value to the pilot and the RTW project team and your help with their return would be sincerely appreciated."