
The Age Editorials

A cowardly failure to uphold Olympic values

Illustration: Jim Pavlidis

Through a lack of courage and conviction, the IOC has missed a much-needed opportunity to restore integrity to the Olympics, which have for years been undermined by doping and drugs scandals.

Cause for cautious hope on climate policy

The new energy and environment minister Josh Frydenberg.

Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull’s move to combine the energy and environment portfolios and place them in the charge of one of the government’s most competent ministers, Josh Frydenberg, might well lead to better policies on climate change.

Make America think again

Donald Trump speaks during the Republican National Convention in Cleveland.

American democracy has always had a carnival aspect, but with Donald Trump, a clown is now centre stage.

MH17 victims deserve justice

The wrecked cockpit of Malaysia Airlines MH17, shot down two years ago over eastern Ukraine.

The passing of the years should not diminish the quest for the perpetrators of the attack on MH17 to be found.

China must heed ruling or face global backlash


Should China persist with its apparent disdain for international law, the international community will have little choice but to launch a united effort to contain this emerging superpower.