- published: 26 Jan 2017
- views: 32
One Ok Rock (stylized as ONE OK ROCK) is a Japanese rock band formed in 2005, composed of Taka, Toru, Ryota, and Tomoya.
The foundation for One Ok Rock began when Toru Yamashita, then a high school student, wanted to start a band. He told his friend Ryota Kohama, a fellow member of the hip hop dance group Heads, to learn the bass and asked Alex Onizawa, who was their senior in school to join. He asked his classmate Tomo to play drums, who then left the band in 2006 to pursue an acting career. At that time, Taka Moriuchi was playing with another band named Chivalry of Music; however, Taka didn't enjoy playing with them, so Toru insisted that he join One Ok Rock instead. After signing with a label, Amuse, Inc. Tomo left the band because his parents didn't want their son to pursue that line of work. Tomoya Kanki had been teaching at ESP (Musical Academy) and was already in a band that wasn't going well. He then joined One Ok Rock in 2006, but only became an official member when they debuted in 2007.
The Bangladeshi taka (Bengali: টাকা, sign: ৳ or Tk, code: BDT) is the official currency of the People's Republic of Bangladesh. Issuance of banknotes ৳5 and larger is controlled by Bangladesh Bank, and for the ৳1 and ৳2 banknotes, which are the responsibility of the Ministry of Finance of the government of Bangladesh. The most commonly used symbol for the taka is "৳" and "Tk", used on receipts while purchasing goods and services. ৳1 is subdivided into 100 poisha.
The word taka in Bangla is also commonly used generically to mean any money, currency, or notes. Thus, colloquially, a person speaking Bangla may use "taka" to refer to money regardless of what currency it is denominated in. This is common in the Indian state of West Bengal and Tripura, where the official name of the Indian rupees is "taka" as well.
The word taka is derived from the Sanskrit term tangka (ṭaṃka), which was an ancient denomination for silver coins. In the region of Bengal, the term has always been used to refer to currency. In the 14th century, Ibn Battuta noticed that people in the Bengal Sultanate referred to gold and silver coins as taka instead of dinar.
Yokohama Stadium (横浜スタジアム, Yokohama Sutajiamu) is a stadium in Naka Ward, Yokohama, Japan. It opened in 1978 and holds 30,000 people.
It is primarily used for baseball and is the home field of the Yokohama DeNA BayStars. The stadium is unique, because it features dirt around the bases and pitcher's mound, but with dirt colored turf infield and base paths. The entire green portion of the field is now turf. The stadium is one of only three venues in Japan, with an American look (an all-grass outfield and infield, with dirt base paths), the others are Kobe Sports Park Baseball Stadium in Kobe and Mazda Stadium in Hiroshima.
It hosted an Australian Rules Football match and drew the second largest crowd, for such an event, outside of Australia.
Carlos Santana and Masayoshi Takanaka performed at the stadium on August 2, 1981. Japanese concert souvenir tour program for Santana/Takanaka, for their "Summer Live Super Session" tour of Japan.
Michael Jackson performed at the stadium during his Bad World Tour in five sold out concerts, more than any other artist in Yokohama, for a total audience of 190,000 fans (about 38,000 people per concert) on September 25, 26, and 27, 1987 and October 3–4, 1987 and one of the concerts was recorded and released as VHS titled Michael Jackson Live in Japan.
ROCK may refer to:
The Beginning may refer to:
人気ロックバンド ONE OK ROCK のボーカル・Takaが25日、日本のファンのマナーに対し、自身のInstagramで苦言を呈した。
今回は他のユーザーさんが作ったステージをやってみました! 鬼畜すぎでしたw 是非みなさんもやってみてください! チャンネル登録お願いします →https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCry3_RdW7bff3nZFpPhTSGg/featured?spfreload=10 HAPPY WHEELSの再生リスト →http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLiz9L5b5JuqKlrm2Jqs7uIxkXB62DegdF HAPPY WHEELSのPart1 →http://youtu.be/DLMG7Q06aCI?list=PLiz9L5b5JuqKlrm2Jqs7uIxkXB62DegdF Twitter @taka_062376 →https://twitter.com/taka_062376
ロックバンド「ONE OK ROCK」(ワンオクロック)のボーカル、Takaさん(28)が自身のインスタグラムで日本人のファンに対する不満を漏らした。 「このままいったらちょっと我慢の限界を迎えそうだから書かせてね」――。2017年1月25日、真っ白な写真に自身の思いを添えた。 ◆「ポケモンみつけたみたいにパシャパシャ撮られて」 日本国内のみならず、ワールドワイドな活躍をみせるワンオク。1月15日からは全米ツアーを開始し、24日、大盛況のうちに幕を閉じた。その翌日、Takaさんはモヤモヤとした気持ちをインスタグラム上で吐露した。 「このままいったらちょっと我慢の限界を迎えそうだから書かせてね」と切り出すと、「最近、日本のファンに対して、、ちょっとどう接していいかわからなくなってきちゃった」と告白。 「朝疲れた状態でバスから降りればそこには日本人が携帯片手にまるでポケモンみつけたみたいに動画やら写真やらパシャパシャ撮られて みんな毎日ちょっとシンドイ思いしてます。御飯もゆっくり食べれない。外の空気もろくに吸えない。ライブがはじまれば最前列はいつも同じ景色。。。日本人同士なのにわかってくれないのかなって、、、、」 と、海外ライブに駆けつける日本のファンの行き過ぎた行動に不快感を示した。 「そりゃ、、気持ちはね、、、わかるよ!楽しいだろうし。近くでみれて嬉しいだろうし」 と、ファンの気持ちを汲み取りつつも、 「でもね。俺らも人間だからさ、、、限度ってものがあると思うんだよね。なんのために海外で毎日頑張ってるのかわからなくなっちゃうし、ルールなんか作りたくないからもう少し考えてほしい。。。僕らが海外でライブをする意味を!普段会えないから会いに行く場所ではないから!」 として、理解を求めた。 ◆「同じファンとしてごめんなさい」「常軌を逸してる」 ...
【ONE OK ROCK】TAKAと佐藤健の貴重なトークシーン!!【ワンオクロック】 もしよろしければ、チャンネル登録やグッド評価を、 よろしくお願いします! ワンオクロック, one ok rock, taka, 森内貴寛, toru, ryota, tomoya, ワンオク,
こんにちは、taka.です はぁ~(´・ω;`)クリスマスガチャ2016いよいよパート4です。 パート3では、レザールだけという結果でした 残すところ2体 コンプなるのか、てかコンプしたい(笑) ではでは、結果はいかに(笑) ご視聴よろしくお願いいたします。。。
『 ワンオク one ok rock:toruがtakaの魅力を語る… どうしてもボーカルにしたかった!!『つまらなそうな顔していた。でも、音楽は好きなんだろうぁ』』 画像引用 動画画像、サムネイル画像 http://i.ytimg.com/vi/1UoeTS6i3sw/hqdefault.jpg ED画像 http://ticketcamp.net/live-blog/oneokrock-member-profile/ 音楽引用 http://dova-s.jp/ ★☆★☆★love music one ok rock★☆★☆★ love music one ok rockへようこそ♪ このチャンネルでは、ワンオクメンバーが語る面白い話、音楽に対する熱い思い、プライベートの話などを音声にして配信していきます! 私はまだワンオクファンになって日が浅いのですが、 The Beginningを聞いて衝撃を受けて、大ファンになりました(^-^) 良かったら皆さんの好きな曲やワンオクに関する情報などがありましたら、コメント欄にて教えて下さい(^O^) ワンオクメンバーの声を聞いてみなさんが元気になってもらえたら嬉しいです♪ かなり近い頻度で更新していくので、よろしければGood評価、チャンネル登録して頂けると嬉しいです。 今後の更新の励みになります(^-^)よろしくお願いします! ★☆★☆★チャンネル登録はこちら★☆★☆★ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCRC_BnXb_Kg9iOQRcCpqXFw ★☆★☆★おすすめの関連動画★☆★☆★ one ok rock メンバーで一番変態なのは誰?? やっぱりあなただったんですね(笑) https://youtu.be/WS7DE1Sg4K8 言葉の天才!?rad...
7th Single - The Beginning Released: Aug 22, 2012 ※映画『るろうに剣心』主題歌 iTunes URL: http://smarturl.it/TheBeginning ONE OK ROCK Official Website http://www.oneokrock.com/
ONE OK ROCKが4月29日に、Live DVD & Blu-ray「ONE OK ROCK 2014“Mighty Long Fall at Yokohama Stadium”」をリリース決定。 2014年の9月13、14日の2日間にわたり、横浜スタジアムにて開催したライブを映像化。 収録内容としてはアンコールまでの全22曲が全て含まれており、また約60ページにわたるフォトブックも付いている。 ONE OK ROCK 2014 "Mighty Long Fall at Yokohama Stadium" LIVE ¥6,000(税抜) ★ONE OK ROCK official website★ http://www.oneokrock.com/
ONE OK ROCKが4月29日に、Live DVD & Blu-ray「ONE OK ROCK 2014“Mighty Long Fall at Yokohama Stadium”」をリリース決定。 2014年の9月13、14日の2日間にわたり、横浜スタジアムにて開催したライブを映像化。 収録内容としてはアンコールまでの全22曲が全て含まれており、また約60ページにわたるフォトブックも付いている。 ONE OK ROCK 2014 "Mighty Long Fall at Yokohama Stadium" LIVE ¥6,000(税抜) ★ONE OK ROCK official website★ http://www.oneokrock.com/
ONE OK ROCKが4月29日に、Live DVD & Blu-ray「ONE OK ROCK 2014“Mighty Long Fall at Yokohama Stadium”」をリリース決定。 2014年の9月13、14日の2日間にわたり、横浜スタジアムにて開催したライブを映像化。 収録内容としてはアンコールまでの全22曲が全て含まれており、また約60ページにわたるフォトブックも付いている。 ONE OK ROCK 2014 "Mighty Long Fall at Yokohama Stadium" LIVE ¥6,000(税抜) ★ONE OK ROCK official website★ http://www.oneokrock.com/
(Can't upload this without watermark) INFO: My channel is dead! (For the second time ¬¬). The secondary channel will have to be the main channel.
Directed by Naoto Amazutsumi ONE OK ROCK 2016 SPECIAL LIVE IN NAGISAEN 2016.11.20 21:00~ O.A on WOWOW WOWOW Official URL : http://www.wowow.co.jp/oneokrock/ ONE OK ROCK released their new single "Taking Off"! Pick it up and check it out on... iTunes: http://smarturl.it/OORTO-itunes Google Play: http://smarturl.it/OORTO-gp Amazon: http://smarturl.it/OORTO-az Spotify: http://smarturl.it/OORTO-sp ONE OK ROCK Official Website http://www.oneokrock.com/
5th Live DVD & Blu-ray [ONE OK ROCK 2014 "Mighty Long Fall at Yokohama Stadium" ] April 29, 2015 on sale ONE OK ROCK Official Website http://www.oneokrock.com/
ONE OK ROCK live at Hollywood Palladium LA on Jan 21st, 2017 as part of their North American Ambitions Tour / Part 1 / Panasonic Lumix LX100 / All my kids love them!
ONE OK ROCKが4月29日に、Live DVD & Blu-ray「ONE OK ROCK 2014“Mighty Long Fall at Yokohama Stadium”」をリリース決定。 2014年の9月13、14日の2日間にわたり、横浜スタジアムにて開催したライブを映像化。 収録内容としてはアンコールまでの全22曲が全て含まれており、また約60ページにわたるフォトブックも付いている。 ONE OK ROCK 2014 "Mighty Long Fall at Yokohama Stadium" LIVE ¥6,000(税抜) ★ONE OK ROCK official website★ http://www.oneokrock.com/
ONE OK ROCK "Wherever You Are" ▶️ LISTEN ON REPEAT: https://www.listenonrepeat.com/watch?v=-OUgzYy8JEo --------------------------------------------------- 5th Live DVD & Blu-ray [ONE OK ROCK 2014 "Mighty Long Fall at Yokohama Stadium" ] April 29, 2015 on sale ONE OK ROCK Official Website http://www.oneokrock.com/ --------------------------------------------------- [Lyrics:] I’m telling you I softly whisper Tonight tonight You are my angel Aishiteru yo Futari wa hitotsu ni Tonight… tonight… I just say… Wherever you are, I'll always make you smile Wherever you are, I’m always by your side Whatever you say, kimi wo omou kimochi I promise you “forever” right now I don’t need a reason I just want you baby Alright alright Day after day Kono saki nagai koto zutto Douka konna boku to zu...
ONE OK ROCK's list and songs of Ambitions FULL ALBUM List of songs: 1. Ambitions -Introduction- (0:00) 2. Bombs away (1:23) 3. Taking Off (5:48) 4. We are (9:27) 5. 20/20 (13:42) 6. Always coming back (17:02) 7. Bedroom Warfare (20:37) 8. Lost in Tonight (24:00) 9. I was King (26:52) 10.Listen (featuring Avril Lavigne) (30:51) 11.One Way Ticket (34:33) 12.Bon Voyage (38:08) 13.Start Again (42:16) 14.Take what you want (featuring 5 Seconds of Summer) (45:28) To download this album click the link here: https://itunes.apple.com/jp/album/ambitions/id1173406686 You can buy/pre-order the CD or the CD+DVD of this album by clicking this link:https://www.amazon.co.jp/ONE-OK-ROCK/e/B001LH7N2E/ref=sr_ntt_srch_lnk_1?qid=1484552173&sr;=8-1 //NO COPYRIGHT PLS//
★ライブ映像集をアップしました→https://youtu.be/8RULCq5k9Nw ★Background Music for sleep in slow tempo. ★睡眠用BGMにどうぞ。ちょうど10曲になるようにしたので、ロックバラード・昔のバラードは今回入れていません。 ★曲のタイトル画像はメンバーのinstagramより引用、加工させていただいております。 ★1曲目に和訳をつけていますが、作った時期が違うので、最近アップしたWherever you areの和訳とちょっと違いますw
ONE OK ROCK's list and songs of 35xxxv FULL ALBUM List of songs: 1. 3xxxv5 (0:00) 2. Take me to the top (1:41) 3. Cry out (4:57) 4. Suddenly (8:45) 5. Mighty Long Fall (11:48) 6. Heartache (15:52) 7. Memories (20:16) 8. Decision (23:38) 9. Paper Planes (featuring Kellin from Sleeping with Sirens) (27:23) 10.Good Goodbye (30:44) 11.One by One (34:30) 12.Stuck in the middle (38:08) 13.Fight the night (41:40) You can still download this album by clicking the link here: https://itunes.apple.com/jp/album/35xxxv/id953420397 //NO COPYRIGHT PLS//
ブロックされた箇所が解除になったようなので再アップしました。宜しければご覧ください。 Please do not reprint it.
ONE OK ROCK's list and songs of Ambitions (International Ver.)FULL ALBUM List of songs: 1. Ambitions (Introduction) (0:00) 2. Bombs away (1:23) 3. Taking Off (5:48) 4. We are (9:27) 5. Jaded (feat. Alex Gaskarth) (13:42) 6. Hard to Love (17:19) 7. Bedroom Warfare (20:37) 8. American Girls (23:58) 9. I was King (26:47) 10.Listen (30:47) 11.One Way Ticket (34:28) 12.Bon Voyage (38:04) 13.Start Again (42:10) 14.Take what you want (feat. 5 Seconds of Summer) (45:24) To download this album click the link here: https://itunes.apple.com/jp/album/ambitions/id1173406686 You can buy/pre-order the CD or the CD+DVD of this album by clicking this link:https://www.amazon.co.jp/ONE-OK-ROCK/e/B001LH7N2E/ref=sr_ntt_srch_lnk_1?qid=1484552173&sr;=8-1 //NO COPYRIGHT PLS//
ONE OK ROCK 2017 North American Tour at The Warfield, San Francisco 1/22/2017 Opening 0:00 Taking Off 0:57 Take Me to the Top 4:32 Cry Out 8:06 Deeper Deeper 12:40 Clock Strikes 16:44 Decision 22:25 Hard To Love 26:56 Instrumental Break 30:30 Bedroom Warfare 35:37 The Beginning 40:38 I was King 46:42 Take What You Want 50:31 We are 57:13 Mighty Long Fall 1:00:00 Encore 1:06:22 American Girls 1:08:15 End 1:13:26
Ambitions by One Ok Rock 00:00. Ambitions -Introduction- 01:31. Bombs away 05:38. Taking Off 09:25. We Are 13:23. 20_20 16:42. Always Coming Back 20:10. Bedroom Warfare 23:30. Lost in tonight 26:19. I Was King 30:14. Listen 33:50. One Way Ticket 37:30.Bon Voyage 41:27. Start Again 44:36. Take what you want (featuring 5 Seconds of Summer) Download Ambitions Full Album: https://mega.nz/#F!e8dGFJwB!gh5RVxQ7NWTKs0yeTW1jAw
One OK Rock Rocks the Palladium in Hollywood
ONE OK ROCK – Interview by Robert Herrera from PUNKVIDEOSROCK https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bRuQcjvMouY PUNKVIDEOSROCKのRobert Herrera氏により行われたインタビュー(リリース日は2017年1月24日)に日本語/英語字幕を付けました。 This interview was originally released by PUNKVIDEOSROCK on January 24, 2017. Karyuudo Fansubs added the translation to the video.
Watch AMBY's exclusive interview with One Ok Rock! One Ok Rock are a band I’ve wanted to interview since first starting AMBY. With their anthemic alternative-rock tracks, this Tokyo-based foursome have one of the most dedicated fanbases between North American and international fans alike, one of those fans being yours truly. So, you can only imagine how excited I was to finally interview a band on the AMBY Interview Bucket-List while One Ok Rock were through Toronto in support of their latest record release 35xxxv. Join AMBY in our exclusive interview with their frontman Takahiro Moriuchi as we go backstage to discuss making their new album, singing and English and Japanese, never giving up, crazy fan tattoos, cool places in Tokyo, food he loves, and Taka shares a message with all of his f...
Checkout my backstage interview with ONE OK ROCK members Taka (Morita Takahiro) and Ryota (Kohama Ryōta) at Warped Tour 2014 Subscribe for more ONE OK ROCK interviews! https://www.youtube.com/user/BryanStars/?sub_confirmation=1 Watch more videos like this https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL5SveAVdr_qOEf3ai7tyGZqb9sjcZNfsp ONE OK ROCK Facebook https://www.Facebook.com/ONEOKROCK BryanStars Links Instagram http://www.Instagram.com/BryanStars Facebook http://www.Facebook.com/BryanStars Twitter http://www.Twitter.com/BryanStars Merch http://www.DistrictLines.com/BryanStars Snapchat username is BryanStarzzzz .
This video might get taken down. You can download it if you want.Please let me know if this is not available in your country.
Today on APTV, we enter the Feldmann Universe (copyright Ryan J. Downey, 2015) with Kellin Quinn of Sleeping with Sirens and Taka Moriuchi of One Ok Rock. Downey discusses how the two frontmen met, their work with producer John Feldmann, Taka's secret to opening up his vocal cords before a set and more! Plus, Kellin Quinn is dipping his toes into the producing realm, as well. Learn more about the Canadian band he's working with now and his thoughts on taking it a step further to create a label! Stay tuned this week for more APTV segments from Rock Allegiance and Aftershock festivals, brought to you by Orange Amplification and Danny Wimmer Presents! --- Interview: Ryan J. Downey Video/Editing: Nick Major
http://oor-karyuudofansubs.blogspot.com/ ONE OK ROCK – Interview by OneFM 91.3 2016年1月23日のワンオクロック、シンガポール公演前のインタビューの英訳/和訳です。オリジナルのインタビューは、ONEFM91.3により行われました。 This interview was originally released by OneFM 91.3 in Singapore on Jan 23, 2016. Karyuudo Fansubs added the translation to the video.
ONE OK ROCK – Interview by Traditional Alternative Original interview video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sC6qmjReExU このインタビューは Traditional Alternative により、2015年10月26日、カルフォルニア州サンノゼのCity National Civicにて、The Back To Future Hearts ツアー中の One Ok Rock、ボーカルの Taka と行われました。 This interview was recorded on October 26th, 2015 with Taka from One OK Rock in San Jose, California at City National Civic on The Back To Future Hearts Tour.
Subscribe Netmediatama Official Youtube Channel: http://www.youtube.com/netmediatama Netmediatama Official Page Homepage : http://www.netmedia.co.id Twitter : https://twitter.com/netmediatama https://twitter.com/netmedia_Info https://twitter.com/revolusionet Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/netmediatama Fanpage : Revolusimedia.net Acara TV dengan kualitas terbaik di Indonesia. ---------------------------------------------- PT. NET MEDIATAMA INDONESIA adalah bagian dari kelompok usaha INDIKA GROUP. Nama INDIKA sendiri merupakan singkatan dari Industri Multimedia dan Informatika. Saat ini, melalui PT. Indika Multimedia, INDIKA GROUP bergerak di bidang usaha Event Organizer, Promotor, Broadcast Equipment, Production House dan Radio. ----...
Everything I do Is all done for you
Lady I'm yours
And everywhere I go
You're always on my mind
You're all I adore
And I'll go
Outta my way
Just to assure
That our love endures I'm yours
Girl I'm never far away I'll be right there (right there)
To keep you nice and warm I'm rushing right home
Girl I'm never far away I'll be right there (right there)
To protect you from the storm I'm rushing right home
Girl I'll be there I'll be right there
I don't need you say
That I love you
A million times a day
Just the little things I do
All done for you
That's how I display
And I'll go
Out of my way
Just to assure you baby
That our love endures I'm yours
Girl I'm never far away I'll be right there (right there)
To keep you nice and warm
(Girl I'll keep you nice and warm,
You know I'll keep you nice and warm
You know I'll keep you nice and warm)
Girl I'm never far away I'll be right there (I'll be right there)
To protect you from the storm I'm rushing right home
Girl I'll be there I'll be right there
You don't have to go and check my pager
Check my phone and search my pants to figure me out (ha)
Cause I'm an honest man
Don't need a plan, a stronger man
Cause girl there is no doubt
My love's real (as real as it comes)
Even though we are a million miles away from each other
I'm still right here, right here for you
(Here for you, here for you) I could search a million years
And still I wouldn't find anyone as beautiful as you
So rest assured our love endures I'm never far away...
(I'm rushing home baby, I'm coming home baby) I'm never far away...
(I'm rushing home baby, home baby, home baby) I'm never far away...
(I'm rushing home baby, I'm coming home baby) I'm never far away...
(I'm rushing home baby, home baby, home baby) I'm never far away...
(I'm rushing home baby, I'm coming home baby) I'm never far away...
(I'm rushing home baby, home baby, home baby) I'm never, never, never, never far Never, never, never, never far
Never far, never far I'm never far away I'm never far away...
(I'm rushing home baby, I'm coming home baby) I'm never far away...
(I'm rushing home baby, home baby, home baby) I'm never far away...
(I'm rushing home baby, I'm coming home baby) I'm never far away...
(I'm rushing home baby, home baby, home baby) I'm never far away...
(I'm rushing home baby, I'm coming home baby) I'm never far away...
(I'm rushing home baby, home baby, home baby) I'm never, never, never, never far Never, never, never, never far