Hitler warning us about Illuminati, Jews & Zionists
ISIS is made by the Zionists.
Hitler en Muslims were friends. The real muslims are not
Isis. Hitler knew what
Theodor Herzl wrote in his books (
Altneuland &
Der Judenstaat ) and he knew their plan. Muslims from
Bosnia were the first SS division to be recruited from a non-Germanic people.The romantic notions that
Himmler had about the
Bosnian Muslims were probably significant in the division's genesis.[11] He was personally fascinated by the
Islamic faith and believed that
Islam created fearless soldiers.[9] He found their ferocity preferable to the gentility of Christians and believed their martial qualities should be further developed and put to use.[11] He thought that Muslim men would make perfect SS soldiers as Islam "promises them
Heaven if they fight and are killed in action."[12] As for their ethnic background and SS requirements, it appears that Himmler accepted the theories advanced by both
Croatian and
German nationalists that the
Croatian people, including the Muslims, were not ethnic
Slavs but pure Aryans of either
Gothic or
Iranian descent.[9][13]
Himmler was inspired by the noted successes of the
Bosnian-Herzegovinian Infantry in
World War I. He "endeavored to restore what he called 'an old
Austrian' tradition by reviving the
Bosnian regiments of the former
Austro-Hungarian Army in the form of a
Bosnian Muslim SS
Once raised, the division was to engage and destroy
Josip Broz Tito's
Partisan forces operating in north-eastern Bosnia, thus restoring local "order". Himmler's primary concern in the region was not the security of the local
Muslim population, but the welfare of ethnic German settlers to the north in
Syrmia. "
Srem (Syrmia) is the breadbasket of
Croatia, and hopefully it and our beloved German settlements will be secured. I hope that the area south of Srem will be liberated by
... the Bosnian division ... so that we can at least restore partial order in this ridiculous (Croatian) state."[14]
Hitler formally approved the project in mid-February 1943 and Himmler put
Artur Phleps, commander of the 7th SS
Volunteer Mountain Division Prinz Eugen, in charge of raising the first SS division to be recruited from a non-Germanic people.[