Frequently Asked Questions


How do I get a Law360 price quote or start a subscription?

Fill out a subscription request form and a Law360 representative will contact you as soon as possible. For immediate access to Law360 content, sign up for a free seven-day trial.

To sign up for a trial of Law360, you’ll need to register a professional email address that has not been used previously for a free trial. Addresses with free email services such as Gmail or Yahoo! are not accepted, and we only allow one free trial per email address.

What types of subscriptions are available to Law360?

Click here to see subscription options.

Can I subscribe to Law360 through your website?

We accept subscription payments through invoice or over the phone. To have a Law360 representative contact you regarding a subscription and pricing/payment options, please fill out our subscription request form.

Law360 is a LexisNexis company. Does that mean I can get Law360 as part of my existing LexisNexis subscription?

Law360 subscriptions are only provided directly through Law360 initially.

Law360 news content is available within Lexis Advance for users who have both a Lexis Advance subscription and an unlimited-seat Law360 Platform subscription.

Does Law360 offer product training?

Our goal is to make Law360 as easy and useful as possible for all of our subscribers, and we're glad to offer customized training at no additional cost to make sure you get the most out of Law360. If you'd like to schedule a session with one of our product training specialists, please email or call 646-783-7100.

I took a free trial but didn’t get a verification email. Can you help me?

You should receive a verification email within a few minutes of submitting a free trial form. Be sure to check your spam folder to make sure it didn’t get routed there.

If there’s still an issue, please email or call 646-783-7100 and someone will assist you.

I signed up for a Law360 free trial with the wrong email address. How can I fix it?

You can sign up for a free trial again using our online form.

To sign up for a seven-day trial of Law360, you’ll need to register a professional email address that has not been used previously for a free trial. Addresses with free email services such as Gmail or Yahoo! are not accepted, and we only allow one free trial per email address.

What content is available during a free trial?

During a free trial, users have access to all Law360 content. You can see the extent of our product offerings in the Law360 product overview.

My free trial has expired. Can I get an extension?

You may qualify for an extension or a group trial, even after your initial seven-day trial has expired. Email or call 646-783-7100 and a Law360 account executive will be able to assist you.

Account Settings

How do I give users at my organization access to Law360?

If you’re a Law360 account manager for your organization, you can import a list of users via CSV file on the My Account page. For further assistance, please email or or call 646-783-7100.

How do I set up IP passthrough for users at my organization?

IP passthrough is available to unlimited-seat Law360 Platform subscribers. To learn more about setting up IP passthrough for your organization’s users, please email or call 646-783-7100.

How do I sign up users at my organization to Law360 daily newsletters?

If you’re a Law360 account manager for your organization, you can import a list of newsletter recipients via CSV file on the My Account page. For further assistance, please email or call 646-783-7100.

How can I reset or change my password?

To reset or change your password, click here. Submit the form, and an email will be sent to you with further instructions on how to change your password.

Technology Issues

Is there a Law360 app?

Enterprise and Platform subscribers can access Law360 on their iPhone or iPad using the Law360 app. To download the app, click here.

For users who don't have an Enterprise or Platform subscription, please email or call 646-783-7100 to find out more about subscription options.

If you need help with the Law360 app, check out the app guide. We do not currently have an app for mobile devices other than iPhone or iPad.

Your website or newsletters aren’t showing up properly on my computer. What’s wrong?

Some older web browsers and email applications may have trouble loading Law360’s website or daily email newsletters.

The best solution for most browser issues is to download the latest version of Chrome or Firefox.

The Law360 website is designed so that users can easily access Law360 content from anywhere. Unfortunately, Internet Explorer 8 and earlier versions have difficulty displaying newer web programming. At a minimum, turn off Compatibility Mode in IE, which will resolve many display issues.

Most email applications display Law360 emails without any trouble, however if you’re using an email client that’s pre-2007, you may encounter problems loading Law360 emails.

We understand that not everyone has the ability to upgrade or change computer applications, but in order for Law360 to provide the best experience for our readers as a whole, we implement new web technologies as they become available for up-to-date browsers.

If the problem persists, please email or call 646-783-7100 and someone will assist you.

Why doesn’t my web browser save my Law360 username and password?

This issue usually involves the cookie settings in your web browser. First of all, ensure that your browser settings allow cookies, and that your browser does not automatically empty the history and cache each time you close it.

If you’re still having trouble saving your username and password for Law360, please contact your information technology team. They are best-suited to resolve this issue, as they have direct access to your computer and network settings.

If your technology team needs to contact us, they can email or call 646-783-7100.

We also recommend checking online help forums for your web browser, which often contain answers to common issues related to saving login information.

When I try to log in to Law360, I get an error message that says “Your account is already in use.” How can I regain access to Law360?

A username can only be logged in on one device and web browser at a time. If you use multiple devices or browsers to log in to Law360, make sure you log out each time you leave the site, to ensure access on another device or browser.

If you’ve logged out and have ensured that no one else is using your username and password, but still get the error message, try clearing your browser cache and logging in again.

If you still can’t access the Law360 website, please email or call 646-783-7100 and someone will assist you.

Why can’t I access content that I have a subscription to?

First, make sure you’re logged in with your authenticated username and password.

If you’re on IP passthrough, check that you’re not accessing another account’s subscription. If you see another account than your own named in the site toolbar, your access may be limited. Logging in with your username will resolve this issue.

Also make sure you’ve visited the article from a section or newsletter that you have a subscription to. For example, if you visit an article tagged for both IP and Life Sciences through the Life Sciences newsletter, you’ll need a subscription to Life Sciences to see the full article.

An easy way to resolve this issue is to search for the article using the search box at the top of the website. You’ll be able to access all articles tagged for any sections you’re subscribed to from the search results page.

If you still can’t access content included with your subscription, please email or call 646-783-7100 and someone will assist you.

News & Analysis

Where can I find a full list of Law360 sections?

Click here for a list of all Law360 news sections.

How often is Law360 published? Is Law360 closed on holidays?

Law360 is published Monday through Friday, throughout the day, except for major holidays. Click here for our holiday schedule.

No Law360 news articles or newsletters are published on holidays, and publication resumes the next business day after the holiday. If you have any questions, please email or call 646-783-7100.

How do I sign up for a section’s daily newsletter?

Click the Newsletter button on any section page or the envelope next to a section name on an article page. Then enter your email address, and click “Sign Up Now.”

If you’re currently on a free trial or paid subscription, you can also sign up for newsletters on the newsletter management page.

How do I get my law firm/company listed in your newsletters?

Please email or call 646-783-7100 and let us know if an organization isn’t highlighted in an article or newsletter.

Once an organization has been added to our database, all future articles, newsletters, and cases will highlight that organization. Articles published before the organization was added will be updated within seven days. Cases filed before the organization was added will be updated the next time significant activity occurs in the case.

I didn’t receive my newsletters this morning. Where are they?

Newsletters are scheduled for morning delivery Monday through Friday, except for major holidays. Click here for our holiday schedule.

Please note that delivery delays may occur if your email server uses security filters. The best way to ensure that Law360 newsletters are not delayed or trapped in a spam filter is to have your technology team whitelist Law360’s email servers. Click here for our whitelist parameters.

If there’s still an issue with delivery, please email or call 646-783-7100 and someone will assist you.

How do I unsubscribe from Law360 newsletters?

If you’re on a free trial or paid subscription, you can manage your newsletters and alerts on the My Feeds and Alerts page when logged in with your username and password.

Otherwise, click the Unsubscribe link at the bottom of the newsletter or alert in question, or contact a Law360 account manager at your organization.

I have an idea for a story. Where should I send it?

You can email any pitches or tips to Ideas from our readers are always welcome. Though we may not be able to respond to all emails, please be assured it will be read and considered thoroughly.

How do I submit expert analysis articles to be published by Law360?

Email and an editor will be in touch as quickly as possible. In the meantime, check out our expert analysis guidelines.

Why didn’t you report on [insert topic here]?

If you feel that we’ve missed out on an important story, you can email us at Our goal is to cover every development of importance to business lawyers, across the spectrum of practice areas.

How do I report an error in one of your stories?

If you believe we’ve reported something erroneously, email us at Please include a link to the article, a copy of the error, and a concise explanation of the error.

Law360 takes the integrity of its articles very seriously, and if warranted, will post a correction or clarification as quickly as possible. However, we will not edit or remove an article simply because someone is dissatisfied with the coverage.

How do I search for news related to [insert topic here]?

The Law360 User Guide has many tips on how to find content on the Law360 website.

For more complex searches, check out the Law360 Advanced Search Guide.

What does a Law360 news search match on?

A keyword search of Law360 news articles matches text found in the article. This includes headlines, article bodies, organizations mentioned, and any associated case information.

Why doesn’t my search for [insert topic here] turn up any news results?

If you’re searching for a company or firm that isn’t regularly active in corporate litigation, policy developments, or deals, there may be few or no news results. Also, if you’re searching for court filings with highly technical terms, those may not be repeated in the body of the article.

If you’re still having difficulty, try the Law360 Advanced Search Guide. You can also email or call 646-783-7100 and someone will assist you.

How do I set up an RSS feed for news?

Check out our RSS Feeds guide for details on setting up and using RSS feeds.

Rankings & Series

Will you consider me for your rankings and other special series?

Honorees for Law360 series are selected by a board of editors. If you’d like to be alerted to nomination guidelines and deadlines throughout the year, please email We welcome submissions from all of our readers.

I have an idea for a series. Where should I send it?

Please email your pitch to Ideas from our readers are always welcome. Though we may not be able to respond to all emails, please be assured it will be read and considered thoroughly.

When do your rankings and other series run?

Click here to see our editorial calendar for 2016.

Do you provide badges for award winners to post on their website?

We offer award badges for winners of our Practice Groups of the Year, Firms of the Year, Rising Stars, and MVPs series to post on their websites. Please email or call 646-783-7100 and someone will assist you.

Platform Tools

What cases are included in Law360 Cases?

The Law360 Cases database includes most cases in federal district court that have had significant filing activity since January 2011. The database currently contains more than 1 million searchable cases.

Significant filing activity includes complaints, answers, motions, orders, and trial notes.

The case database does not include cases in state courts, bankruptcy courts, federal appeals courts, the U.S. Supreme Court, the U.S. Court of International Trade, the U.S. Tax Court, the U.S. Court of Federal Claims, administrative panels, or any other forum besides federal district courts.

How do I search for cases related to [insert topic here]?

The Law360 User Guide has many tips on how to find content on the Law360 website.

For more complex searches, check out the Law360 Advanced Search Guide.

What does a Law360 case search match on?

A keyword search of Law360 Cases matches text found on the docket sheet. This includes case title, case number (requires full case number formatted as 0:14-cv-12345), subject nature, cause of action, court name, judge name, party names, and counsel names.

Platform subscribers also have access to Law360 Complaints, which enables users to search and set up alerts on the full text of all patent complaints, in addition to text found on the docket sheet.

Why doesn’t my search for [insert topic here] turn up any case results?

If you’re searching for text that isn’t found on a docket sheet, no case results will appear. Also, if you’re searching for a company or law firm that isn’t regularly active in federal district court, there may be few or no case results.

If you’re searching for a case number, be sure to include the full case number, formatted as 0:14-cv-12345. Otherwise, the search will not match any cases in the Law360 database.

If you’re still having issues, try the Law360 Advanced Search Guide. You can also email or call 646-783-7100 and someone will assist you.

What types of court filings does Law360 Cases track?

Law360 Cases includes complaints, answers, motions, orders, and trial notes filed since January 2011 in most federal district court cases. For ongoing case activity alerts, an email is sent to the user when one of those types of filings has been uploaded to PACER.

The case database does not include cases in state courts, bankruptcy courts, federal appeals courts, the U.S. Supreme Court, the U.S. Court of International Trade, the U.S. Tax Court, the U.S. Court of Federal Claims, administrative panels, or any other forum besides federal district courts.

How often are case records updated?

The Law360 Cases database updates every 15 minutes throughout the day.

Whenever there is significant filing activity in a case (complaint, answer, motion, order, or trial notes), the case record in Law360 Cases will be created or updated within 15 minutes of being available in PACER.

Can you update a case in your database?

Law360 Cases records reflect data in PACER, and cannot be manually altered. Once a case has been updated in PACER, those changes will be reflected in Law360 Cases the next time significant filing activity occurs in the case. Significant filing activity includes complaints, answers, motions, orders, and trial notes.

We are unable to remove terminated parties and counsel from case records. Law360 Cases is a historical record of who has been involved in a case, and because terminated names remain on the docket sheet in PACER, Law360 Cases records continue to include them, as well.

Can you remove my name or firm from a case record?

Law360 Cases records reflect data in PACER, and cannot be manually altered. Once a case has been updated in PACER, those changes will be reflected in Law360 Cases the next time significant filing activity occurs in the case. Significant filing activity includes complaints, answers, motions, orders, and trial notes.

We are unable to remove terminated parties and counsel from case records. Law360 Cases is a historical record of who has been involved in a case, and because terminated names remain on the docket sheet in PACER, Law360 Cases records continue to include them, as well.

How do I report an error in one of the cases in your database?

Law360 Cases records reflect data in PACER, and cannot be manually altered. Once a case has been updated in PACER, those changes will be reflected in Law360 Cases the next time significant filing activity occurs in the case. Significant filing activity includes complaints, answers, motions, orders, and trial notes.

We are unable to remove terminated parties and counsel from case records. Law360 Cases is a historical record of who has been involved in a case, and because terminated names remain on the docket sheet in PACER, Law360 Cases records continue to include them, as well.

How do I set up PACER credentials to download court documents via Law360 Cases?

If you’re a Law360 account manager for your organization, you can save your PACER credentials on the My Account page. Otherwise, please contact your organization’s Law360 account manager for more information on document downloads via Law360 Cases.

I want to track a company or law firm, but it’s not in your listings. Can you add it?

If an organization isn’t listed, please email with the organization’s name and website address.

Once an organization has been added to our database, all future articles and cases will highlight that organization. Articles published before the organization was added will be updated within seven days. Cases filed before the organization was added will be updated the next time significant activity occurs in the case.

How do I set up an RSS feed for cases?

Check out our RSS Feeds guide for details on setting up and using RSS feeds.

How do I unsubscribe from Law360 alerts?

If you’re on a free trial or paid subscription, you can manage your newsletters and alerts on the My Feeds and Alerts page when logged in with your username and password.

Otherwise, click the Unsubscribe link at the bottom of the newsletter or alert in question, or contact a Law360 account manager at your organization.

How do I access PTAB Cases and PTAB Documents?

If you have a Platform level subscription, the PTAB Cases and PTAB Documents search pages can be found by selecting Advanced Search & Platform Tools from the site drop-down menu and then selecting either PTAB Cases or PTAB Documents from the Platform Tool options on the left-hand side of the page. The Law360 User Guide offers tips on how to navigate the PTAB Cases and PTAB Documents search pages.

What PTAB Cases and Documents are included in the Law360 database?

All PTAB case types and filed documents, excluding exhibits, dating back to September 2012 are accessible through a Law360 Platform subscription.

How do I use Law360 Briefcase?

The Law360 Briefcase allows you to save articles, docket filings, PTAB documents, and other research related to specific cases, issues, or other areas of interest all in one place. The folder system enables you to stay organized and easily reference and share research with your colleagues. The Law360 User Guide provides instructions on how to create and delete folders, add documents to your Briefcase, and share information with your colleagues.

Can I share Law360 Briefcase folders with colleagues outside of my organization?

You can share your research with colleagues outside of your firm but the recipient must have their own Law360 subscription to access articles and documents in full. The email sent via your Law360 Briefcase only includes article and document links and summaries.