Newsletter Archive

oleh Seelan Palay May 16, 2016

Below is an archive of our newsletter editions featuring curated articles, interviews and videos from around the region. Sign up for it here.


Open Call: Good Pitch2 Southeast Asia

New Video Stories from West Papua


December: Working for Digital Rights in Southeast Asia

November: Updates on the Global Video for Change Movement

October: Myanmar Decides: Videos on the 2015 Elections

Camp Chindwin Edition: Building a Video for Change Movement in Southeast Asia

May: Stories of Social Change in Myanmar

April: Videos from RightsCon Southeast Asia

April: RightsCon Southeast Asia: Impacts and Next Steps

March: Few more days to RightsCon!

February: Presenting the Second Volume of Papuan Voices

January: 2014: A Year of Video and Social Change


November: Coming Soon: Papuan Voices II

October: Join us at RightsCon 2015!

September: World Peace Day: Hopes of a Generation

August: Protecting the Rights of Indigenous Peoples

July: Suara Baru (New Voices): Indonesian Youth and the Presidential Elections

June: The World's Refugees

May: Traveling Projector Tour Diary

April: May Day Special

March: A New Look and an Announcement

February: A Focus on Women

January: Expressions: Truth and Self


December: Closing 2013 with Crossroads and WTO Unplugged

November: Borders and Barriers in the Age of Interdependence

September: Rethinking Stories from Unfinished Histories

August: Home and Away: Stories of Transition and Resistance

June: A wife's pain, farmers fight and communities search for water

May: Freeport strike, electoral fraud revolt and palm oil piracy

April: Refugees caught in conflict as villagers fight for land

March: Voices rise over military, mining might as others caught in Act

February: Band strikes chord as kindness prevails and justice calls

January: The Struggle Continues in Southeast Asia