Phyllis Bennis

Phyllis Bennis a Fellow of the Institute for Policy Studies in Washington DC, where she directs the New Internationalism Project. She is also a fellow of the Transnational Institute in Amsterdam.  She works on U.S. foreign policy issues, particularly regarding Palestine, Iraq, Iran and now Afghanistan, as well as United Nations issues, especially regarding democratization of the UN and the challenge of U.S. domination of the UN.  She serves as an informal adviser to several top UN officials on Palestine and UN empowerment issues.  She is a member of the steering committees of the U.S. Campaign to End Israeli Occupation and the United for Peace and Justice anti-war coalition, and is co-chair of the International Coordinating Network on Palestine, and works closely with the global anti-war movement.  Her most recent book is the 2009 updated edition of UNDERSTANDING THE PALESTINIAN-ISRAELI CONFLICT: A PRIMER, and her earlier books include primers on ENDING THE IRAQ WAR and UNDERSTANDING THE US-IRAN CRISIS, as well as CHALLENGING EMPIRE: HOW PEOPLE, GOVERNMENTS AND THE UN DEFY U.S. POWER,  BEFORE  & AFTER: US FOREIGN POLICY AND THE WAR ON TERROR, and CALLING THE SHOTS: HOW WASHINGTON DOMINATES TODAY'S UN.

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