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How Old Navy quickly turned its stores into e-commerce distribution centers

Vox 25 Sep 2020
Nancy Green, the head of Old Navy for Gap Inc., explains to Recode’s Jason Del Rey how her company rethought its business in response to the coronavirus pandemic ... Register for Code Commerce@Home to watch Del Rey’s upcoming live interviews with Topicals co-founder and CEO Olamide Olowe and Amazon Worldwide Vice President for Grocery Stephenie Landry.

Branding is the real reason Schick’s parent company bought razor upstart Harry’s for $1.4 billion

Vox 09 Sep 2019
Harry’s co-founder and co-CEO Jeff Raider is trying to make an old brand new ... “We actually get to take over responsibility for [Edgewell’s] brands in the US,” Harry’s co-founder and co-CEO Jeff Raider told Recode’s Jason Del Rey at Code Commerce in New York City on Monday.
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