
Illustration: Jim Pavlidis

"Ignorant" Trump has his finger on the pulse

Donald Trump is raising several issues that go to the very heart of American politics in 2016. It would be a big mistake to say his growing appeal is simply due to racism and xenophobia.

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Trump, Hanson are on voters' wavelength

Letters dinkus

The political classes and their opinion minions are ignorant of how to connect with a disenfranchised electorate and scared because it would seem Donald Trump, Pauline Hanson and their ilk aren't.

Time we all learnt age-old lesson of leaving nothing behind

People have to show a desire to progress, rather than resting on their laurels.

Iceland wasn't meant to defeat England recently in the European soccer finals. After all, their coach only devotes part of his time to coaching. He otherwise practices as a dentist. And Wales wasn't meant to beat Belgium either. Their Its players and coach earn about 10 per cent of what their colleagues earn over at the defeated English team.

The drama shaking up US politics

Roger Ailes, creator of Fox News, has been the creator and destroyer of political ambitions over the years.

If you thought the shenanigans at the Republican National Convention in Cleveland were the weirdest thing happening in America this week, you would be wrong.

Life is dull. Wreck your marriage

Ashley Madison's new motto is more along the lines of "life is dull, have an affair".

I see several of my friends who are staying in marriages because of children and are desperately unhappy as a result.


Paul Keating said Turnbull was brilliant, fearless, but he lacked judgment, his fatal flaw.

How Turnbull was set up for his downfall

All the pictures of Malcolm Turnbull looking glum since Saturday night tell us a story we already instinctively knew: he fears he has miscalculated again.