
by Leigh Beadon

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history, look back


by Leigh Beadon

Filed Under:
awesome stuff, contentid, dmca, hoodie, t-shirt, youtube


by Mike Masnick

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computers, dnc, donors, hacked, personal info, private info


by Karl Bode

Filed Under:
broadband, fcc, stimulus funds, subsidies, west virginia

citynet, frontier


by Tim Cushing

Filed Under:
cops, greg abbott, hate crime, police shootings, texas


by Leigh Beadon

Filed Under:
dmca, t-shirt, takedown


by Timothy Geigner

Filed Under:
olympics, sponsors, trademark



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10:39 Daily Deal: The A-to-Z Programming Language Bundle (1)
09:41 Wall Street Journal Reporter Hassled At LA Airport; Successfully Prevents DHS From Searching Her Phones (52)
08:37 Amazon, Cable Industry Molest The Definition Of Copyright In Ongoing Scuff Up Over Cable Box Reform (11)
06:26 CenturyLink Claims Broadband Caps Improve The 'Internet Experience' And Empower Consumers (39)
03:25 China To Ban Ad Blockers As Part Of New Regulations For Online Advertising (13)


23:20 Running Out Of Puns: Get Ready For The Damn To Burst On Craft Beer Trademark Disputes (12)
16:18 Court Says Cop Calling 911 With Suspect's Phone To Obtain Owner Info Is Not A Search (34)
14:35 Ed Snowden And Bunnie Huang Design Phone Case To Warn You If Your Phone Is Compromised (22)
12:59 Techdirt Reading List: Don't Panic: A Legal Guide (in Plain English) For Small Businesses & Creative Professionals (0)
11:50 Donald Trump Threatens 'Art Of The Deal' Ghostwriter, Claiming His 'Disloyalty' Somehow Amounts To Defamation (56)
10:39 EFF Lawsuit Challenges DMCA's Digital Locks Provision As First Amendment Violation (15)
10:35 Daily Deal: TigerVPN Subscription (0)
09:25 Elon Musk's Master Plan Includes Turning Tesla Into An Autonomous Uber (50)
08:28 Kickass Torrents Gets The Megaupload Treatment: Site Seized, Owner Arrested And Charged With Criminal Infringement (93)
06:28 Tennessee Study Shows State Remains A Broadband Backwater Thanks To AT&T Lobbyists, Clueless Politicians, And Protectionist State Law (17)
03:27 Just As We Warned: A Chinese Tech Giant Goes On The Patent Attack -- In East Texas (26)


22:23 Miami Brewing Co. Sends Cease And Desist To M.I.A. Beer Co. Over Trademark Concerns (13)
16:23 Nick Denton Bucks The Trend Du Jour, Thinks News Comments Are Worth Saving (25)
14:45 Kudos To Senator Leahy: Fighting To Keep Privacy & Civil Liberties Board From Being Hobbled (11)
13:15 EU Court Of Justice Advisor Suggests UK's Last Surveillance Bill May Be Legal, But Hints That The New One Might Not Be (5)
11:56 Paris Court Says Search Engines Don't Need To Block Torrent Searches (11)
10:51 German Software Company Sues US Gov't For Copyright Infringement (54)
10:46 Daily Deal: Agile Scrum Bundle (2)
09:31 Turkey Blocks Wikileaks After It Dumps Nearly 300,000 Turkish Gov't Emails (19)
08:33 American Academy Of Pediatrics Claims Broad Consensus On Violent Media Effect That Doesn't Remotely Exist (47)
06:35 Prenda (Mostly) Loses Again; Court Says 'We Warned You To Stop Digging, But You Still Did' (25)
03:31 For The Third Time, Whatsapp Blocked (And Then Unblocked) By Brazilian Judges For Failing To Decrypt (24)


22:23 Former STL Cardinals Scouting Director Gets Jail Time For Illegally Accessing Astros Scouting Database (17)
16:13 Court Says There's No Remedy For Person Whose Vehicle Was Subjected To Civil Forfeiture After An Illegal Search (87)
14:27 California Appeals Court Reaffirms Section 230 Protections In Lawsuit Against Yelp For Third-Party Postings (3)
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