Feral Revolution/Against the logic of submission/Willful disobedience – W.Landstreicher/Feral Faun zines translated into Spanish (PDF)

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We sent you these fanzines that we have translated and edited. Here they go, for if you want to diffuse them physically or online, or edit them, or whatever you want. These are:

– Feral Revolution (Feral Faun)
– Against the logic of submission (Wolfi Landstreicher)
– Willful disobedience (Wolfi Landstreicher)

http://www.mediafire.com/download/gkdy9hwoauwxajy/Feral Faun Fanzines spanish.zip

Because we want that the difference of language should not be an obstacle in people’s communication who share passions for the liberation.

Salud and continue struggling!!

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