Sunday, July 24, 2016

Mexico Weighs House Arrest for Ernesto Fonseca Carrillo

Posted by DD republished from ABC News

 By Mark Stevenson, Associated Press 
Mexico's government is studying a request to place imprisoned 86-year-old drug lord Ernesto Fonseca Carrillo under house arrest, an official said Saturday.

Fonseca Carrillo, who is also known as "Don Neto," is considered one of the founders of modern Mexican drug trafficking. He is serving a 40-year sentence for the 1985 slaying of Drug Enforcement Administration agent Enrique "Kiki" Camarena.

A federal official who was not authorized to be quoted by name said the government is "analyzing the legal aspects of the possibility" of allowing him to serve out his sentence under house arrest. He is currently being held at a top-security prison in the western state of Jalisco.

Mexican courts have said Fonseca Carrillo is eligible for the program, as are other aged or ill inmates.
His age has been a matter of debate, but most sources believe he was born in 1930.

Interview of Caro Quintero "I did not kill Enrique Camarena"

On a videotaped interview with Proceso, Rafael Caro Quintero says he did not kill Enrique Camarena and says he was "in the wrong place." He apologizes to the Mexican people, the DEA and the US government and says: "I am not at war with anyone; El Chapo and Mayo are my friends. " He says he was devoted to planting marijuana because "somehow we had to survive."

The waiting went somewhere in northern Mexico. It was an afternoon with a storm on the way. Suddenly, just like a ghost, he appears walking with relaxed pace. Dark skin and calloused hands. Under the blue cap short dyed hair. It shows a perfect and shiny teeth and thin body.

Rafael Caro Quintero is, nicknamed The Prince or Narco of Narcos. For his capture, the US government is offering a reward of 5 million dollars. And in Mexico has accused him of have been reinstated in drug trafficking and to unleash a war against the Sinaloa Cartel.

He has on his chest at least two scapulars, one of the Virgin of San Juan de los Lagos, a gift from one of its sons, and one with a blessing from his mother. Wears long-sleeved shirt, buttoned almost to the neck and jeans. On his left wrist a black dial watch. No jewelry, luxury or weapons; his bodyguard seems to be composed of only two men. His shoes are black and the soles are visibly worn. They seem the exact metaphor of someone who flees from justice for almost three years.

After 28 years in prison in August 2013 it was released from the Detention of Guadalajara by a collegiate court orders. But days after the Attorney General's Office (PGR) obtained two arrest warrants against him: one to extradite him to the United States and another to do 12 more years in prison, according to the PGR, they remain pending in Mexico.

Saturday, July 23, 2016

Tamaulipas: Kidnappers Die Via Burns In Confrontation With Mexican Navy

Translated by Valor for Borderland Beat

The Tamaulipas Coordination Group (GCT) reported that the vehicles in which five people tried to flee in the municipality of Gustavo Díaz Ordaz, Tamaulipas, were gunned down by members of the Mexican Navy and exploded, burning the passengers.

According to the agency, the five were alleged kidnappers who opened fire against the marines after being caught throwing the lifeless body of a man on a road leading from the town of Valadeces to the common land of Lucio Blanco.

A pickup truck and a Mercury Grand Marquis were used for the escape of the five men, which lasted a few meters, and after a shootout, were burned completely, around 12:45 hours of this past Friday.

The Mexican Marines opened fire in defense of their lives, said the GCT.

None of the bodies have been identified.

Full text of the statement:

Announcement from the Tamaulipas Coordination Group

July, 22, 2016

Ciudad Victoria, Tamaulipas— The Tamaulipas Coordination Group reports that on Friday, July 22, in a village in the municipality of Gustavo Díaz Ordaz, at least five suspected kidnappers were died burned after the two vehicles in which they tried to escape burst into flames.

The no deceased, still unidentified, were surprised by members of the Mexican Navy when they were throwing the lifeless body of a man who had been killed, this occurred on a road leading from the village of Valadeces to the common land of Lucio Blanco.

Realizing the presence of the marines, the suspects opened fire and tried to escape in a pickup truck and a Mercury Grand Marquis, starting a chase that lasted a few meters.

Navy personnel repelled the attack in defense of their lives and when they tried to intercept the two vehicles, they exploded and burned completely, which killed the attackers.

The incident occurred shortly after 12:45 hours.  The victim of the kidnappers has not been identified, but it was a young man who was handcuffed and had several bullet wounds on his body.

Five Families Have Been Gunned Down In Mexico In Two Weeks

Guerrero, Michoacán y Sinaloa have the highest number of homicides linked to organized crime.
Cuartoscuro/Archive photo

Translated by Valor for Borderland Beat

A couple and their three children were assassinated in Michoacán.  It is the fifth family gunned down in the last two weeks in the country.

Criminal groups in Mexico had previously avoided attacking the families of their rivals.  But in recent weeks, armed men have indiscriminately assassinated fathers, mothers, and their children.

Michoacán state prosecutors reported on Friday, July 22, that the latest killings occurred in the town of Arteaga, a town infested with drug trafficking and was once the headquarters of the leader of the Caballeros Templarios.

One person survived the attack perpetrated by unidentified gunmen, and is receiving medical care in the hospital.

The families of Allende take the Moreira's to the International Court of Justice at the Hague

Translated by Otis B Fly-Wheel for Borderland Beat from a Sinembargo article

Subject Matter: Allende massacre, Governors of Coahuila
Recommendation: See link to article about Allende by BB reporter Valor

Reporter: Juan Luis Garcia Hernandez
The organization Families United, a group of families of victims of disappearances in Coahuila, prepares a complaint before the Internation Penal Court for crimes against humanity in Coahuila. The Lawyer of the association, Ariana Denise Garcia Bosque, detailed that the complaint is against the perpetrators, but also the public functionaries that had responsibility for the omission, like the brothers Humberto and Ruben Moreira. Recently, Sergio Aguayo, an academic from the College of Mexico, was sued by the ex Governor Humberto Moreira for defamation. For his part, the columnist argues that the cause of the action is an investigation into what happened at Allende.

Humberto Moreira announces his withdrawal as president of the PRI

Friday, July 22, 2016

Río Bravo: Armed Group Attacks Federal Police; 7 Dead

Translated by Valor for Borderland Beat

Federal police forces belonging to the Federal Forces Division were attacked Wednesday by an armed convoy in the municipality of Río Bravo, resulting in a bloody battle that left seven armed men dead.

This new wave of violence raised the death toll to 33 during the last three weeks in Ciudad Victoria, Río Bravo and Valle Hermoso, accounting for shootouts against troops and executions arising from the drug war that drug gangs carry out.

The epicenter of the fighting occurred Wednesday at approximately 16:00 hours in the public land Raúl Muñiz (Plan del Alazán), south of the town of Santa Apolonia, when federal police were carrying out ground reconnaissance and detected four vehicles manned by armed civilians, signaling them to stop.

The Tamaulipas Coordination Group (GCT) confirmed that crew members of three vehicles managed to escape, while the ones from the fourth vehicle began to attack the federal police, “who in defense of their lives, repelled the attack and shot dead seven of the suspects who until now, remain unidentified.”

The federal police reported no casualties or injuries on their side.  There weren’t any arrests from the criminal group.

At the scene, according to the GCT report, a truck was secured that was manned by the now deceased, as well as four rifles with their respective magazines, cartridges, and other items that were made available to the federal public ministry.

More Than 66 Thousand Dead During EPN Administration; A Murder Every 25 Minutes

By: Paris Alejandro Salazar | Translated by Valor for Borderland Beat

During the 43 months of Enrique Peña Nieto’s administration, there have been 66,433 murders recognized by the federal government and the state prosecutors, and 2016 is aiming to be the most violent year so far of EPN’s presidential term.  Intentional homicides increased 14% in comparison to 2015, which had been the most violent, in 2016, a murder is committed every 25 minutes.

According to the National Public Security System (SNSP), from January to June 2015, 8,979 murders were committed, while in the same period of 2016, 10,301 were committed, ie, 1,322 more than the previous year.

Mexico on average experiences 56 murders a day, representing a murder every 25 minutes.

Throughout 2015, 18,665 murders were committed, while in the first six months of 2016, there have been 10,301 intentional homicides reported, representing an increase of 55.1% of the total of last year.

With 18,665 murders in 2015, it was placed as the most violent year of the administration of EPN; followed by 2013, with 18,447 murders; followed by 2014, with 17,324; and in December of 2012, with 1,696.

In 2016, the State of Mexico ranks first nationally in intentional homicide with 1,136; followed by Guerrero with 1,052; Chihuahua with 592; and Michoacán with 594.

Source: La Silla Rota

Mexican musician decapitated, wife and son killed

Posted by DD Republished from  Yahoo News

Oaxaca (Mexico) (AFP) - Gunmen burst into a musician's home in southern Mexico before dawn on Thursday, decapitated him and killed his wife and son, police said.

The armed group entered the family's home in Juchitan, Oaxaca state, at 2:30 am and killed Victor Sanchez, 40, the singer of the tropical band Sensacion Caribu, the police said in a statement.

His wife and 11-year-old son were gunned down.

It was the second slaughter of a family this week in Oaxaca, a state that has been relatively spared of the drug violence afflicting other regions of Mexico.