CHILE: SEPTEMBER 11TH – Black Bird Liberation Cinema Film Screenings

chile-september-11thBlack Bird Liberation Cinema 


Black Bird Liberation Cinema presents this year’s film series commemorating the 43rd Anniversary of the Bloody Coup D’état in Chile, bringing about the 17-year fascist dictatorship of Augusto Pinochet. The films document the process(es) of Popular Power, and State repression before and after the Coup.


“Many of the disappeared during the Pinochet dictatorship were thrown into the ocean. [More than half were of indigenous dissent.] One of them was Marta Ugarte.

Some say that water has memory. I believe it also has a voice.”

– Patricio Guzman, From The Pearl Button


Anti-Colonial GUEST PANEL on State Sanctioned Genocide:

*Directly from Chile & For the First Time in Toronto*


Family of RODRIGO ROJAS, burnt to death by the Pinochet Military Dictatorship in 1986

30 years after the murder of Rodrigo Rojas De Negri, burnt to death by the Pinochet Military Dictatorship, WCCC will be honored to host NORA DE NEGRI speak on her nephew’s case, which remains unpunished to this day.


Award Winning Author, University of Toronto Indigenous Studies instructor and Sto:Loh elder, Lee Maracle will be to speaking on the ongoing plunder and genocide of indigenous peoples of Turtle Island.  Her works include: the novels, Ravensong, Bobbi Lee, Sundogs, short story collection, Sojourner’s Truth, poetry collection, Bentbox, and non-fiction work I Am Woman. She is Co-editor of My Home As I Remember and Telling It: Women and Language Across Cultures, editor of a number of poetry works, Gatherings journals and has published in dozens of anthologies across Turtle Island.


From Aamjiwnaang First Nation, Land Defender and Water Protector to speak on the ongoing struggle against the Line 9 pipeline reversal carrying Tar Sand Oil from Alberta to the East Coast.


Mohawk Woman, Mother of two grown children, Land Defender, Water Protector, and Social Justice Advocate to speak on the recent INAC Toronto Occupation in solidarity with Attawapiskat First Nation and ongoing indigenous resistance at Standing Rock.


SUNDAY, SEPT 11th , 2016

Woodsworth College Residence:

321 Bloor St West, Room 30

*Wheelchair accessible entrance off St. George Street*

Organized by: The Women’s Coordinating Committee for a Free Wallmapu [Toronto] (An OPIRG Toronto Action Group)

Sponsored by: The Latin American Studies Department at the University of Toronto

Department of Spanish and Portuguese at the University of Toronto

OPIRG Toronto 

Endorsed by: The Organization of Latin American Students (U of T)

Rising Tide Toronto


Facebook event: Chile: September 11TH – Black Bird Liberation Cinema Film Screenings

*Donations Appreciated*

**Doors Open at 1:30 pm | Films begin sharp at specified time**

***All Films in Spanish with English Subtitles***


2PM: Machuca

(Chile, 121 minutes, 2004)

**Winner of the Most Popular Film Award at the Vancouver International Film Festival 2004, Best Film at the Havana International Film Festival 2004, the George Delerue Prize at the Ghent International Film Festival 2004, among others**

Directed by Andres Wood

See Trailer Here:

Santiago, Chile, 1973: A must see timeless classic on the friendship between two boys at a Santiago private school from different class backgrounds, which become a microcosm for the developing class war beyond the institution’s walls. All around them, Chile drifts towards civil war. The enormous rift between them ultimately becomes impossible to bridge, once the bloody military coup of September 11, 1973, as they face a reality far beyond their young capacities

4:30PM: The Pearl Button (El Boton de Nacar) 

(Chile, 82 minutes, 2015)

**Winner of the Silver Bear at the 65th Berlin International Film Festival 2015; Official Selection of the Toronto International Film Festival 2015**

See Trailer Here:

Directed by Patricio Guzman

From the director of The Battle of Chile, The Obstinate Memory and Salvador Allende, Patricio Guzman delivers yet another masterful piece connecting the issues of colonialism and state repression since Chile’s inception. The ocean contains the history of all humanity. The sea holds the voices of the Earth and those that come from outer space. Water receives impetus from the stars and transmits it to living creatures. Water, the longest border in Chile, also holds the secret of a mysterious button that was discovered in its seabed. Chile, with its 2,670 miles of coastline, the largest archipelago in the world,presents a supernatural landscape. In it are volcanoes, mountains and glaciers. In it are the voices of the Patagonian indigenous people, of the first English sailors and also those of its political prisoners. More than half of all of Chile’s missing and murdered political prisoners during Pinochet’s military dictatorship were of indigenous decent. Many still dumped in the ocean. Some say that water has memory. This film shows that it also has a voice.

For more information, check out

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$hile: CAM Claims Several Sabotage Actions in Occupied Mapuche Territory

CAÑETE: Atentado Incendiario a Camion Grua Maquinaria Fundo Choque

April 29th, 2016/CAÑETE 

CAM Communique

The various Groups of Territorial Resistance (Órganos de Resistencia Territorial – ORT) of the Arauco Malleco Coordinator of Communities in Conflict (CAM), communicate the following to our Mapuche Nation and public opinion:

Kiñe: We claim, as Lafkenche Leftraru ORT-CAM, our action of sabotage carried out this past April 29th against a tow truck, which was inside the Choque estate guarded by police.

Epu: We claim, as Wenteche Matías Catrileo ORT-CAM, our action of sabotage carried out on the night of Saturday, May 28th, against an employer house, its infrastructure and a storehouse in the area of Pillanlebun, township of Lautaro. This action is part of the territorial process of reclamation and compromise for the reconstruction of our nation, and the definitive expulsion of large landed estate lords in Wallmapu. We clarify that our actions are not directed against the houses of small farm owners or poor families. It is directed against large landed estate owners and transnational corporations that attempt to perpetuate their colonial neoliberal model on these lands.

Kula: We claim, as Williche Kalfulikan ORT-CAM, our action of sabotage carried out on Sunday, June 5th in the early morning hours, against a logging campsite that serves as lodging for workers of Arauco Forestry Inc., located in the area of Las Trancas, township of La Unión.

Meli: Lastly, we would like to sustain that these actions are framed in our compromise and constant process of resistance and sabotage, continuing our struggle for autonomy and territory, which seeks to create the basis for Mapuche national liberation.

Oust the Estate Owners from Wallmapu

Oust the Forestry industry, Hydroelectric Companies and all Capitalist Investment from Mapuche Territory!

Towards National Mapuche Liberation!


ORT – Arauco Malleco Mapuche Communities in Conflict – CAM.

Distributed by: The Women’s Coordinating Committee for a Free Wallmapu [Toronto]


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Hector Llaitul: “The arrest of my son is the product of the political persecution towards the CAM” & Public Communiques

thumb_5749e43017c630e1087a960e_5749e43017c630e1087a9613_88sHector Llaitul: “The arrest of my son is the product of the political persecution towards the CAM”

The son of prominent Mapuche leader of the CAM, Ernesto Llaitul, was arrested along with PeñI Ismael Queupil formally charged on the mourning of May 29th. Hector Llaitul claims these actions are due to the ongoing political persecution of the CAM. Charges under the possession of fire arms are automatically processed under Martial Law within Chilean legislation. WCCC [Toronto]

During the early mourning hours in the southern Chilean city of Los Angeles, Peñi Ernesto Llaitul together with Ismael Queupil were violently arrested, being immediately transferred to Special Police Investigation headquarters of the city, where they were charged with armed weapons possession. They were formally charged in court on the mourning of May 29th, 2016, and are being held in pretrial prison for the duration of the investigation.

In an extensive conversation with, Hector Llaitul contextualized the events that surrounded the arrest of Ernesto, pointing out this had been a planned operation on the part of area police to arrest his son. This follows a logic of political persecution directed at the CAM, since Ernesto is a well known militant of the Mapuche cause.

Within the interview Llaitul assures that his son is at ease in taking on political prison, and stating “despite his young age, his life has been full of sacrifice in having lived through the political persecution I have had to go through as a spokesperson and Mapuche leader. He understands this rigour, and has taken it on with dignity proper of the warriors who are in this process of struggle.”

Finally, the spokesperson of the CAM expressed solidarity to all the expressions of rebellion and resistance throughout Meli Wixan Mapu and stating today’s conditions are such as to develop the uprising of the Mapuche Nation.

Distributed by: The Women’s Coordinating Committee for a Free Wallmapu [Toronto]

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PVRON FVU: WCCC [Toronto] Table at the Montreal Anarchist Bookfair


Check out WCCC [Toronto] 5th publication of PVRON FVU at this year’s Montreal Anarchist Bookfair. Featuring ongoing Mapuche resistance in Wallmapu, the publication includes the development of Mapuche resistance group, Weichan Auka Mapu, an anarchist analysis of the devastating $hilean Red Tide, and other anti-authoritarian updates from so-called Chile. We will be at CEDA = Centre d’éducation populaire de la Petite-Bourgogne et de St-Henri (2515 rue Delisle) on Saturday, May 28th and Sunday May 29th. See you there!

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Chile’s Red Tide: On the Catastrophe of the Salmon Farms and Maritime Devastation

Chile’s Red Tide: On the Catastrophe of the Salmon Farms and Maritime Devastation

Source: Metiendo Ruido

An anarchist critique and propaganda unto the deranged machinery of death

Red Tide Chile

“Ecosystems will mutate rapidly and radically thanks to human stupidity, expressed in buckets of genetic manipulation. Once a new agent or gene is released on an ecosystem, it cannot recuperate itself: the ecosystem mutates. The number of variables is infinite, impossible to predict, impossible to regulate and there is no turning back: once an ecosystem is modified it cannot go back to what it was. One mistake kills hundreds of species, and mutates many others…. And human beings do not live beyond the ecosystem.” Anticivilization Manifesto

“The last few catastrophes were not caused by ‘nature,’ they were caused by Capitalist configuration of the space affected.” 8 Critical Hypothesis on the latest ecological catastrophes in Chile.

Devastation and extraction have reached disproportionate levels of death and toxicity. The true and only face of Capital, the State, and their technocrats demonstrate the misery of their path of destruction.

The exploitation of nature has always been a necessary condition for the accumulation of Capital and Power. All societal machinery (understood as a hierarchical relationship as a fundamental principle) functions through the exploitation of the earth, the sea, living beings and all which can be considered part of enriching its merchandise. The use of fossil fuels are an example of this, carbon emissions and whatever else allows them to make more weapons for their wars and generate new forms of control. This is not chauvinism speaking; it is the crude reality of a monster with tentacles!

In recent time, we have bared witness to the arrogance of the salmon farms, the State, their authorities that endorse these farms, and their technocrats that sicken us with their justifications. These companies glorify themselves by claiming they provide jobs, doing nothing else than impose capitalist ways of life in areas where people still manage to live differently. It is here where they have left death in their path, where they install their machinery and cause social disaster in communities both in material dispossession, as well as with the natural surroundings.

The same company (Marine Harvest) that introduced the salmon virus in so-called Chilean territory, now uses 5 times as many chemicals in the water than they did two years ago. The salmon are in a situation of enclosure and holocaust, introduced as objects in disgusting cages to the taste of hungry citizens for consumption. The salmon industry had been affected by “sea fleas,” bacteria, and viral sickness in situations of environmental collapse the Patagonian sea could not detain. The face of this agony is seen today in the Regions of Los Lagos and Aysen, with thousands of rotting salmon reaching the shores of the austral region after having been killed by the algae bloom by the very industry and services supported by the State.

It isn’t a climate phenomenon which unleashed the Red Tide that caused the disaster. It isn’t just rising sea temperatures, the lack of winds, the high solar radiation. But mainly, it is also the eutrophication of the ocean from the stellar enrichment of nutrients generated by the Salmon farming industry, from companies such as SERNAPESCA and SUBPESCA in the Patagonian ocean, supported by the State, hiding behind the broader issue of climate change. The eutrophication of the ocean not only reflects the appearance of the “Red Tide” or algae blooms, but also the anaerobic (or suffocating) conditions in the ocean, due to the amount of organic material (or carbon) within the water that surpasses the capacity of the ecosystem to absorb, recycle or dispense of waste. An anaerobic condition is a situation in which aquatic life cannot survive, due to the low levels of oxygen dissolved in the water or sediment. The Salmon farming industry supports this condition perpetually, since every kilogram of salmon feed placed in the ocean is equal in nitrogen to the sewage waste of 15 people.

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11 Mapuche arrested for Luchsinger-Mackey Case, Lissette Melillan: “The [Chilean] Government uses the Police to Guard Cows”

11 Mapuche arrested for Luchsinger-Mackey Case


Call to action in Wallmapu in solidarity with Machi (Medicine Healer) Francisca Linconao in front of Temuco Prison, where she and other Mapuche Political Prisoners are being held.

On March 30th, 2016, 11 Mapuche community members were arrested and charged with alleged involvement in the incendiary attack that provoked the death of the Luchsinger Mackay couple in 2013.

The mass arrest was carried out by an enormous police operative of special forces (PDI). More than 100 detectives participated in the arrests, wherein 20 homes were raided in the area of Lumahue in the early mourning hours.

The 11 detained, including Machi [Medicine Healer) Franscisca Linconao, were transferred to police headquarters of Temuco and charged with terrorist arson resulting in death. The undersecretary of the Interior Ministry would announce the charges as being terrorist in nature, and would be the fifth time the Chilean Executive branch under Michelle Bachelet would have implemented terrorist related charges in cases related to Mapuche land claims.

The question of due process, however, is highlighted in the contradictory testimony of Mapuche community member, Jose Peralino, who publicly refuted his earlier testimony against the other accused on their alleged participation in the arson attack of 2013. Peralino alleges that he was subject to intimidation and torture at the hands of Chilean police, and therefore, his testimony held no validity in a court of law.

Family members of the Mapuche community members are demanding the immediate release of the Mapuche Political Prisoners, as well as an end to the application of the Anti-Terrorist Law, and the continued mobilization of Mapuche communities. The only other conviction of a Mapuche community member in relation to the Luchsinger Mackay case was in the case of Machi (Medicine Healer) Celestino Cordova, who was sentenced to 40 years in prison under the charge of terrorist arson resulting in death.

The following is an interview to the spokesperson of the Mapuche Political Prisoners charged under the Luchsinger- Mackay case, Lissette Melillan.

With files from El Mostrador

WCCC [Toronto]

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Mapuche Resistance Group, Weichan Auka Mapu, Claims more than 30 Sabotage Attacks

Simbolo_weichan_auka_mapu-696x431Mapuche Resistance Group, Weichan Auka Mapu, Claims more than 30 Sabotage Attacks

The group “Weichan Auka Mapu, the Struggle in Rebellious Territory” reached out to País Mapuche in an email clarifying its position unto the current phase of the Mapuche-Chilean Conflict.

In their statement, they explain their political position. Further, they defend armed struggle, claiming more than thirty actions of sabotage in Williche, Wenteche and Lafquenche territory. The actions are claimed through their symbol, a Kultrún with an arrow and a hunting rifle. At the end of the communique, the actions that have affected the Chilean Catholic Church are clarified and also claimed.

The original communique is presented in the following:

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