UNAC 2017: All We Have To Agree On Is The Trumps

United National Anti-War Coalition | UNAC 2017: All We Need To Agree On Is The Trumps

Stop the Wars at Home & Abroad: Building a Movement Against War, Injustice & Oppression

A national conference organized by the United National AntiWar Coalition



Date: 16-18 June 2017

Website: UnacConference2017.org


Greater Richmond Convention Center
403 N 3rd St, Richmond VA 23219 USA


United National AntiWar Coalition
UNAC, PO Box 123, Delmar NY 12054-0123 USA
518-227-6947 | UNACpeace@gmail.com
#NoNewWars #EndWarAtHomeAndAbroad


You may not agree with everything you see in this image, but we don’t need to agree on everything in order to unite against our common oppressors:

  • If you prefer #AllLivesMatter to #BlackLivesMatter, for instance, that’s no reason not to join hands with those who feel otherwise when the rights of all are at risk. Just remember how Evelyn Hall defined freedom of speech in The Friends of Voltaire:

    “I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it.”

  • If you’re no more likely to be seen at an LGBTQ rally than Winston Churchill was at a meeting of the Comintern, consider his response to critics of his alliance with a totalitarian Soviet Union against Hitler’s Nazi Germany:

    “If Hitler invaded Hell, I would make at least a favorable reference to the Devil in the House of Commons.”

  • And regardless of whether your 9/11 view is Red Pill or Blue, one incontrovertible 9/11 truth is that never have Americans traded more liberties for less security than they have since 2001. Were he alive today, Benjamin Franklin would certainly say:

    “Those willing to sacrifice liberty for security deserve neither.”

As awakened advocates for the 99 Percent, we must no longer allow the greedy 1 Percent and their puppet politicians to maintain a Two-Party Tyranny using fake news to confuse and mislead us, false flags to scare and subdue us, and social wedge issues to divide and rule us. For as Thomas Jefferson observed:

“The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.”

The time to set aside our differences is now. All we need to agree on is the trumps – not like the clown president Trump, whose agenda will be set by the Deep State just as it was for Obama, Bush and Clinton before him, but rather these trumps:

  • Love trumps Hate
  • Tolerance trumps Prejudice
  • Education trumps Ignorance
  • Liberty trumps Privilege
  • Ecology trumps Economy
  • People trump Profit
  • Peace trumps War

Only through solidarity can we achieve true and lasting liberty, equality and democracy. Join activists from many domestic and international struggles as we form an unstoppable alliance for freedom against the puppet Trump regime and the underlying omnipotent Deep State responsible for all the world’s major conflicts as well as much of its social injustice, disease, poverty, hunger, ignorance, prejudice, racism, genocide and ecocide. Unite with UNAC!


#UNAC2017, #AntiWar, #Antifa, #DeepState, #MilitaryIndustrialComplex,
#Afghanistan, #Iran, #Iraq, #NorthKorea, #Palestine, #Russia, #Syria,
#NWO, #Orwellian, #Fascist, #PoliceState, #Plutocracy, #Kleptocracy,
#OWS, #Resistance, #Rebellion, #Revolution, #UniteWithUNAC

Wikileaks Vault 7 Year Zero: CIA Hacking Tools Revealed

I will splinter the CIA into a thousand pieces and scatter it into the winds. - John F. Kennedy

CIA Global Covert Hacking Program Exposed

‘Wikileaks released “Vault 7” this morning, consisting of what Wikileaks says is the “largest ever publication of confidential documents” on the CIA—more than 8,000 documents detailing various CIA cyberwarfare and electronic surveillance activities. Wikileaks says it is only the first set of documents to be released, with more to follow as the organization is able to verify and analyze more documents. Wikileaks had promoted the Vault 7 disclosures for some time—the documents were released under the title “Year Zero”; they contain 7,818 web pages and 943 attachments from a development groupware used by the CIA’s engineers, and include previous versions of many pages.’   More >>>

‘WikiLeaks released Vault 7, a slew of CIA files on surveillance and hacking, encrypted with the password “SplinterItIntoAThousandPiecesAndScatterItIntoTheWinds”, a phrase that President John F. Kenndy used a month prior to his assassination. Kennedy hated the CIA… Speaking in a History Channel documentary years ago, Samuel Halpern, author of “The Assassination of JFK,” claimed that the threat against JFK’s life stemmed from Kennedy’s frustration with the CIA, which he believed was becoming a “state within a state.”‘   More >>>

Rules for Radicals by Saul Alinsky

Click to download Rules for Radicals by Saul Alinksy“The great American dream that reached out to the stars has been lost to the stripes. We have forgotten where we came from, we don’t know where we are, and we fear where we may be going. Afraid, we turn from the glorious adventure of the pursuit of happiness to a pursuit of an illusionary security in an ordered, stratified, striped society. Our way of life is symbolized to the world by the stripes of military force. At home we have made a mockery of being our brother’s keeper by being his jail keeper. When Americans can no longer see the stars, the times are tragic. We must believe that it is the darkness before the dawn of a beautiful new world; we will see it when we believe it.”

Gal’s Pillows

Gal's Pillows

Gal’s Pillows

No one could ask for better grandparents than mine: “Gal & Big Daddy” and “Granny & Grandaddy”. As long as they lived, they were the ties of love that bound two families together. And once they were gone, both families fractured and segmented – never again to gather ’round the same Christmas tree, or share another family reunion feast.

The greatest gifts my grandparents gave me were not material, but the material gifts they gave me were precious. One of those was “Gal’s Pillows”, which you can see hanging on my clothesline in the accompanying photo. She made those pillows from scraps and sewed every stitch by hand. She gave them to me when I was in my twenties, which means they’re at least 30 years old now. The stuffing’s lumpy and the covering’s worn thin, but they’re still with me: I sleep with one stuffed in each of my pillow cases every night, and hang them on the clothesline to let my slumber’s drool dry out every day.

I’m a grandparent myself now, and my hope is that someday, somehow I’ll manage to give my own grandchildren a gift as lasting as my grandparents’ love – and Gal’s Pillows.
