Quinta 21 e Sábado 30: Ciclo de Atividades contra a civilização! (Brasil)

kaos 003

Quinta 21 de Julho:

17h: Troca de ideia sobre anti-civilização e colonização, videos e material de difusão, bebidas e comidas..

Sábado 30 de julho:

15h: Combate á civilização! Experiências e possibilidades de luta contra a civilização.

Posted in Anti-civilization, Biblioteca Kaos, Brazil, Decolonization, Events | 1 Comment

Melbourne: Wilson Security offices attacked in solidarity with refugees in detention


On the night of Sunday 26th June we glued the locks and spray painted the entrance to Wilson Security on Sydney Road, Coburg in Melbourne.

Wilson provides security at Nauru and Manus Island detention centres and are responsible for numerous, well documented abuses of detainees.

Solidarity with the protesters at Nauru detention centre!

Close the camps!

(via 325)

Posted in Australia, Close The Camps, Direct Action, Fuck Wilson Security, Manus Island, Melbourne, Nauru, Refugee Struggle, Refugees | 1 Comment

Greece: New statement from the political prisoners in Korydallos prison


On the 4th of July prisoners in Korydallos men’s prison began mobilizing in order to assert a number of demands that are relevant to all prisoners and all people that still want to be called human.

The demands concern extending the implementation period of law 4322 which provides for prison decongestion, the decarceration of incarcerated mothers who must care for babies and young children, the immediate trials of appeals by setting a time limit in order to end indefinite confinement and a number of other fair and necessary issues that are set forth…

This is not about charity on the part of the government and definitely not an appeal to its kindness… This is the LEAST we can claim as our living conditions against the fascist mechanisms of ”justice” which impose hundreds of years of sentences on a daily basis to poor devils who are the products of a system of power. At least it appears as if judges believe in the after life, since a lifetime is not enough to serve the kind of sentences they impose. For them the law is flexible and not simple math…to them 1+1 is not equal to 2 but equal to whatever they want.

The ministry has poisoned prisoners with hope through futile promises….but the prison and justice industries are the only ones that are on the rise even today….

From the underground annex of the special section we join our voices with the prisoners in the men’s prison and we are determined to stand by them in their struggle…because this is a struggle for everyone…

Initiative of Political Prisoners from the Underground Cells in Korydallos Prison

(via Athens Indymedia, translated by BlackCat)

Posted in Greece, Greek Prisons, Korydallos Prison, Political Prisoners | 2 Comments

Germany: Interactive map of Rigaer 94 solidarity actions


Received on 14.07.16:

Huge interactive map of solidarity actions for the partly evicted Rigaer 94 with many photos and links: http://umap.openstreetmap.fr/en/map/rigaer94-tage-einsendungen-an-tagxairmailcc_93586#6/49.045/12.898

Zum “schwarzen Juli” und um die Planungen für kommende TagX-Aktionen zu unterstützen wurde ein Solidaritätsatlas erstellt. Dieser soll Mut machen und zeigen, was seit der Teilräumung der Rigaer 94 bundesweit gelaufen ist. Wo der Ort den Meldungen zu entnehmen war, sind die Aktionen auf Straße und teilweise auch Hausnummer genau eingetragen. Mit vielen Fotos! Ziehts euch rein. Einsendungen: tagx@airmail.cc: http://umap.openstreetmap.fr/en/map/rigaer94-tage-einsendungen-an-tagxairmailcc_93586#6/51.768/10.129

Posted in autonomous spaces, Berlin, Black July, Direct Action, Germany, R94, Rigaer 94, Squatting | 1 Comment

Berlin: Black July – Attack with fire and stones against the Spittelmarkt


We are mad as hell because of the evacuation of the Kadterschmiede. We are very pleased about the call for a Black July. We now have space for these feelings and so we made a contribution to the call on the night of Sunday, 10.07.2016 at Spittelmarkt in the center of Berlin-Mitte.

We carried out incendiary attacks against two luxury cars behind the Federal Foreign Office and another in the Kurstrasse. At the same time, as an expression of our rejection of the capitalist city, we robbed the pompous windows of the ground floor of the ‘Spittelmarkt House’ of their luster with color and stones.

The eviction threats of the authorities continue and so we will also continue our escalation until the evacuation of the M99 in Kreuzberg is ended and the cops and security have pissed off from Rigaer.

We send fiery greetings to the prisons: to the two people in custody since the demonstration on Saturday and to the anarchists who were arrested in connection with an expropriation action in Aachen and are now awaiting trial. Much strength and stamina! Freedom for all!

FreundInnen der gepflegten Grillrunde

(via Linksunten Indymedia)

Posted in Anarchist Prisoners, Berlin, Black July, Direct Action, Germany, M99, R94, Rigaer 94 | 2 Comments

Berlin, Germany: Report-back from the Defend Rigaer 94 demo

Germany: Report-back from the ‘Burst The Dreams Of Investors – Defend Rigaer 94’ demonstration that took place in Berlin on 09.07.16…

Burst the dreams of investors – Defend Rigaer 94

Before the demonstration the media and lots of politicians were nervous and expected a violent event on top of almost three weeks of actions in solidarity with Rigaer 94. For that they ordered 1800 cops from different parts of Germany.

The demonstration started almost on time at 21:15 at Wismarplatz in Friedrichshain with about 6000 people, after a manifestation of 45 minutes took place, where the speaker read some writings about the situation in the neighborhood these days. The first two lines were built by civil cops in yellow vests and after some cop cars before the real demonstration was visible. In the front they were holding lot’s of banners and signs. In the end it looked still organized and seemed to be a big beautiful black block.

When the demonstration reached Frankfurter Allee, the first big street, two cop cars were attacked with stones. People were showing their solidarity with fireworks and banner from the rooftop. On the way lots of people opened stones for the public and offered more chances to attack cops, who are a major enemy in the conflict about Rigaer Straße. After the first attack people took every chance to hit them again until they built a line on both sides of the demonstration in Liebigstraße. This time they started to beat up people, split the demonstration and use liters of pepper spray. But even so the attacks continued and especially the not shielded brigade of civil cops (PMS) had to run. The demo stopped just before Rigaer Straße and it was unclear if it could be continued. After a few minutes they decided to go on and passed Rigaer 94, barricaded by cops so that nobody could even think about re-squatting the Kadterschmiede. Only a few attacks on Bambiland (luxury buildings) and some cops followed, before the demonstration reaches larger streets and ended up at Warschauer Strasse, where the cops arrested most of the 86 persons.

Some people called to go back to Rigaer Strasse to keep the dynamic, attack the red zone and get back the Kadterschmiede, but why ever, almost nobody followed and most of the demonstrators preferred to stay and get arrested. After the demonstration lots of cars and construction equipment all over Berlin burned and a hundred people attacked the cops again at Mariannenplatz.

After all cops and media call it the most violent demonstration for the last five years and still don’t wonder about the reason.

Hate Cops – Love R94!

(via Linksunten Indymedia)

Posted in autonomous spaces, Autonomy, Berlin, Direct Action, Germany, R94, Rigaer 94, Squatting | 1 Comment

Greece: Update on the struggle of refugee families in Athens


Immigrant families are on the 8th day of sleeping rough at the HQ of the NGO Praxis on Stournari street in Athens and continue their struggle with a clear intention to have their demands satisfied. Our main priority is to reinforce their visibility and give them a platform so their voices can be heard. The following text was written by them and was translated in order to have it published in the counter-information media.

“We are from Syria.We just ask for our rights. We are not asking for the impossible.
We only demand a place to stay and safety for our children from the dangers we saw in the camp.

Our demands are:

1)a place/house 2) safety and 3)protection for our children

For 7 days now we’ve been staying and sleeping in the streets. Among us there are sick women and children with medical records, but PRAXIS doesn’t seem to care. We don’t want to be treated as things. We’ve been sent from PRAXIS to the UN and back asking for our rights. This is not human, we just want our rights. We need a safe place.”

We call for people in solidarity to join the struggle.


(via Mpalothia, translated by BlackCat)

Posted in Athens, Greece, Refugee Solidarity Movement, Refugee Struggle, Refugees | 1 Comment