dorset chiapas solidarity

August 21, 2016

Sup Moisés at the conclusion of CompArte

Filed under: Zapatistas — Tags: , — dorsetchiapassolidarity @ 11:49 am



Sup Moisés at the conclusion of CompArte


EZLN: “22 years later we are showing that we don’t want to use these weapons, that it isn’t necessary.”


dancers-in-roberto-barriosDance performance at CompArte in Roberto Barrios

From the Desinformémonos Editors

Mexico City

Subcomandante Moisés, commander and spokesperson of the Zapatista National Liberation Army (Ejército Zapatista de Liberación Nacional, EZLN), stated that: “the soldiers should not have to kill us because we have not wanted to kill them.” As an example, he said, “the compañero support bases have demonstrated it (because) for 22 years we have kept our weapons stored, like tools.”

During the closing of the CompArte Festival in the Caracol of Roberto Barrios, in the Northern Zone of Chiapas, the Zapatista leader thanked the support bases for the demonstration of their art: “They have given us something great. For now, we want to tell you that we understand that the word war is using a weapon, but here we are demonstrating, 22 years later, that we don’t want to use those weapons, that it isn’t necessary. We are demonstrating that there is [another] way to achieve freedom, justice and democracy; that it isn’t necessary to kill the soldiers that the rich, the capitalist has, with which he is defended.”

The CompArte Festival, according to reports from the alternative communications media that had access, toured the five Zapatista regions (Oventik, La Garrucha, La Realidad, Morelia and Roberto Barrios), in Los Altos (the Highlands), the Lacandón Jungle and the Northern Zone of Chiapas, with demonstrations of poetry, dances, songs, paintings and other artistic activities in which Zapatista support bases and organizations and collectives from Mexico and from many parts of the world participated.

Below is the whole comunicado published by the Free Media:

“Good afternoon bases of support, the Sixth, brothers and sisters who listen to us!

We really can’t find the words to say to you because of the big surprise that the EZLN’s bases of support artist compañeros have shown us.

You have given us a lesson, an instruction, a class; that’s how we, our comandante and comandanta compañeros, feel.

We are representing our Caracoles, you have helped us a lot; you have taught us a lot; you give us strength and, well, power. We have a big task that you have given us, a big job that you have given us, and because of our practice we have to think it through collectively with our compañera comandantas and compañero comandantes.

You have given us something great. For now we want to tell you that we understand the word war is to use the weapon, but here we are demonstrating, 22 years later, that we don’t want to use those weapons; it isn’t necessary. We are showing that there is a way to achieve freedom, justice and democracy; that it’s not necessary to kill the soldiers that the rich, the capitalist has, with which he defends himself.

The soldiers would not have to kill us, because we have not wanted to kill them. The example the support base compañeros have shown, for 22 years we have preserved our weapons like tools.

We want to construct our autonomy and we are showing our brothers of Chiapas, Mexico and the world, but you aren’t going to stop, because you won’t like capitalism. You oblige us and we have to look for the way in which that doesn’t happen, but if it’s necessary to defend, one must defend oneself.

We are able to understand without killing and without dying. To finish with capitalism we need to get organized, to construct a new house or to set capitalism aside. But for now that lesson that you have given us, there is a lot of work to do and to think about.

Here in Mexico they have us so divided, into the countryside and the city, they have us so distracted so that we don’t realize how we are subjected in manipulation, but this class that you gave us, EZLN support base compañeros from the five Caracoles, we are not able to say more right now, because it was more what you told us and presented to us.

It’s really recharging the battery for us and for the comandante compañeros. We are seeing the fruits of the labour of our compañero representatives that is the EZLN’s structure.

What would happen if the thousands of Zapatista artists from the five Caracoles were seen? Something much greater would come from it. There are many types of weapons, but not the ones that kill, but rather the ones that change the life, the thinking and the idea. In all the Caracoles that we have passed through, we have met and we didn’t find the words because we need to get deeper into it, but with that material that the compañeros from the tercios compas [1] are making, that will help us a lot.

For now, we have enough material to get to work, to think about it and to concretize it so that if the bases approve it, it will be a real practice. That is the wisdom that we hear, see and later think about to put into practice, that is the spark of the art of seeing, of the art of listening, so that later it will be seen in practice for the benefit of one’s own people.

Art and science are really necessary to be able to destroy capitalism. We don’t know how, but we must think about it. There is no reason that we will see things differently, we are of the same original peoples in the countryside and also in the city. Our job is to think of how to unite because capitalism is going to destroy us.

And that is the importance of art and not only for Mexico. So, the instruction that you gave us hasn’t fit in our head, we have to go over it again, that is what we feel.

Thank you to the bases of support from the five Caracoles and the invitees for accompanying us. Our thinking about what we are going to tell you will arrive soon and you will decide if it’s so or not. We will look for the art of how to reach consensus on what will emerge in the practical work of what we said in this art of struggle.

Thank you brothers and sisters bases of support and compañeros of the Sixth.”

[1] The tercios compas – the Zapatista media team


Originally Published in Spanish by Desinformémonos

Monday, August 15, 2016

Re-Published with English interpretation by the Chiapas Support Committee

Posted with minor edits by Dorset Chiapas Solidarity



August 20, 2016

Food Sovereignty in Rebellion: Decolonization, Autonomy, Gender Equity, and the Zapatista Solution

Filed under: Autonomy, Women, Zapatistas — Tags: , , — dorsetchiapassolidarity @ 3:06 pm



Food Sovereignty in Rebellion: Decolonization, Autonomy, Gender Equity, and the Zapatista Solution


Food Sovereignty in Rebellion: Decolonization, Autonomy, Gender Equity, and the Zapatista Solution

Tim Russo

The battle for humanity and against neoliberalism was and is ours,

And also that of many others from below.

Against death––We demand life.

Subcomandante Galeano/Marcos


One of the biggest threats to food security the world currently faces is neoliberalism. It’s logic, which has become status quo over the past 70 years and valorizes global ‘free market’ capitalism, is made manifest through economic policies that facilitate privatization, deregulation, and cuts to social spending, as well as a discourse that promotes competition, individualism, and self-commodification. Despite rarely being criticized, or even mentioned, by state officials and mainstream media, neoliberal programs and practices continue to give rise to unprecedented levels of poverty, hunger, and suffering. The consequences of neoliberalism are so acutely visceral that the Zapatistas called the 21st century’s most highly lauded free-trade policy, NAFTA, a ‘death certificate’ for Indigenous people.1 This is because economic liberalization meant that imported commodities (e.g., subsidized corn from the U.S.) would flood Mexican markets, devalue the products of peasant farmers, and lead to widespread food insecurity. As a response, the Zapatista Army of National Liberation (EZLN), primarily Indigenous peasants themselves, led an armed insurrection in Chiapas, Mexico on January 1, 1994—the day NAFTA went into effect.

Top: Juan Popoca / Bottom: Ángeles Torrejón
EZLN guerrillas circa 1994.

The Zapatistas, primarily Indigenous Ch’ol, Tzeltal, Tzotzil, Tojolobal, Mam, and Zoque rebels, were rising up against 500 years of colonial oppression. For this piece, I draw from my experiences learning from them, not ‘researching’ them. Importantly, I neither speak for the Zapatistas nor do my words do them justice. In a sense, then, this piece is nothing other than a modest ‘suggestion’ that the Zapatistas may offer us some ideas about solutions to the problems of the food systems we find ourselves in.


The emergence of the EZLN dates back to November 17, 1983, when a small group of politicized university militants arrived in the Lacandon jungle of Chiapas to form a guerrilla army. Their efforts, which were being supported by an intricate network of solidarity organizations with links to Marxist revolutionaries and Catholic liberation theologists in the region, were subsequently transformed by the Indigenous communities they encountered upon arriving. The success of the Zapatista uprising was thus the culmination of nearly 10 years of covert organizing that unfolded under the guidance of Indigenous people within the jungles and highlands of southeastern Mexico. And during the early morning hours of New Year’s Day 1994, thousands of masked insurgents from the EZLN stepped out of the darkness to say ‘¡Ya Basta! ‘ (Enough!) to the repression and misery that colonialism and capitalism had thrust upon them.

Levi Gahman
‘You are in Zapatista territory. Here the people lead and the government obeys.’

The stunning manner in which the Zapatistas presented themselves to the Mexican government, as well as the world, saw them descend upon several towns, cities, prisons, and wealthy landowners. During the revolt, EZLN guerillas liberated political prisoners, stormed military barracks, occupied government offices, set fire to trumped-up files that unfairly criminalized Indigenous people, and announced Zapatista ‘Women’s Revolutionary Law.’ In the rural countryside, Zapatista soldiers also reclaimed dispossessed land by kicking affluent property-owning bosses off plantation-like encomiendas that had been historically expropriated from impoverished Indigenous farmers. The skirmishes and exchange of bullets between the EZLN and federal army lasted a total of only 12 days, after which a ceasefire was negotiated.


Since that time, and despite an ongoing counter-insurgency being spearheaded by the Mexican government, the Zapatista’s ‘solution’ to the problem of neoliberalism, including the food insecurity and poverty it exacerbates, has been resistance. And for the Zapatistas, resistance is comprised of revitalizing their Indigenous (predominantly Maya) worldviews, recuperating stolen land, emancipating themselves from dependency upon multinational industrial agribusiness, and peacefully living in open defiance of global capitalism. This ‘solution’ has subsequently enabled them to build an autonomous, locally focused food system, which is a direct product of their efforts in participatory democracy, gender equity, and food sovereignty.

Families in La Realidad honor Galeano, a Zapatista teacher assassinated by paramilitaries in 2014.


Food sovereignty (an intensely debated concept) loosely described means that people are able to exercise autonomy over their food systems while concurrently ensuring that the production/distribution of food is carried out in socially just, culturally safe, and ecologically sustainable ways. For the Zapatistas, food sovereignty involves agro-ecological farming, place-based teaching and learning, developing local cooperatives, and engaging in collective work.

These practices, which are simultaneously informed by their Indigenous customs, struggles for gender justice, and systems of nonhierarchical governance and education, have thereby radically transformed social relations within their communities. And it is these aspects of the Zapatista Insurgency that illustrate how collective (anti-capitalist) resistance offers novel alternatives to the world’s corporate food regime.


Autonomous Education and Decolonization 

Here you can buy or sell anything—­except Indigenous dignity.

Subcomandante Marcos/Galeano


The relationship and obligation the Zapatistas have to the land is rooted in their Indigenous perspectives and traditions. And because exercising autonomy over their land, work, education, and food is crucial to the Zapatistas, their methods of teaching and learning are situated in the environmental systems and cultural practices of where they, and their histories, are living. This is evident in the grassroots focus they maintain in their approach to education, as well as how they consider their immediate ecological settings a ‘classroom.’2

Dorset Chiapas Solidarity
One example of a Zapatista ‘classroom.’


Local knowledge of land and growing food is so central among their autonomous municipalities that each Zapatista school often seespromotores de educación(‘education promoters’) andpromotores de agro-ecología(‘agro-ecology promoters’) coming from the same community as their students. Zapatista education is therefore emplaced within the geographies where people live. This holistic ‘place-based’ focus results in both children and adults viewing themselves as active participants in, and essential parts of, local food systems.


In order to understand food security, Zapatista students are frequently taught hands-on agro-ecological techniques outside the classroom. This means they learn how to apply sustainable farming techniques while participating in the planting/harvesting of organic crops. This area of experiential and localized education stresses the importance of working the land in order to attain the skills needed to achieve food sovereignty for future generations. It also provides an overview of how transgenic modifications and privatizations of seeds/plants/life are deemed to be overt threats to, and blatant attacks upon, their culture.


This perspective is held because the Zapatistas are ‘People of the Corn,’ a reality passed down from their Maya origin stories.3 And given that their autonomous education is anchored in defending, protecting, and preserving their Indigenous histories, languages, and ancestral territories, the Zapatistas effectively practice decolonization—the re-establishment and repatriation of Indigenous land, life, and realities—in every aspect of their teaching and learning.

Levi Gahman and Dorset Chiapas Solidarity
Scenes from Zapatista agro-ecology. In the top left, a generator depicting an Indigenous origin story: ‘They cut our branches, and they cut our trunks; but they cannot cut our roots.’



In practical terms, the Zapatistas are decolonizing their food system through applied/experiential learning, communal subsistence farming, collectivizing harvests, refusing chemicals, and equitably distributing labor. This approach thereby provides communities the ability to eschew the profit-motives promoted by capitalist conceptions of ‘productivity,’ in favor of foregrounding their local Indigenous notions of knowledge and nature.4


Through their refusal to participate in the commodification and privatization of learning and land, the Zapatistas have created an integrated system of education and food security that functions as a solidarity economy. This means their efforts in both food and knowledge production/distribution are guided by an ethical imperative that takes into consideration the health and well-being of individuals, communities, and ecologies alike.


Given what the Zapatistas have created in rural Chiapas, one is left to wonder how local food systems might look if Indigenous peoples’ perspectives and (anti-capitalist) placed-based education were implemented into our own communities.


Womens Struggle and Gender Equity


Cuando Una Mujer Avanza, No Hay Hombre Que Retrocede

(‘When a Woman Advances, No Man is Left Behind’)


Women do two-thirds of the world’s work, produce roughly 70 percent of its food, and are responsible for over 80 percent of its domestic (socially reproductive) labor. Despite this, they earn only about 10 percent of the world’s income, control less than 10 percent of all its land, own less than one percent of the means of production, and comprise nearly two-thirds of all its part-time and temporary worker positions.5 In disaggregate, the vast majority of these statistics apply to women who are rural, working class/poor, racialized/Indigenous, not ‘formally educated,’ and living in the Global South.6 It thus appears that capitalist exploitation has both a pattern and preferred target. Interestingly, all of these descriptors directly apply to Zapatista women, yet, it seems someone has forgotten to tell them…because they do not seem to care.

Dorset Chiapas Solidarity
Collective work.

One of the most groundbreaking aspects of the Zapatista insurgency has been the strides it has made in destabilizing patriarchy. This social transformation has largely been born out of the indefatigable work ethic and iron will of the Zapatista women. Given their recognition that any struggle against colonialism and capitalism necessitates a struggle against patriarchy, Zapatista women implemented what is known as ‘Women’s Revolutionary Law’ within their communities. The conviction they maintain regarding equality was poignantly captured in a communiqué written by Subcomandante Marcos (now Galeano) released shortly after the 1994 rebellion, which states: “The first EZLN uprising occurred in March of 1993 and was led by the Zapatista women. There were no casualties—and they won.”7


Broadly speaking, Women’s Revolutionary Law solidifies the recognition of women’s rights to self-determination, dignity, and having their voices heard. More specifically, the laws mandate that women be equitably represented in the guerrilla army (i.e., the EZLN), theJuntas de Buen Gobierno (‘Councils of Good Government’), efforts in land recuperation (agro-ecological projects/work outside of the home), and the development of food/artisan/craft cooperatives.8 These laws have restructured everyday life throughout Zapatista territory, as it is now not uncommon to see women involved in the public sphere (work outside the home), in addition to seeing men participate in socially reproductive labor (i.e., ‘women’s work’).

Levi Gahman
Murals painted on the walls of a women’s cooperative.

Women’s Revolutionary Law has also merged with the way in which the land and local environment is viewed and tended to. As a result of up-ending rigid patriarchal notions of what type of work women ‘should do’ and ‘could not do,’ as well as undermining regressive ideas that men are less capable of performing emotional labor, household chores, and nurturing children, Zapatista communities now have women exercising more influence over decisions being made surrounding food security and agro-ecological projects.9


In recently attesting to the gender equity the Zapatistas are advancing towards, Peter Rosset, a food justice activist and rural agro-ecological specialist, commented on the impact of Women’s Revolutionary Law by stating:


Yesterday a Zapatista agro-ecology promoter was in my office and he was talking about how the young Indigenous women in Zapatista territory are different from before…

…he said they no longer look at the floor when you talk to them—they look you directly in the eye.10


In light of the emphasis the Zapatistas place on justice via both recognizing women’s struggle, as well as men’s responsibility to perform socially reproductive/emotional labor, one cannot help but further wonder what agricultural production would look like if gender equity was promoted within the global food system.


Final Thoughts

A Zapatista child – one of most important ‘seeds’ the community is nourishing for a better tomorrow.

When viewed in its geopolitical context, the Zapatista insurgency has opened up space for a wide range of alternative ways of re-organizing societies, economies, and food systems. Consequently, what the Zapatistas prove through their resistance (i.e., efforts in autonomous education, decolonization, and gender equity) is that a recognition of Indigenous people’s right to self-determination, in conjunction with anti-capitalist collective work and movements toward food sovereignty, can indeed provide viable alternatives to the world’s neoliberal food regime as well as revolutionize the struggle for food security.



I offer my gratitude to the Zapatistas for accepting me into their school as well as the Mexico Solidarity Network for enabling it. I also thank Schools for Chiapas and the Dorset Chiapas Solidarity Group for sharing photos, as well as The University of the West Indies Campus Research and Publication Committee (Trinidad and Tobago) for their support.



  1. Marcos, S & de Leon, JP. Our Word is Our Weapon (Seven Stories Press, New York, 2002).
  2. Anonymous Zapatista. Personal communication, Fall 2013.
  3. Ross, J. ¡Zapatistas!: Making Another World Possible: Chronicles of Resistance, 2000–2006 (Nation Books, New York, 2006).
  4. Lorenzano, L. Zapatismo: recomposition of labour, radical democracy and revolutionary project in Zapatista! Reinventing Revolution in Mexico (eds Holloway, J & Pelaez, E), Ch. 7, 126-128 (Pluto Press, London, 1998).
  5. Robbins, RH. Global Problems and the Culture of Capitalism (Allyn & Bacon, Boston, 2007).
  6. Benería, L, Berik, G & Floro, M. Gender, Development and Globalization: Economics as if All People Mattered (Routledge, Abingdon, 2015).
  7. Marcos, S. The First Uprising: March 1993. La Jornada (January 30, 1994).
  8. Klein, H. Compañeras: Zapatista Womens Stories (Seven Stories Press, New York, 2015).
  9. Marcos, S. Zapatista Women’s Revolutionary Law as it is lived today. Open Democracy [online] (July 2014).….
  10. Rosset, P. Zapatista Uprising 20 Years Later. Democracy Now! [online] (January 2014).


Community of Cruztón denounces invasion of its territory and aggression

Filed under: Displacement, Frayba, Human rights, Indigenous, La Sexta — Tags: , — dorsetchiapassolidarity @ 2:28 pm



Community of Cruztón denounces invasion of its territory and aggression


Photo: The Community of Cruztón in defence of the land. (Frayba)

Community of Cruzton, municipality of Venustiano Carranza, August 15th, 2016

We would like to inform all our brothers and sisters, such as

the Good Government Juntas (JBG)

adherents to the Sixth Declaration

compañeros from Semilla Digna

human rights centre

to the free media

to the media

to the Indigenous National Congress “CNI”

To all independent organizations


we are Adherents to the Sixth Declaration and we make you aware of everything that is happening in our community. We ask for your support to stay alert to what might happen.

1) We demand the right to our territory and within this our holy field, which we have reclaimed since 1920, by right of our forefathers, we demand and we know that no one can privatize it as today an invading group from Guadalupe Victoria are doing.

2) On 5 March 2013 an invading group from Guadalupe Victoria put flags on the twelve small landholdings identified, so that they could soon take possession of them.

3) On 16 April 2015 they seized 3 small properties of Manuel Huel Cruz, Fernando Lopez Bautista and Mario Perez Nucamendi.

4) On May 8, 2015 at 6.00 pm they blocked the path leading to Venustiano Carranza, stopping our compañeros from transporting a sick person, privatising the path, and they detained them for two hours, threatened them with high-calibre weapons, telling them that they still wanted to know where they were.

5) On February 1, 2016 they privatized our path which leads to our field holy sealing it off with a heavy chain and saying that none of the community is to enter their land and that once the government had given them a solution, the land of the holy field would be taken for land for cultivation

6) On May 10, 2016 a decision was taken by own community to rise up up to open the path that leads us to our holy field so we could go there to leave flowers for our dead which we have the right to do.

As 7 am on the same day, our compañero, Agusto de la Cruz Pérez, was heading to Guadalupe Victoria to leave his wife at the house of her mother, on his return he was taken hostage without having committed any crime. The attacking group from Guadalupe Victoria who kidnapped him were heavily armed with high calibre weapons, they beat him, hung him for an hour, and after five hours he was released but they threatened him telling him that those who had kidnapped him “no one messes with us, or it will be worse for them.”

Given all this, we demand from the state government of MANUEL VELASCO COELLO, and all its departments, that they respect our rights to land and territory, since until now the harassment from the aggressor group has continued and we hold them liable for any confrontation that may happen.




Posted by Dorset Chiapas Solidarity on 20/08/2016



A Glimpse Inside the Zapatista’s Rebel Capital of Oventic, Two Decades on

Filed under: Autonomy, Indigenous, Women, Zapatistas — Tags: — dorsetchiapassolidarity @ 11:05 am



A Glimpse Inside the Zapatista’s Rebel Capital of Oventic, Two Decades on

Ryan Mallett-Outtrim – Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal
go to original
August 17, 2016

Sign reads, “You are now in rebel Zapatista territory. Here, the people command, and the government obeys.” (Ryan Mallett-Outtrim)

The line of guards clad in the guerrilla movement’s iconic balaclavas was a sign we had found the place. For anyone who did not get the hint, there was a half rusted sign across the road that read, “You are now in rebel Zapatista territory.”

“Here, the people command, and the government obeys,” it stated.

Less than an hour from the nearest city, and I had already arrived at Oventic. This small, unassuming community in the highlands of Mexico’s Chiapas state is often known as the de facto capital of the Zapatista Army of National Liberation (EZLN), a leftist guerrilla movement that has been a thorn in the side of the Mexican government since the 1990s.

A decade ago, Oventic was easily accessible to outsiders, and gringo tourists hoping to catch a glimpse of the EZLN in their heartland were generously accommodated. Today, things are different, and the Zapatistas are more reserved about who they allow to peek inside their world. In late July, I was given the privilege to visit Oventic, and see how the community was doing two decades after the EZLN first shocked the world with its fiery entrance into Mexico’s already complex political landscape.

The Zapatistas’ debut act came in 1994, when seemingly out of nowhere, they seized control of a handful of towns across Chiapas, one of the country’s consistently poorest states. Among the towns captured was the highland city San Cristobal, which is today the heart of the state’s booming tourism sector. The offensive was accompanied by a declaration of war against the Mexican government by the EZLN. They accused the federal government of losing touch with ordinary Mexicans, and called for a nationwide revolt.

Their sudden offensive was timed to coincide with the signing of the controversial North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA). In their early communiques, the Zapatistas warned NAFTA would fail to deliver on its promises of economic prosperity, and would only widen the country’s wealth gap. Any gains under NAFTA would not be seen by the already impoverished indigenous farmers of rural Chiapas, they claimed.

Reminiscing on the time, veteran Mexican journalist Olivier Acuna said the uprising “caught us all by surprise”.

“Basically, nobody outside Chiapas saw it coming; other than, I suppose, intelligence agents,” he said.

However, he argued the EZLN didn’t really come from nowhere.

“Chiapas is a highly marginalized and poverty stricken state, and if you add the long history of massive caciquismo you have a very resented and abused population,” he said.

Caciquismo refers to regional authoritarianism, where local leaders such as mayors weld huge power over their constituents, often in remote rural areas. In hindsight, Acuna said, the uprising was a long time coming. He pointed to decades of local and federal governments abusing the highland population.

“[It’s] majority indigenous people who have been stripped of their lands, and in many cases turned into almost slaves on their own land,” he said.

Today, the EZLN has long since retreated from the city of San Cristobal, though it retains a following in the highlands. An uneasy ceasefire exists, with the Mexican military mostly avoiding contact with EZLN communities, which remain dotted across the countryside. Meanwhile, the Zapatistas themselves have adopted a defensive strategy, focusing on consolidation rather than expansion.

During my time in Oventic, I spoke with Roy Ketchum, an associate professor in Hispanic studies from the College of Saint Benedict and Saint John’s University. Ketchum has been observing the EZLN for years, though this was the first time he was able to visit Oventic, after being turned away on a previous trip.

“There’s a vibrant, community based participatory democracy,” he said. “Everyone participates, and everyone is heard.”

Read the rest at Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal



CNTE causes more economic damage than the EZLN Uprising

Filed under: Uncategorized — Tags: , , — dorsetchiapassolidarity @ 9:03 am



CNTE causes more economic damage than the EZLN Uprising


walmart-office-depot-blockshutting down business in Tuxtla Gutiérrez, Chiapas.


By: Isaín Mandujano


The president of the Employers Confederation of the Mexican Republic (Coparmex) in this state, Enoc Gutiérrez, said today that the economic damages caused by the teachers’ conflict “are worse than those of 1994,” after the armed uprising of the Zapatista Nacional Liberation Army (EZLN).

Enoc Gutiérrez reminded that on Tuesday August 2, the Employers Centre, affiliated with  Coparmex, presented a legal demand for an amparo (protective order) to the Judicial Power of the Federation (PJF) against the state and federal authorities due to “omissions” in attending to the teachers’ conflict that, after more than 90 days, have allegedly caused million dollar losses in Chiapas and other states in the country.

Although the case could be resolved in the coming days or weeks, Gutiérrez maintained that: “this is one of the worst situations that reflect economic damages and affectations, we evaluate and tell you that they are even worse than those in 1994. And we have an international context much more complex and a devaluation in the Mexican economy.”

He also clarified that the business owners “are not enemies” of the government authorities or of those who head the institutions of the Mexican government, but neither will they be accomplices in permitting that conflict situations cause damages to third parties that affect the economy and above all that impair the education of the state’s children.

Later he said that they would not promote the repression of movements when they are conducted with unrestricted adherence to the law, and that they will always make use of the laws that they have at hand for defending their right to free movement and the free exercise of labour and free enterprise.

He also pointed out that the demand for an amparo is so that the Mexican State will act and re-establish the peace and respect the constitutional guarantees, like the right to education.

Lastly, he demanded that the federal government and the CNTE go further in their tables of dialogue and negotiations and produce concrete results to put an end to the conflict.


Originally Published in Spanish by

Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Re-published in English by the Chiapas Support Committee

Posted by Dorset Chiapas Solidarity 20/08/2016




August 19, 2016

The EZLN and the National Indigenous Congress will celebrate 20 years of resistance and autonomy in October

Filed under: CNI, Zapatistas — Tags: , , — dorsetchiapassolidarity @ 4:40 pm



The EZLN and the National Indigenous Congress will celebrate 20 years of resistance and autonomy in October



Mexico City | Desinformémonos. “We have forged a word and a way of acting that has contributed to the struggles of resistance and rebellion throughout the entire national territory, and not only do we maintain our decision to continue to exist, but we honour that decision with the strength of our fists raised in the air, we honour it through weaving deep and collective agreements which are reflected in the care for the earth, for our languages, our traditions, for our collective governments which take many names and forms,” proclaims the National Indigenous Congress (CNI) as it announces the forthcoming celebration of its 20th anniversary.

The works and festivities will be held from 9 to 14 October in the premises of CIDECI- Unitierra, the Indigenous Integrated Training Centre in San Cristobal de las Casas, Chiapas,  and as the convocation sent out by the CNI and the Zapatista Army of National Liberation (EZLN) says, the fifth National Indigenous Congress will be a space of unity, reflection and organization to continue “promoting the integral reconstitution of our peoples and the construction of a society into which all the cultures, all the colours, all the peoples who are Mexico will fit.”

20 years since its appearance, and after 20 years of uninterrupted work in the permanent construction of the autonomy and self-determination of the peoples who are joined together in the CNI, they are continuing to build “the worlds we dream of, while we weave life, capitalism draws and sets up ‘its’ own territories of death, linked to ours, in every corner of our hurting country Mexico.”

Despite the imposition of mining projects on indigenous territories, the emergence of cartels of organized crime, agro-industrial projects, political parties, urbanisation and all the capitalist onslaught, the peoples continue to resist, say the organizers.

Despite the devastation, criminalization and assassination of those who are building, struggling and working for the creation of other worlds, the peoples keep walking “on the only road possible for those from below and to the left, building and practising the justice which is denied them by the powerful who say they are the governors.”

Given the adverse context of violence in our country, the CNI calls on the authorities and direct representatives of the peoples, nations, tribes, neighbourhoods, communities and indigenous organizations to meet together and, with the love and ancestral commitment to the mother, join the resistance, autonomy and rebellion “which shine in every one of the indigenous peoples”, spinning the threads of new worlds from the very bottom, walking towards collective, autonomous and rebellious hope.


Posted by Dorset Chiapas Solidarity on 19/08/2016

The full Convocation is available here:




August 18, 2016

Shock Group Threatens to Invade the Lands of Adherents to the Sixth in San Francisco, Teopisca

Filed under: Displacement, La Sexta, Uncategorized — Tags: , — dorsetchiapassolidarity @ 3:03 pm



Shock Group Threatens to Invade the Lands of Adherents to the Sixth in San Francisco, Teopisca




Campesinos from the ranch San Francisco in the municipality of Teopisca, Chiapas

To the national and international sixth

To human rights defenders

To the Zapatista councils of good government (JBG)

To the alternative media

To the National Indigenous Congress (CNI)

To civil society in general

We are a group of campesinos and campesinas from San Francisco, adherents to the sixth declaration of the Lacandona jungle and in defence of the land and territory of the indigenous peoples.

Today, August 15th, we again denounce Pedro Hernández Espinosa who initiated a demand for displacement in the district court of Teopisca. They held an investigation and on August 17th, 2015, the judge ordered seven arrest warrants within the criminal proceedings 38/2015 in the first court in San Cristobal de las Casas, against our compañeros of the Sixth and of our group in defence of land and territory, adherents of the Sixth Declaration of the EZLN. Now they are being sought after by the police to be captured and judged by the laws of the bad government.

Meanwhile, we have already filed an injunction (amparo) to demonstrate that we are not committing any crime, and the only thing that we are doing is defending the land which is ours. We also want to denounce again the shock group organized by Pedro Hernández Espinosa, Francisco de la Cruz Estrada and Felipe de la Cruz Alvarez, who on July 31st, arrived in our recovered lands again and occupied them showing with false documents (contracts of buying and selling) that they are now the owners of our lands, pretending to be the group in resistance named “Luz y Fuerza del Pueblo”, adherents to the Sixth, members of the community of El Escalón and of other communities.

We hold Pedro Hernández Espinosa and the shock group that wants to invade our land responsible for everything that happens in our struggle.

We demand the immediate cancellation of the seven arrest orders issued against our seven compañeros. We also name the three levels of government and the associated authorities responsible for whatever damage or detention is carried out against our compañeros and members of our group in defence of land and territory. We demand the legitimate recognition of our recovered land and of our ancestral rights.


Organized Group of San Francisco

Municipality of Teopisco, Chiapas, Mexico

Adherents to the Sixth Declaration of the EZLN




The children of Nochixtlán

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The children of Nochixtlán


oaxaca-1-960x500A funeral in Nochixtlán


By: Luis Hernández Navarro

When the helicopter flies over Casa Xitla, in southern Mexico City, the children from Nochixtlán who are temporarily housed there run to hide, terrified. The sound of the iron bird over their heads revives the fear and desperation that they experienced in their town on June 19, when the police massacred their friends and relatives.

Almost two months have passed since the attack, and the little ones haven’t forgotten what happened. The police violence appears in their drawings and in their dreams, in their conversations and in their future. When he’s big, says one of the boys, he wants to be a policeman so he can kill the men in uniform who gassed him and crushed his relatives to death.

On June 19, 26 little ones saw their fathers go out to defend their town from the aggression of the police officers and then run and hide. For days, in the esplanade of the Nochixtlán temple, two cardboard signs bore the names of the children who lost their fathers in the Federal Police attack.

That day, in the humble district of November 20, which doesn’t have water or electricity, some 30 police launched gas at houses constructed of metal sheets, cardboard, aluminium cans and scanty materials. 32 children were there, none older than 11. The little ones, seated on a mat told Arturo Cano how they felt suffocated and vomited from the smoke of the tear gas.

One of them talked to him about how they heard the police shouting: “Come here, you’re going to get fucked over here.” Another told him that they were shouting vulgarities and were provoking the teachers. Another one described how “they used their pistols and started to kill people.” And another boy said that they tossed a round thing behind a house, which “exploded, caught fire.”

In total, about 70 minors were direct victims of the police attack. The psychological damage that they suffered is raw and always present. One must add to the count of the child victims the children of those murdered and disabled by the police attack. From now on, without anyone to bring sustenance to the house, they and their mothers will have to work to earn a living.

The Nochixtlán Massacre left the tragic result of eight civilians murdered (11 in Oaxaca), 94 wounded by bullets, 150 direct victims and between 300 and 400 indirect ones. Those who suffered major injuries, who still have bullets in the stomach, how will they live now? It certainly won’t be from cultivating the fields.

The vast majority of the Nochixtlán victims are humble people, who live without savings and with very few resources. Faced with the government’s refusal to offer them medical attention, and the fear of being persecuted, they have had to spend their small incomes on poor quality treatment from private doctors.

Pain upon pain, tragedy upon tragedy, the families of the eight murdered today suffer not only the loss of a loved one, but also the weight of heavy economic debt. They buried their dead as tradition directs, feeding those who for days accompanied them in their grief. A funeral like that costs, at the least, between 100 and 150 thousand pesos, an expense that can only be paid with loans on which they must pay enormous interest rates.

Dozens of those victims gathered last July 31 in the emblematic Plaza de las Tres Culturas, in Tlaltelolco, with their crutches and bandages. With rage and courage, they narrated to the press their pain and showed their wounds. “We are here –they said– we have a name, we have a face, we are afraid. We are here, we have come to demand justice, not money.”

Enraged by the signals from PRI deputies like Mariana Benítez (assistant prosecutor when the 43 Ayotzinapa rural teachers’ college students were disappeared, and co-author of the “historic truth”), they denounced that: “there were bullets that entered through the mouth and came out through the ear; shots that impacted in the legs, the ankles, the groin, as well as the stomach, the chest, the back, the feet and the toes.”

The anger of the Nochixtlecos towards Deputy Benítez and the other members of the special legislative commission, for their investigation of the facts of Nochixtlán, comes from the huge contempt with which they (the commission members) have treated them. Their word is worthless. Although this commission has been formed since last July 6, its members have still been unable to meet with representatives of the Victims Assembly. They have talked to the PGR, the president of the CNDH [National Human Rights Commission] and the Oaxaca ombudsman, but not to those directly affected.

Moreover, various legislators have questioned the account of the facts given by the victims. This is what happened, for example, last July 26. That day, the titleholder of the position of Head of Human Rights of the People of Oaxaca, Arturo Peimbert, challenged before the commission the clarity of what the Federal Police (Policia Federal, PF) operation was pursuing in Nochixtlán, because “if they wanted to achieve the eviction of the superhighway in 15 minutes, they succeeded,” and he asked: “Why did they enter and raid the urban zone, the districts like November 20?” Several members of the commission responded angrily, placing his version in doubt.

Almost two months have passed since the Nochixtlán Massacre, and the federal government has been unable to offer a coherent and credible report of what happened. Nevertheless, versions have been leaked to the press that exonerate the Federal Police and the Gendarmes for the repression, at the same time as blaming five popular organizations in the region. A new ‘historic truth’ is underway.

It’s urgent to know the truth about what happened in Nochixtlán, to punish those responsible and to repair the damage. It’s urgent for the children and those affected to be healed. As the victim say: “if the government invested so much in murdering us, they should now invest it in healing us.”


Originally Published in Spanish by La Jornada

Tuesday, August 16, 2016

En español:

Re-Published with English interpretation by the Chiapas Support Committee

Posted with minor edits by Dorset Chiapas Solidarity on 18/08/2016



CompARTE Festival Closes

Filed under: sipaz, Uncategorized, Zapatistas — Tags: — dorsetchiapassolidarity @ 12:47 pm



CompARTE Festival Closes


comparteCompARTE, Oventik Caracol, July 29, 2016


In a communiqué on July 26, the Zapatista Army of National Liberation (EZLN) announced that something will always be presented “in different calendars and geographies, something of artistic creation that the Zapatistas prepare to show you” in all of the Zapatista Caracoles. Since July, the EZLN reported to have registered 1,127 national artists and 318 from other countries; as well as 1,819 Zapatista artists and 1,566 ‘eyes and ears’ (escuchas-videntes) from the Zapatista support bases for the CompARTE Festival. The event was partially cancelled when they opted to give all the supplies collected for the festival to the striking teachers, before being re-scheduled under a different format.

After an inauguration in CIDECI-Unitierra, in San Cristobal de Las Casas, CompARTE moved on through the Caracoles of Oventik, La Realidad, La Garrucha, Morelia, and Roberto Barrios between July 29 and August 12, coinciding in Morelia with the 13th anniversary of the foundation of the Zapatista Caracoles. The Zapatistas shared their path from the 70s to the present with us through theatre, poetry, music, paintings, and photos.

Posted by Dorset Chiapas Solidarity on 18/08/2016



August 15, 2016

“The project of the NAICM will lead to water shortage” Vandana Shiva in Atenco

Filed under: Displacement, water — Tags: , , , — dorsetchiapassolidarity @ 12:49 pm



“The project of the NAICM will lead to water shortage” Vandana Shiva in Atenco




Mexico City. 14 August 2016. “At some point it will lead to a water shortage” said Vandana Shiva and Sebastiao Pinheiro during their visit to Atenco yesterday.   With members of the Peoples Front in Defence of Land (FPDT) they toured the lands of Atenco that the government intends to dispossess in order to be part of the new airport in Mexico City (NAICM).  They arrived early in the camp that is located in the area where they intend to build one of the access roads.

Vandana, winner of the alternative Nobel prize for the environment, asked Mexicans not to allow life to be exterminated and to come to support the movement of the FPDT and all those who oppose the construction of the airport in these lands.

Meanwhile, members of the FPDT told the environmentalists that in these lands they grow crops of pumpkins, olives, corn and rosemary, among other products that represent their subsistence and survival.




Sebastiao Pinheiro said that the cause of FPDT is a common cause because, both in Brazil and Mexico they are destroying the environment: “We live together, we die together.”

Vandana Shiva and Pinheiro and were invited to Mexico by the Department of Agroecology of the Univeristy of Chapingo (Uach) and by the environmental organizations Karen Hansen of the Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy and Without Corn there is no Country.




With their symbolic machetes of the members of FPDT led by Ignacio del Valle and Trinidad Ramirez, held high, Vandana Shiva cried “Zapata Lives!”


Posted by Dorset Chiapas Solidarity on 15/08/2016

“El proyecto del NAICM implicará falta de agua”: Vandana Shiva en Atenco



Closing of Comparte in the Caracol of Roberto Barrios

Filed under: Autonomy, Uncategorized, Zapatista — Tags: , — dorsetchiapassolidarity @ 12:19 pm



Closing of Comparte in the Caracol of Roberto Barrios


COMPARTE-1-660x330 (1)


Palenque, Chiapas. August 12th.

Zapatista support bases, artists in the Comparte festival, and artists from the national and international sixth, to the rhythm of the voices, the drum, the revelry, the guitar and the applause, began to express their art, their history, and their autonomy, from Thursday evening.




The evening was enlivened by the musical group The Originals of San Andrés, in their first appearance at the Caracol of Roberto Barrios. Cicadas, crickets and howler monkeys accompanied participants for the rest of the early morning.

At about 10 o’clock (south eastern time) on Friday, with a greeting to the Zapatista delegation from the five Caracoles, the Good Government Council of Roberto Barrios began the presentation of the Zapatista CompArte.




“The art of how we resist” was performed in four sections about the history of the struggle, which looked at the formation of the EZLN and the repression perpetrated until today by the bad government and the capitalist hydra.

The presentations introduced the collective works, dance, theatre, poetry, history of the Chol, Tzeltal and Tzotzil peoples of northern Chiapas.




This lesson of autonomy released by the Zapatistas artists in CompArte, has opened the minds and hearts of those who struggle daily for another possible world.


Posted by Dorset Chiapas Solidarity on 15/08/2016



August 13, 2016

Art for Revolution’s Sake: Voices from the EZLN’s CompArte Festival in Chiapas

Filed under: Zapatista — Tags: — dorsetchiapassolidarity @ 12:43 pm



Art for Revolution’s Sake: Voices from the EZLN’s CompArte Festival in Chiapas           


Written by Ryan Mallett-Outtrim

It’s not every day that a guerrilla movement hosts an alternative art festival, but that’s exactly what just happened in southern Mexican city of San Cristobal, in the state of Chiapas.

From July 23 to 30, over a thousand artists from 45 countries flocked to the city’s outskirts to participate in CompArte for Humanity, a festival of art, poetry and music organized by the left-wing militant group, the Zapatista Army of National Liberation (EZLN). The EZLN declared war against the Mexican government in the 1990s, and today administers a handful of indigenous communities in the highlands of Chiapas. The movement’s ideology, Zapatismo, has garnered support across Mexico and abroad with its blend of Marxism and indigenous forms of horizontal community organization.

In a statement explaining their motivations for holding an art festival, the EZLN indicated it views artists as playing crucial role in promoting social change.

“We think that indeed, in the most difficult moments, when disillusionment and impotence are at a peak, the arts are the only thing capable of celebrating humanity,” read a joint statement from EZLN spokespeople Subcomandante Insurgente Moises and Subcomandante Insurgente Galeano.

Describing art as “perhaps the last bastion of humanity in the worst situations,” they suggested the art festival was about more than promoting the EZLN.

“The arts are the hope of humanity, not a militant cell,” Moises and Galeano stated.


The EZLN’s Definition of Art

The art on display at CompArte wasn’t limited to easels and paintbrushes. Rather, the EZLN said, “For Zapatismo, an artist is anyone who considers their activity as art.”

The result was a festival boasting an eclectic mix of everything from paintings and sketches to music, documentaries, theatre, poetry and philosophy workshops. Much of the art had distinctly political and social themes, promoting social movements from every corner of the world.

On the first day of the festival, Mexican wood carver David Arias Dijard told Upside Down World his art sought to promote real life heroes. Dijard’s exhibition featured a collection of handmade wooden “action figures.” However, instead of depicting superheroes like Batman or Superman, Dijard’s action figures were of revolutionaries like Mexico’s 20th Century rebel leader Emiliano Zapata, Argentine Marxist Ernesto “Che” Guevara, and EZLN icons Subcomandante Marcos and Comandanta Ramona.


28098096213_c2a2cece39_c(Pictured: Dijard and his exhibition of real life action heroes. (Ryan Mallett-Outtrim))


Explaining his exhibition, Dijard said, “I’m fighting through my art to make children consider real heroes, like Zapata, Che and Marcos.”

“The superheroes like Spiderman just destroy… but these heroes like Zapata … fought for the people,” he told Upside Down World.

Another artist, Mexico City resident Ana Zoebisch, said her pieces were intended to promote the EZLN’s struggle. In particular, she said she has a passion for highlighting the role of women in the movement. Gender equality is a key pillar of Zapatista ideology, and women reportedly make up around a third of the EZLN’s armed forces.

“The objective of my art is to introduce people to the Zapatista struggle, because there’s so much inaccurate information out there about them. People say they’re terrorists or killers, but this is a dignified fight,” she said.


28713972765_bf437133e1_c(Pictured: Zoebisch’s art focuses on themes of women’s rights and Zapatismo. (Ryan Mallett-Outtrim))


British poet Raga Woods said for her, CompArte was an opportunity to not only redefine art, but to also learn from other artists.

“[Comparte] is like a big marketplace of people looking to find out about each other, and to find themselves. That’s rarely admitted: that we need to find out about ourselves,” she said.

Her contribution to the festival was to host a workshop that quickly became an impassioned group discussion on misogynistic language. Even after some intense debate, the workshop ended with a group hug.

Afterwards, Woods explained the workshop was almost entirely unplanned. “I work spontaneously and intuitively,” she said.

Woods’ workshop was just one of many events at CompArte with a strong focus on engagement and dialogue between artists and audiences. The loose organization of the festival meant there was plenty of room for artists and visitors to debate and exchange ideas. The openness of the festival was even emphasized in the name, which is a play on the Spanish words for share (compartir) and art (arte). The Spanish word for share is also often used to describe a social gathering, or exchange of ideas.

For painter and crafter Nadia Mandiejano, the festival was a chance to “gather with, reunite and to meet other artists.”

“Comparte is … an opportunity to see and experience another world, and the human creation,” she said.


Art as a Shared Experience

This open approach to dialogue between artists and other visitors set CompArte apart from conventional art festivals, according to Argentine painter Martin Motta. “I don’t feel like this place is vertically organized, like most art galleries, universities, etc,” he said while taking a break from painting on the sixth day of the festival.

“The artist isn’t treated like an inferior here. We’re all equal – horizontal and equal,” he said

This sentiment of artist autonomy was reflected in another communique from the EZLN’s spokespeople, Moises and Galeano.

“No one should give orders to the arts,” they stated.

“For us Zapatistas, you … are so important that we cannot imagine a future without your work,” they added.


28681359476_ffebd3fd58_c(Pictured: Mexican artist Mario Martinez shows festival goers his exhibit, featuring works celebrating the country’s diverse social movements. (Ryan Mallett-Outtrim)


According to Moises and Galeano, the oldest artist to participate in CompArte was an 80-year-old folk singer.

Moises and Galeano said, “His songs, which revive popular culture and its musical parodies (surpassed only by reality), are still heard in the Zapatista mountains, and perhaps in some of the places where the teachers resist.”

The youngest artist was a six-year-old boy who danced to Son Jarocho, a form of folk music from the Mexican state of Veracruz.


Surprises From the EZLN

The vast array of art on offer wasn’t the only surprise for CompArte visitors. Shortly before the festival started, in early July the EZLN said they were suspending their involvement in organizing CompArte, so they could focus on providing solidarity to teachers protesting against the federal government’s controversial education reforms. Teachers and their supporters have blocked roads and established protest camps across Chiapas and neighboring Oaxaca states, prompting a violent police crackdown.

As part of the EZLN’s support for the teachers, they donated around MX$290,000 (US$16,000) of food and medicine to the demonstrators on the barricades and in the protest camps. The food had originally been earmarked for feeding EZLN attendees at CompArte. In a statement, the EZLN said the funds for the basic goods were donated by Zapatista communities across Chiapas.

“That is, it’s clean money, earned the way the immense majority of people of Mexico and the world earn: from work,” Moises and Galeano said.

Despite initially pulling back from the festival, the EZLN surprised visitors by offering CompArte participants the chance to visit their de facto capital, the administrative centre of Oventic. During the visit, guests were treated to indigenous folk music, and plays depicting the struggles of communities in the highlands.


28616441302_6e2c71c3ec_c(Pictured: A Zapatista folk band treated visitors to songs about the struggles of life in the impoverished highlands of Chiapas state. (Ryan Mallett-Outtrim)


Between the songs and dances, Moises addressed visitors with a call for all of Mexico to organize and rebel against the government in their own ways.

“It isn’t up to us to say how you must organize. Yes, we want to share all of our experiences, but we don’t know what the particularities of life are like for the workers, for the teachers, or for other people,” he told festival goers.

He continued, “But we all know that we all want justice, freedom, and democracy, and this goal [is common to all of us].”

“This [Capitalist] system doesn’t work, it is rotten, it cannot be fixed … we must organize ourselves to build a … new society,” he said.

The EZLN again surprised visitors on the final day of CompArte, when hundreds of masked militants came down from the mountains to observe the last performances and exhibitions of the festival.


28429303380_ac8041ba17_c (Pictured: A column of masked EZLN women arrive at the CompArte festival on July 30. (Ryan Mallett-Outtrim)


The visit was an exceptional moment for the EZLN, which has rarely appeared in force in San Cristobal since their short lived capture of the city in 1994. Over the past decade, the EZLN’s armed conflict with the Mexican state has been largely defensive, with the movement focusing more on promoting its ideals across Mexico and internationally of direct democracy and community autonomy. CompArte’s larger than expected turnout could be a sign this strategy is paying off. In total, 1,445 artists turned out, including over 300 from abroad.

The EZLN’s next major public event is a festival commemorating the 20th anniversary of their Indigenous Congress, and will take place on October 12 in San Cristobal. Details of how to attend as an observer are available on the  EZLN’s website.


Posted by Dorset Chiapas Solidarity on 13/08/2016



Insumisión: Amidst the Barricades, Building a Movement for the Long Run

Filed under: news, Uncategorized — Tags: , — dorsetchiapassolidarity @ 10:40 am


Insumisión: Amidst the Barricades, Building a Movement for the Long Run




Originally posted to It’s Going Down
By Scott Campbell

Next week, teachers in Mexico belonging to the National Coordinator of Education Workers (CNTE) will mark three months on strike. Three months without pay, of sleeping in encampments far from home, of funerals, arrests, disappearances, beatings, fear, uncertainty, and endless hours of marching. Yet the union has remained steadfast in its demand for the repeal of the educational reform and by doing so has created space for a much larger movement to emerge alongside it. What appeared at first as solidarity is increasingly moving toward coherent unity, as the people see their demands reflected in those of the teachers and vice versa. This mutual identification is rooted in an understanding that the forces responsible for creating the innumerable injustices occurring in Mexico can be traced back to neoliberal capitalism as deployed by a corrupt narcostate operating with impunity.

While events in Mexico haven’t been making headlines in the past couple of weeks, the struggle is still on. Along with mobilizing effective displays of its vitality, the movement has been using the decline in repression after the Nochixtlán massacre and the ongoing negotiations with the government to build sturdier foundations for the inevitable confrontations that lie ahead – be they during this phase of resistance or ones that will follow.

Teachers have been particularly active in Chiapas, where on July 25 and August 1, they blockaded access to the international airport in Tuxtla Gutiérrez and during the last four days of July, blockaded the three major shopping malls in that city. They followed those actions up by blockading Torre Chiapas, a skyscraper housing private and government offices in the state capital, on August 2.


chiapas-airport-blockadeTeachers in Chiapas blockade the international airport in Tuxtla Gutiérrez.


Numerous Chiapan civil society groups and networks primarily organized around human rights and territorial defense issued a statement on July 25 announcing their support and unity with the teachers’ movement. And three days later the Democratic State Committee of Parents in Chiapas warned that if the educational reform is not repealed, the school year will not start. They also said they were sending a commission to Nochixtlán to participate in the National Gathering of Parents in Defense of Education and Against Structural Reforms, stating, “we’re going to structure ourselves, above all, to map a path of action to throw out all these reforms and we will walk not just with the teachers, but also with the farmers, the workers, the doctors, the transportation workers, the churches.”

In Oaxaca, the Solidarity Caravan for Freedom and Autonomy, comprised of students from several Mexico City universities and the Supreme Indigenous Council from Xochicuautla, which fought back against significant state repression earlier this year, arrived in Juchitán on July 23 to help out on the barricade and deliver supplies.

As well, the Municipal and Agrarian Authorities Front of Oaxaca held a gathering and decided to build an encampment in front of the old state capitol building in the city of Oaxaca to demand justice for Nochixtlán, the repeal of 12 structural reforms, and freedom for political prisoners. The 97 authorities, seven parents groups, and 19 organizations also agreed to hold a megamarch on August 13, regional assemblies to unite the movement on August 20, create committees to defend education and health care in their communities, visit community radio stations to spread information about structural reforms, and build a union of communities and communal landholders to strengthen territorial defense.

There were large marches in Oaxaca on July 28 and on August 1, when women held a march to mark ten years since a similar march led to the takeover of the state TV station, which was held for the duration of the 2006 uprising and run by women’s collectives.

Also on August 1, the CNTE got up early and installed barricades blocking access to the Cerro del Fortín, the site of the government-run Guelaguetza. As a result, the state-appropriated cultural festival happened in front of a largely empty auditorium.

In Mexico City, 70 people traveled from Nochixtlán to hold a press conference at the monument to the 1968 Tlatelolco Massacre on July 25. They denounced that after all this time and despite three meetings with the federal government, the more than 150 wounded have not been provided access to adequate medical care. And in a symbolic victory, on July 28, the teachers finally made it into the Zócalo in Mexico City for the first time in more than a year. Instead of marching towards the Zócalo en masse only to be blocked by police before arriving, they carried out “Operation Ant,” sending people in a few at a time until there were hundreds of them there.

Elsewhere in Mexico, July 29 saw a teachers march in typically quiet Tlaxcala and on August 3, state police attacked demonstrating teachers in Zacatecas, beating, batoning and tasing them.

The actions are clearly having an impact. On August 3, major business associations held a press conference urging the government to take the “difficult actions” necessary against the “impunity” of the CNTE and claiming they will take legal action against the union for “human rights violations.” They also hinted at halting payments to the government’s health care and housing programs. On August 8, with no appreciation for irony, business owners in Oaxaca attempted to hold a strike to demand the use of government force against those on strike. Solidarity among capitalists didn’t materialize and most businesses remained open.


cnte-march-chiapasAugust 3 march in Tuxtla Gutiérrez, Chiapas.


On the same day as the press conference, teachers in Tuxtla Gutiérrez, Chiapas held a huge march and replied that, “They’re wrong when they stupidly have a press conference and talk about the damage the teachers have done. Those who have done harm to the Mexican people and who have brought misery, exploitation and subjugation are these rapacious business groups behind the so-called educational reform.”

Meanwhile, negotiations between the state and the CNTE continue. Following a July 27 meeting, the CNTE communicated that the Interior Ministry actually agreed to a few items, including reaching out to the legislature to identify a way to repeal the educational reform, to release political prisoners, to pay teachers their withheld salaries, and to rehire teachers fired for disobeying the reform. On August 11, the CNTE’s negotiating team will be meeting with representatives from all political parties in the Mexican Congress to propose a legislative path to repealing the reform. Where all this will lead and whether or not the government will keep its word remains to be seen.

To demonstrate the careful line the CNTE must walk, following the relative success of the July 27 meeting, it was rumored that the union may remove its barricade in Juchitán, Oaxaca. In response, parents and the Popular Assembly of the Juchitecan Peopleorganized a march urging the CNTE not to do so.

Lastly, the CNTE is organizing a National Forum Toward the Creation of a Democratic Education Project on August 9 in Mexico City to build proposals with input from a variety of sectors of civil society as to what a holistic and democratic educational program would look like. And beginning on August 18 and running through November, Okupa Che is hosting a series of weekly seminars and workshops examining “Education in Our Neighborhoods”


As always, there is much going on in Mexico outside of the popular and teachers’ mobilizations around neoliberal reforms.

July 26 marked 22 months since the students from Ayotzinapa were disappeared. There was a march in Mexico City and in Jalisco demonstrators took over three toll plazas in the state, allowing cars to pass for free. On July 29, the Inter-American Human Rights Commission approved a new mechanism for monitoring the Ayotzinapa case, following the withdrawal of its previous efforts due to harassment and non-cooperation from the Mexican state. Both the parents of the Ayotzinapa students and the Mexican government have signed on to the mechanism.

In some good news from Atenco, it was announced on July 27 that the highway being built for the new international airport for Mexico City has been definitively suspended. The communities of Atenco had mobilized against the construction of the highway, burning or appropriating the construction materials, which led to the army and paramilitaries escorting in construction workers, occasionally attacking residents.

On August 7, the Callejón de San Ignacio in Mexico City was taken over for the day and night for a series of cultural performances hosting a variety of relatively well-known artists. The theme was Building the Commons.

Community spaces have come under attack in Mexico City. Radio Zapote, a community radio station on the grounds of the National School of Anthropology and History (ENAH) first had the administration try to break in using a locksmith and then cut the electricity to their offices.

And on July 31, six members of Okupa Che, an occupied auditorium on the campus of the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM), were severely beaten by campus security, with five requiring hospitalization, and then arrested. Fortunately, the compas were released on August 2, though one of them was deported to Chile. They have been given 15 days to pay UNAM 40,000 pesos for damage UNAM says happened to three of their vehicles, or else they will face charges.

The eight teacher training schools in Michoacán (normales) have been holding down a barricade for a month in the state, taking 116 vehicles during that time to protest the fact that upon graduation the government refuses to hire them. The Mexican state hates normales because they train rural and working class students to teach in rural and working class areas, complete with a political analysis as to the conditions of their marginalization. Recently, former president Vicente Fox said in an interview that, along with Felipe Calderón making him vomit, when he became president he was told that some normales are nothing more than Trotskyist guerrilla training centers. The Trotskyist part might be true in some cases, but that’s about it.

The cold world of numbers revealed in a series of reports over the past two weeks helps demonstrate just why social revolt is spreading so rapidly. An Oxfam report states that 54.4 percent of Mexicans live in “poverty,” with two million joining that category under Enrique Peña Nieto. One percent of the nation owns 39 percent of the wealth, making it one of the 25 most economically unequal countries in the world. Remittances sent by Mexican migrants abroad are the second largest source of the country’s funds. In the first half of 2016, they sent 13.156 billion dollars, an 8.9 percent increase from last year. Through June of this year, 9,615 murders have been reported, an increase of 16 percent from the same time last year. Only 15 percent of the more than 30,000 children who are internal migrants in Mexico have access to education. Sixty percent work in the fields. 13,156 people have been disappeared in Mexico under Peña Nieto, a rate higher than the most violent periods of the “drug war” under Felipe Calderón. On average, a journalist is murdered every 26 days in Mexico, a fact leading the two main journalist associations to come together and in a cry of “¡¡¡YA BASTA!!!” demand an end to the murders. July 31 was the one year anniversary of the Colonia Navarte massacre in Mexico City, when journalist Rubén Espinosa, activist Nadia Vera, and visitors and housemates Yesenia Quiróz, Olivia Alejandra Negrete, and Mile Virginia were executed, likely under the orders of the Veracruz government. Nadia Vera’s mother issued a powerful text on the eve of that commemoration. Speaking of Veracruz, which under Governor Javier Duarte has seen the murder of 17 journalists, a report came out that Duarte annually earns 1,372,744 pesos more than allowed by law.


chava-vive-anarchyGraffiti in Oaxaca commemorating Salvador Olmos, anarchist and community journalist, murdered by police in Huajuapan.



A few more pieces of news. Five hundred miners in Tamaulipas have gone on strike as of July 27 due to unsafe working conditions and worker injuries. The Zapatista-initiated CompArte Festival for Humanity began and is still going on. There are a series of statements pertaining to that on Enlace Zapatista. The autonomous Chol community of Ejido Tila and the National Indigenous Congress are denouncing an incursion into its territory in Chiapas by Marines. A total of 12 events are being held this month in Mexico City to commemorate Black August and mark the release of the book “Agosto Negro: Presos Politicos en Pie de Lucha,” the first book in Spanish to document the Black liberation struggle in the US and its political prisoners. It’s Going Down has translated a couple of recent anarchist texts from Mexico, one examining Telmex’s involvement in the construction of prisons and the acts of sabotage against it. The second is a reflection piece by former members of the Autonomous Cells of Immediate Revolution – Praxedis G. Guerrero, an informal grouping that for five years carried out primarily explosive attacks in and around Mexico City.

Posted by Dorset Chiapas Solidarity on 13/08/2016 .


August 12, 2016

Critical thought versus the capitalist hydra II

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Critical thought versus the capitalist hydra II


DSC_0106Mural art at CompArte in the Zapatista Caracol of Morelia, Chiapas.



By: Gilberto López y Rivas / II

Continuing with commentary on the second tome of the work Critical thought versus the capitalist hydra, Sergio Rodríguez Lascano proposes that, faced with the diversity of rebellious processes, the idea of a vanguard becomes obsolete and he replaces it with meeting and sharing, which must also be present within the terrain of ideas. “Breaking with individualism in theoretical elaboration is a precondition of critical thought.” He proposes constructing a world in which the hydra cannot be reproduced. It’s not about conceiving other worlds, but rather about constructing them. “One cannot destroy the hydra if our political and ethical behaviour is based on the same principles that the hydra has imposed, since domination is domination.”

Luis Lozano Arredondo begins with a criticism of the universities, which, he asserts, remain in the comfort of theory, while the knowledge of the communities in resistance advances in the construction of a world of self-management. He exposes how exploitation and dispossession in our country is expressed, to the extent that 85 percent of the population experiences poverty, has lost all its labour rights, and maintains high levels of unemployment and overexploitation. He proposes collaborating, cooperating and sharing our knowledge with other humans to imagine and construct another world.

Rosa Albina Garavito considers that the catastrophe that the Zapatistas announce in reality surrounds us, destroying everything in its path: our labour force –up to 60 percent of the occupied population swelling the ranks of informal employment–, labour stability, working conditions agreed upon bi-laterally, pension funds, salaries, savings accounts, the more than a thousand quasi-state companies, among them Pemex. Health services, education, housing, nutrition have deteriorated; in sum, the capitalist hydra has dismantled without effort the social rights we have won and the only thing left is our dignity and self-organization. She considers autonomy as the project of the future, with dignity and decision-making ability versus the State. With autonomy, the Zapatistas are cutting off many heads of the capitalist hydra. It is the seed of the new country.

Efraín Herrera, from the Callejero Collective, considers that they construct a distinctive aesthetic discourse starting with a rebel attitude in capitalist society, starting with what Bertolt Brecht maintained; that “before being an artist, you are a social being.” It is in the field of rebellion where one finds creative character, imaginative and purposeful. This implies taking an attitude against the State. They found that the pamphlet doesn’t provoke immediate reflection and opted for the metaphor as an effective tool that leaves the door open to a lasting reflection. They are convinced that there is no other alternative than to form more and more collectives.

Eduardo Almeida Acosta considers that we are experiencing the global apocalyptic situation, a capitalist nightmare, now neoliberal, globalizing and extractivist: “The narcissistic zeal or the effort to preserve one’s own existence at the expense of all the others… and to seek its perpetuation as a system without assigning any importance as to whether it implies violence, war and death. That is reflected in our country, the mined Mexico: a bankrupt republic, a country at war with itself; a mafia State and a corporate waster, a dark government, about social control and aligned with speculative business elements and in collusion with criminals.” One head of the hydra is the perversion of politics; another has been the injustice in the treatment of different cultures; a third is the plunder of national sovereignty, of the individual rights and of social and community rights, and a fourth head forms the complex of misadventures that all Mexico suffers due to the impoverishing management of the macro-economy. The injustices of the financial markets are another big head. He wonders: what to do in the face of this devastation? Intensifying rage, putting the body (on the line), challenging everything, inventing new forms of struggle versus domination: another democracy, other forms of autonomy, another anti-imperialism. Dreaming, imagining, ideating other forms of weaving social cohesion.

Vilma Almendra, an indigenous Nasa-Misak woman from Colombia, confronts the four heads of the hydra: terror and war, structural adjustment, propaganda and co-optation and assimilation of struggles. Terror and war as the instrument for dispossessing the communities; structural adjustment between the transnationals and the States for defining all the laws of dispossession and for imposing the agendas of above; propaganda in the communications media, the churches, the schools that seek to dispossess distinctive and critical thought, and the co-optation that robs entire processes, stops the movements, even through concepts like multiculturalism. She criticizes negotiations with governments, which are executioners and that ultimately end up with meeting after meeting, committee after committee, confusing the political agenda of struggle and being subjected to the State’s agenda. Despite it all, she considers that the policies of the transnationals and the bad government are not winning, making a journey through the struggles for Mother Earth / Madre Tierra. “It’s important to see and to know that these struggles, resistances and freedoms, despite the politics of extermination and dispossession, continue flourishing, continue emerging, are there in front of us, versus the capitalist hydra.” She invites re-appropriating words into the walk, in what she names “palabrandar our path of the dignified word.” Revitalizing the assemblies as the maximum authority. She maintains that: “from the territories, and also from academia (it’s about), attaining harmonizing theory and practice, because at times from academia we imprison ourselves in the practices and we convert them into concepts, we are leaving them without wings.” Nevertheless, she rejects that essentialism constitutes a position of the peoples and the communities; “we are not pure,” she asserts.


Originally Published in Spanish by La Jornada

Friday, August 5, 2016

Re-Published with English interpretation by the Chiapas Support Committee

Posted with minor amendments by Dorset Chiapas Solidarity on 12/08/2016




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