Act For Freedom Now!

July 8, 2016
by actforfreedom

[Rigaer 94] – Our strategy against their malice – A call out for a Black July – Berlin

After two weeks of the siege and partial eviction of the house project Rigaer 94, it is time for us to take the first step, and propose for discussion ways that we might go forward together.
Firstly we would like to pass on the good news that we have overcome the first stressful phase.  It took us a few days to come from being totally confused and overwhelmed to a point where we could take stock of the general situation in the house.
We had to got over the initial shock of the sudden siege and also the flagrant tactic of carrying out the eviction in the name of ‘Refugee Support.’  Quite soon after this we began to sabotage the work of the labourers, security and cops.  Because of the overwhelmingly disproportionate balance of power, we were forced to construct ourselves a threatening image.  It was very quickly apparent that even in the occupied zone here it is possible to operate somewhat outside of the law.
After this, a number of security personnel succumbed to our pressure.  They were positioned all over the house, and we could convey quite believably to them in no uncertain words, that the only reason for their continued physical safety was the considerable police presence outside.  A group of security workers who were posted in the house from the very beginning have all left.  One of the decisive factors was the hopefully lasting realisation that by doing their job, they have placed themselves on the side of the pigs, who were responsible for the murder of someone among their milieu a few years earlier.  The prominent case of Slieman Hamade, in which we have involved ourselves, gives our story an unexpected pointe.
We are absolutely sure that the instigation of the ‘Tag-X’ concept — especially the actions that captured media attention — have been essential in supporting the credibility of our threats.  They have given us considerable strength in our often hourly, nerve-wracking confrontations.

Our combined combatative stance has had the effect that the cops have prepared themselves to stay here in large numbers for a long time.  We cannot imagine how they could think of leaving the security workers alone in the house with us again.  At the moment it looks like this is anyway not possible for them.

So it has come about that the police occupation has been cemented in its current form.  This insight gave us the necessary rest to explore different legal options, unpleasant as it may be to engage with the state in this way.  It looks as though we have anyway scant hope for any positive outcome through legal channels.

We are elated by the albeit gradual reemergence of a critical public.  The risk is great for Interior Minister Frank Henkel, that this saga will bring about his spectacular downfall.  We recall that this was exactly the challenge of Rigaer Strasse after learning of the eviction threat.

The primitive brutality of Henkel’s hired thugs is playing a significant role in this: with their attack on us they affronted the neighbourhood. The confrontations in the streets show that we do have structures of solidarity, and that the “rebellious Nordkiez” is not just an idea dreamed up by the autonomous scene.  On Sunday evening, when a cop tried to steal the phone from a woman standing outside of Rigaer 94, the people standing nearby stepped in to vigorously intervene.  The photos of the person who was heavily injured in this escalation are a harsh reminder of this violent experience for us all.  However, these experiences only serve to bind us more strongly together.  There is no longer a front house and a back house, there is now only one Rigaer 94.

Now when we say ‘Rigar 94 stays’, then we are talking about one hundred percent of the people here.  When we say ‘Rigaer stays’, then we are talking about everyone who is fighting back against this police attack on the structures of solidarity and rebelliousness in our neighbourhood.

Therefore we now ask ourselves the question, how can we actually prevail?
This much we are sure of, we must channel all of our resources into this confrontation.  If we have any posibility to release more energy, then it must be done in the next few weeks of this siege.

We propose to use the week before the demonstration on Saturday, 9th July, to intensify the conflict.

Directly after the eviction there were a series of night time riots.  Until today, there has been no night free of offensive actions.  Rigaer 94 has put out the call to throw Berlin into chaos.
The actions must be decentralised, regardless of the level of intensity, the number of actions must increase and the terrain must be expanded worldwide.  We want a ‘Black July!

Locally, we welcome all creative, powerful, subversive and crazy actions or publicity stunts.  The goal may be to bring an early finish to the summer holidays of the Berlin police, before they really got started.  Or the goal could be to create moments where people can come together, connect, share and reflect.

Finally, on the 9th of July, we hope that everyone who wants to support us can come to Berlin.  The demonstration is, as far as we know, registered.  It can, however, serve as a starting point, or provide support for other unregistered actions.  We will show that housing capital can be risky capital!  Release your rage against those responsible for gentrification!  Unleash your hate against the lackeys of the state!  Precipitate pain for those who profit from the prevailing logic!  No action is off limits!


July 8, 2016
by actforfreedom

Berlin – Luxury estates trashed with stones, paint and incendiary barricades

Berlin, 29th May 2016
We had an appointment at Alten Jakobstrasse to make our anger at exclusion, expulsion and control visible with paint, stones and fire, as well as our disgust for a city for the rich.
The targets of our action were ‘Fellini Residences’, a new luxury homes complex under construction by the Patrizia building company, their office in the yard, another office of the company, a Vattenfall processing plant, several luxury cars, a hotel and a supermarket. We secured our withdrawal with two barricades in flames and four-pointed nails.
New luxury constructions represent a form of urban development in favour of the rich and show the widening gap between the included and the excluded very clearly.
While some enjoy ‘a sentimental staging of Italian quality of life’ in their apartments, the rabble are kept at bay through surveillance cameras. While some celebrate the increase in property value, others remain in fear of forced eviction.
Those who organize themselves outside the logic of exploitation and take possession of urban spaces will be met with police truncheons, as recently happened during a Kurdish street party in Kreuzberg and in repeated squatting attempts for a social centre.
If an entire neighbourhood opposes resistance, all of a sudden it is declared a ‘dangerous area’ so that people are terrorized with harassment, control and violence. Anyone who thinks they can suppress the voices and actions raised against expulsion got it wrong. We turn up when least expected and strike where the filth of politics manifest itself.
As long as there are profits in the housing area our initiative will be sabotage and destruction. Every eviction has its price!
Energy multinational Vattenfall does dirty business out of natural resources, including the lignite mines in Lausitz. A war for underground resources is being waged all over the world, everywhere ecological catastrophes are responsible for misery and expulsion. …In the name of a high tech world society passes over dead bodies without giving a damn. After decades of brainwashing and alienation it has become so apathetic that it doesn’t realize we are on a train heading full speed ahead straight against a wall…
But with joy we look beyond the country’s borders and see the fires on the horizons, set alight by young people and workers in France just as in many other parts of the world, where revolt against dominant conditions is emerging. We recognise you and send you our flaming solidarity and greetings!
Translated from German to Italian by mc, prison of Salez, CH
Translated from Italian by act for freedom now!

July 8, 2016
by actforfreedom

Theft, direct action, solidarity


Anonymous submission to MTL Counter-info
Today is July 1st, the day when the founding of the state of Canada is celebrated. We have chosen this day to announce that over the past months we have stolen and freely redistributed a number of quality objects and food obtained from bourgeois stores to marginalized individuals and families from oppressed communities in Montreal, occupied Kanien’kehá:ka territory. This text is to explain why we have done this, to express solidarity with related actions, and to encourage others to continue taking similar initiatives.
We publish this text on Canada Day because we are against all states, and in particular, against the violence of settler colonial states like Canada that are founded on genocide of indigenous nations, and on racist exclusion and exploitation of non-white people. We believe the well being of the majority of the world depends on fighting against industrial and imperial states like Canada that are the main promoters and beneficiaries of global capitalism. This is why we are breaking the laws of this state, stealing from capitalist businesses, and redistributing goods to communities who are being actively oppressed by this system. Theft is a direct action that so many of us carry out in our daily lives, to get what we need and want from a system that refuses to share. This time we have done it collectively and intentionally, as part of a broader struggle against oppression, and for freedom and self-determination for everyone.

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July 8, 2016
by actforfreedom

Banner Drop for Sacramento Anti-Fascists – usa

Anonymously submitted to Conflict MN
On June 26th, anarchists and anti-fascists wearing balaclavas, communists carrying banners, liberals wearing Bernie Sanders shirts, and even a few autonomously self-organized and unaffiliated folks came together to successfully shut down the Traditionalist Worker Party and Golden State Skinheads attempted rally on the capitol steps of the California statehouse in Sacramento. In the melee, 7 brave comrades sustained injuries from stabbings on the part of the scumbag Nazis and racist skinheads. However, despite a few of our own sustaining these injuries the day was still a victory for those who desire to see such disgusting, hateful organizations like TWP and GSS shut down and completely crushed. The fascists failed to recruit anyone, their rally was never able to even start, and if the video footage that has been seen is any indication they were completely routed from the capitol very swiftly. In solidarity, anti-fascists in Minneapolis have hung a banner for our comrades in Sacramento who took the fight directly to the enemy. It reads

Solidarity with Sacramento Antifa, Bash the Fash!

1We have experienced white supremacist terror here in our own backyard with the shooting at the 4th Precinct occupation by the very same sort of alt-right white supremacists that the Traditionalist Youth Network attempts to recruit. We know well enough that in order to stop the spread of these hateful organizations is to silence them with utmost force by directly and physically confronting them. It is thanks to forebears here in Minneapolis who founded Anti-Racist Action that organized white supremacists tend to avoid the Twin Cities metro area, and we intend to keep it that way by any means necessary. Fascists and racists are still not welcome here, and as we’ve seen they’re certainly not welcome in Sacramento either!


Solidarity with all who resist!
Death to fascism!

July 8, 2016
by actforfreedom

West Coast Call for Day of Solidarity with Sacramento Sunday July 10th – usa

What was supposed to happen Sunday June 26th was a mega-march of white supremacists groups against what they deemed to be the anitifa threat to their “faith, family and folk”. The Traditionalist Workers Party, Golden State Skins and KKK were set to rally on the West Capitol steps in Downtown Sacramento.
They never made it onto those steps. within seconds of stepping onto the capitol they were chased away by a large crowd of anti-fascists. Over 300 anti-fascists and anti-racists had converged hours before the planned march in an attempt to shut it down. When 20 or so white supremacists armed with shields and adorned with TWP imagery attempted to take those steps they were attacked with rocks, bottles, knives, bats, fists, pepper spray and anything that those antifa could get their hands on. They were chased for blocks and when they attempted to escape in a waiting car, all of it’s windows were smashed out.
In the end it wasn’t only white supremacist blood that splattered the ground. Several antifa comrades had also been stabbed, received knife wounds and suffered serious injuries. Later, the leader of the TWP would call the blood pouring from the chests of our friends a “victory” for him and his bonehead brethren.
Boneheads like the TWP ad GSS are only the most obvious and explicit manifestations of white-supremacy. The police, the media and countless other institutions uphold white-supremacy in our everyday lives. On the 26th, anti-fascists fought against the police and the media as well as the more explicit racist in the streets. As more and more events occur disrupting specific groups of white supremacists we think it is important to remember that the fight against white-supremacy is not only about a specific group or political candidate. The fight against organized white supremacist groups cannot be separated from larger struggles against the ways that white supremacy, patriarchy, homophobia and transphobia structure the everyday reality of domination in which we live. We want to celebrate all those who attack these structures and extend these spaces of revolt beyond moments like Sundays rally.
This is a call for a day of solidarity with all those who put their lives and bodies on the line to confront white supremacists in the streets of Sacramento on the 26th. Solidarity means many things, and can articulate itself in many ways. Demos, attacks, letter writings, benefits for medical fee, banner drops and more are welcome on this day. Just make sure to securely take photos or write reportbacks and post them, or your local anarchist news source.
As our comrades recover in the hospital, let’s show them that we are thinking about them and keep fighting white supremacy wherever it exists.
Information about donating money and other ways to support can be found here:

July 6, 2016
by actforfreedom

Solidarity actions in The Hague with comrade imprisoned in Spain on charges of expropriation – Netherlands

2_151_16Last night (30th june) we carried out actions in solidarity with our comrade who is imprisoned in total isolation in Spain on charges of participation in an expropriation in a bank in Aachen, Germany, two years ago. She is now awaiting extradition to Germany which will probably happen this week.
In solidarity we spray painted the texts ‘freedom for our Spanish comrade’ on a department of the Spanish embassy in The Hague, the Netherlands and glued the locks. In the morning during rush hour a banner was hung above the highway with the text: ‘Burn all prisons! Freedom for our Spanish comrade!’
We are not interested in knowing whether the comrade is actually responsible for the bank robberies or not. Expropriation is an ethically just and politically legitimate practice, a method of struggle that is part of the history of all revolutionary movements.
Indeed, despite the constant attempts by Power to reduce this method to within the scope of a ‘common crime’, motivated by individual greed, the fact is that the expropriation of places of accumulation of capital is a constant in our history: from the anarchist-syndicalist groups in the early twentieth century who robbed banks to support strikes or help the families of imprisoned comrades, to the various autonomous groups of the the 70s and 80s.
We call out to anybody to make action in solidarity with the comrade imprisoned in Madrid! Immediate freedom for the comrade!
Burn all prisons!
In solidarity,
some anarchists

July 6, 2016
by actforfreedom

Spain,Madrid –Revenge against the comrade imprisoned in Madrid accused of bank robbery

The comrade imprisoned in Soto del Real since 13th April has been subjected to abuse from the prison governor  for a number of days. On the pretext of ‘reasons of security’ not only was she refused the possibility of seeing her partner alone in private on the day of their wedding but all telephone calls with him or anyone else have also been prohibited. Moreover the vice-governor has inflicted several disciplinary sanctions on her because – according to him – she allegedly instigated the other prisoners to revolt, and also as a punishment for talking with other prisoners during the night.
These punishments should be seen as revenge for the comrade’s combative attitude and the solidarity she has expressed. In spite of the distance and isolation she has continued to participate in the struggles outside with determination, as she sent out a message in support of the Banc Expropriat in Gracia and a piece of writing where she reaffirmed her political ideas and practices of struggle against the State and the capitalist system.
For those who are outside, all these attempts at silencing her and isolating her can only translate into a multiplication of demonstrations of solidarity and efforts to spread her words for which they want to further punish her.  We must also remember that the deadline set for her detention in Soto del Real is due to expire shortly, and her extradition to Germany is expected on 30th June.
We won’t let them silence the voice of the combatant prisoner!
Let’s smash the wall with which they want to isolate our comrade!
Spread the word – Take to the streets – Respond to the calls – Act!
Source ContraMadriz via croceneranarchica
Translated from Italian by act for freedom now!

July 6, 2016
by actforfreedom

Update on the appellate trial of anarchists G. Safafoudis and G.Naxakis – Greece

The trial was postponed till July 21st, no witnesses were examined because of other cases on the list.
Always by the side of our anarchist hostage comrades.

July 6, 2016
by actforfreedom

Interview with Nikos Maziotis, imprisoned member of Revolutionary Struggle (Greece) Some Questions and Answers with N. Maziotis, event at Karditsa self-managed space, June 2016 [excerpts]

Q. How can the anarchist/antiauthoritarian space change from being reactive into a real revolutionary movement? In your opinion, what political characteristics should it have, and what kind of organization and aims?
A: It is a question of political positions. Anarchy, or Libertarian or antiauthoritarian communism is a social proposal and organization. The condition to create a truly revolutionary anarchist movement is the existence of political positions and proposals in order to make clear to the people, the masses and workers, what we believe and what aims we have as anarchists. This means that we must take positions on the burning problems and issues of our time that are the result of the capitalist crisis- such as debt, memoranda, the dilemma of staying in or leaving the European Union, and to make clear what is our goal as anarchists, which is none other than the overthrow and destruction of capital and the state and the creation of a stateless, classless society.
These are issues for which the masses of people, the people affected by the crisis and the policies for rescuing the system, have searched and still search answers, yet the anarchist/anti-authoritarian space had nothing different to offer them compared to the proposals of the mainstream parties (besides slogans perhaps). Also beyond the formulation of political positions and proposals it should be clear by whom or in what ways and means our struggle will promote and implement these political positions and proposals- in other words, how we will make Anarchy a reality.
So if we want to make revolution and overthrow capital and the state and to create a revolutionary movement aimed at this stateless and classless society, then we must necessarily have armed struggle in our practice as a means of struggle. Because as I said in my presentation it is obvious and a given that no revolutionary perspective is possible without armed struggle.
Of course a revolutionary movement must have diverse methods of struggle, it must have all the different methods as so many arrows in its quiver: propaganda, counter-information, demonstrations, self-organized structures, and there must be open and public, as well as illegal actions.
But all these actions must be part of a larger package that serves the same purpose, the overthrow of the regime. For this it is indispensable to have the greatest possible agreement among comrades on unified political positions and proposals, in a kind of political program. Otherwise we simply reproduce the characteristics of the current movement, which is a patchwork of groups and individuals, which is neither a unifying nor a united force and where all have different priorities, and therefore it remains a purely reactive political space, only for protest or at best insurrection, but it can not become a threat to the regime nor have a revolutionary perspective. Continue Reading →

July 5, 2016
by actforfreedom

On Friday 1st of July, some of us carried out a demo in solidarity with the teachers and insurgent population of Oaxaca outside the Mexican Embassy in London.-uk

Our solidarity and thoughts go out to the families and comrades of those murdered by the hand of the state in their valiant struggle against the legitimacy of the totalitarian, murderous Mexican state.
-Random compañer@s

July 5, 2016
by actforfreedom

USA – TFSRadio: International Solidarity with Russian anarchist and antifa prisoners, July 1-10
Airs on WSFM-LP 103.3 in Asheville / streaming at AshevilleFM from 3am EST on July 4th, 2016, through July 10th, then podcasting at Also airing this week on KOWA-LPFM in Olympia, WA, KWTF in Bodega Bay, CA, KXCF in Marshall, CA, and WCRS-LP Columbus Community Radio 98.3 and 102.1 FM. The show will later be archived at TheFinalStrawRadio.NoBlogs.Org. You can email us at and you can send us mail at:
The Final Straw
c/o AshevilleFM
864 Haywood rd
Asheville, NC 28806
This week’s episode features a conversation with Antii, a member of Moscow Anarchist Black Cross about the call-out for solidarity with Russian anarchists and anti-fascists. This starts off with a description of the cases of: Dmitry Buchenkov (accused of participating in anti-Putin protests in Bolotnaya square on May 6th, 2012); Alexei Gaskarov (accused of anti-police violence and riotting in anti-Putin protests in Bolotnaya square in 2012); Alexei Sutuga (a Siberian street-level antifascist accused of brawling with neo-nazis); Ilya Romanov (anarchist former prisoner accused of attempted terrorism to stop the development of Kulibinsky park in Nizhny Novgorod); Alexander Kolchenko (Crimean antifascist accused of attempting to resist the Russian takeover of the region formerly of Ukraine); & Elizaveta Tsvetkova (accused of hate-crimes against police for posting up anti-police leaflets). Each of these prisoners are inside because of their activism and are considered political prisoners locked in the Putinist prison system.

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July 5, 2016
by actforfreedom

Chile – 2 comrades arrested, accused of throwing molotov bottles at the police


Santiago of Chile: Two comrades, Jean Gutiérrez Zambrano and Andrés Aravena Sotelo, are being held on remand for 90 days for investigations. They were arrested following films and police controls relating to a students’ demo organized by Confech (Confederación de Estudiantes de Chile) on 9th June in Santiago of Chile. Prosecutor Sebastián Gana accuses the comrades of having thrown molotov bottles at cop cars at various times during the demo.
More info: Publicacion Refractario
via: croceneranarchica.
Translated by act for freedom now!

July 3, 2016
by actforfreedom

International Call Out for Solidarity with Rigaer 94 : Berlin – Germany

1988890302.thumbnailDispatches from occupied Rigaer94 (Berlin)
It has now been over a week since our doors were first cut off, cops and security intruded into our housing project, installing themselves in our stairways and other previously collective spaces. From then, the speedy and aggressive eviction and destruction of the ground level of our home began. Our social space, the Kadterschmiede, along with our workshop, laundry, attic and garden were stripped of all recognition in clouds of dust and mortar, while rubbish skips were filled with our belongings and collective histories.
Our rebellious, emancipatory project has been overrun by empty headed lackeys in uniform and we are pissed – not the least because we are used to better company than this. Whether these unwelcome wardens wear uniforms issued by the state or private security companies makes little difference to us. They both show their petty allegiance to the logic of domination and control not only via their presence but also through daily acts of physical violence, harassment, degrading comments and leers – not only directed towards us, but our visitors, friends and neighbours including young children. The police have set up a restricted area, closing off the entrance to the building and its surrounds, with anyone wanting to enter their home or visit us having to pass a gauntlet of beefed up aggressive cops and security, often needing to present identification. This process can take hours.
Further it has just been exposed that the police have been recording the details and compiling a database of people that have been identified coming into the house. At least part of this list has been passed on to and published by organised Nazi groups.
The pretext of this eviction is that the owner John Richard Dewhurst, a taxation lawyer, millionaire mega investor with companies implicated in the Panama papers, and previously an attorney for the South African Supreme court during the apartheid era, wishes to house refugees in these spaces. If of course they can pay market rate rent in the newly renovated spaces, an amount too high for most people and above what refugee housing organisations can afford to fund. The irony of this claim doesn’t bypass us.
The clear instrumentalisation of refugees as an excuse to attack a space that has shown political and practical solidarity with refugees and other people in precarious positions does not surprise us. For those in the most precarious positions are frequently pitched against each other under this current system that is set up to exploit us for the benefit of people like Dewhurst. To add salt to the wound, in this violent and invasive process three refugees who had found a home with us in the 94, can now no longer live here for fear of extra repression and police stress. The state and its most wealthy have once again moved to destroy safer solidarity spaces for those in our community whose struggles intensify on a daily basis.

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July 2, 2016
by actforfreedom

Sarcelles (Val d’Oise): Attacking the eyes of the State …

Posted on June 21, 2016 by Attack
Le Parisien / June 21, 2016
The urban supervision centre of Sarcelles called the police to alert them that some people were attacking one of their cameras, Friday at 23 h 45. A patrol went to the scene and saw the suspects who were fleeing towards Seine-Saint-Denis. They did not succeed in challenging them but were able to identify a member of the group. Twenty minutes later, another patrol car spotted a man matching the description of the suspect. Aged 20 and living in Sarcelles, he was stopped in a square near the boulevard Jacques Copeau.

July 2, 2016
by actforfreedom

Germany: Vinci excavator torched in Berlin to greet the rebels in France

vinciAs we have learned from our observations the construction group Vinci is criticized in France for its involvement in projects such as the planned airport on the territory of the ZAD as well as the construction of nuclear power plants and prisons. Sometimes Vinci vehicles have been torched.
So we came up with the idea that perhaps a burning Vinci excavator is an appropriate greeting to the rebels in France, to those injured in the demonstrations and to the prisoners.
We think it’s great that you have been able to (at least in phases) seize control of the streets from the lousy CRS and BAC pigs and that banks, shops and PS-offices are being trashed.
And so, on the night of June 17th we torched a Eurovia Vinci excavator in Berlin-Lichtenberg.
anarchist casseurs (homeless, politico-criminal)
(via Linksunten Indymedia)

July 2, 2016
by actforfreedom

Le Mans (Maine) France: Anarchist Tags on St-Julien Cathedral

Posted on June 18, 2016 by Attaque
Ouest France  / Thursday, June 16, 2016


The walls and doors of the cathedrals of Le Mans have been tagged. Two people were arrested in the act. Among the inscriptions: “Neither God nor master”, “I hesitate,” “Amen,” “anti-authority”, “Hey, this is great!” … All around the building, city side Plantagenet Cathedral Le Mans is covered in tags. The doors and walls are soiled with red and black paint. These inscriptions were made during the night of Wednesday to Thursday. Two people were arrested in the act.
France 3 Pays de la Loire / Thursday, June 16, 2016
[…] “Neither God nor master”, “Le Mans area pacified” … On the night of Wednesday to Thursday, a dozen graffiti were written on the walls of the Saint-Julien cathedral, tourist mecca in the heart of Old Mans . […]
