- published: 27 Jul 2011
- views: 80880
Mister, usually written in its abbreviated form Mr. (US) or Mr (US & UK), is a commonly-used English honorific for men under the rank of knighthood. The title derived from earlier forms of master, as the equivalent female titles Mrs, Miss, and Ms all derived from earlier forms of mistress. Master is sometimes still used as an honorific for boys and young men, but its use is increasingly uncommon.
The modern plural form is Misters, although its usual formal abbreviation Messrs(.) derives from use of the French title messieurs in the 18th century.Messieurs is the plural of monsieur (originally mon sieur, "my lord"), formed by declining both of its constituent parts separately.
Historically, mister—like Sir or my lord—was applied only to those above one's own status in the peerage. This understanding is now obsolete, as it was gradually expanded as a mark of respect to those of equal status and then to all gentlemen. It is now used indiscriminately.
In past centuries, Mr was used with a first name to distinguish among family members who might otherwise be confused in conversation: Mr Doe would be the eldest present; younger brothers or cousins were then referred to as Mr Richard Doe and Mr William Doe and so on. Such usage survived longer in family-owned business or when domestic servants were referring to adult male family members with the same surname: "Mr Robert and Mr Richard will be out this evening, but Mr Edward is dining in," but such usage today is rare in American culture but still quite common in others as a sign of respect when first names are being used, the last name is not known, or where English is not the mother tongue.
Gam Dung
百顆聖誕愛心慈善日 @ 香港仔中心露天廣場
KENRICK SOUND ケンリックサウンド Website http://JBL43.com Webcam http://webcam.kenricksound.com Customer review from abroad http://jbl43.com/?mode=f3 ケンリックサウンド株式会社 〒145-0064 東京都大田区上池台4-2-6 レイクヒル長原106 03-5948-6056 email : info@kenricksound.com https://goo.gl/maps/RTkQBLMkf2v KENRICK SOUND CO., LTD. LakeHill Nagahara #106, 4-2-6 Kami-ikedai Otaku, Tokyo 145-0064 Japan Phone: 81-3-5948-6056 email : info@kenricksound.com https://goo.gl/maps/Nwknaj6Z7Bk
Gam Dung
Mr. 感動
20160102 Happy new year! Open Fire@安達工業大廈8/F Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/wearemister/
零售業精英莊偉忠先生,又被稱為良心CEO,接受4位肌肉萎縮症會員挑戰,隨後更聯同他們一起捐款支持此善舉。莊偉忠指自己在過去多年,悉心培訓了多位90後青年,使他們在事業和心理成長上有顯著進步,貢獻社會;今次支持FSMA「閃眼挑戰」也是因為被年青SMA病人周佩珊所感動,所以是次活動收益全數捐贈予FSMA慈善基金,幫助維持其服務。 Mr. Daniel CHONG, renowned retail CEO, took the Eyes Blink Challenge with 4 SMA patients and his 300 fans. During the Challenge, Mr. CHONG told his fans that he had been paying due efforts to bring up the staff who were post 90s’. By doing so, he evidenced their growth spiritually and well equipped them with strengths. Moved by Pui Shan’s “Eyes Blink” video on Facebook, he decided to support this charity by donating the proceeds of the seminar as a BOOST to their charity work for SMA patients. FSMA was excited to see that income of the seminar「齋問齋答齋Selfie」would be donated to FSMA.
イラスティガール参戦! フィギュア連動型ゲーム「Disney Infinity/ディズニーインフィニティ」の スターターキット付属のMr.インクレディブルステ. 前回(Part.6)とあまり変わりない感じになってしまいました フィギュア連動型ゲーム「Disney Infinity/ディズニーインフィニティ」の スターターキ. フィギュア連動型ゲーム「Disney Infinity/ディズニーインフィニティ」の スターターキット付属のMr.インクレディブルステージPart.1です オープンワ.
Uni-Power環球保衛隊是香港環球唱片旗下的一個非正式組合,於2009年成立,由譚詠麟、孫耀威、麥家瑜、李克勤、陳慧琳、陳詩慧、劉美君、陳奕迅、張敬軒、謝安琪、鄧健泓、Swing及Mr.組成。 2009年12月2日,Uni-Power環球保衛隊在亞洲博覽館舉行《Uni-Power大合唱會》,為香港思覺失調學會(Early Psychosis Intervention Society)籌款。 00:30人人英雄 - 環球保衛隊 Rock友Medley: 05:25係要聽Rock n' Roll - Mr. / Swing 06:36最佳損友 - 陳奕迅 / 孫耀威 / 張敬軒 / 鄧健泓 / Swing / Mr. 09:38Victory - 李克勤 / 陳奕迅 / 孫耀威 / 張敬軒 / 鄧健泓 / Swing / Mr.) 10:40朋友 - 譚詠麟 / 李克勤 / 陳奕迅 / 孫耀威 / 張敬軒 / 鄧健泓 / Swing / Mr. 12:29義不容情 - 張敬軒 / 孫耀威 那些感動過人的情歌Medley: 15:31你把我灌醉 - 陳奕迅 / 張敬軒 18:58 新不了情 - 謝安琪 / 梁文音 21:28追 - 陳奕迅 / 張敬軒 25:08淘汰 - 陳奕迅 / 張敬軒 / 謝安琪 / 梁文音 29:53青春無晦 - 陳奕迅 / 謝安琪 獨立女性宣言Medley: 32:20點解 - 劉美君 / 謝安琪 / 梁文音 33:42Bad Boy - 劉美君 / 謝安琪 / 梁文音 35:32 一個人的精彩- 劉美君 / 謝安琪 / 梁文音 38:25婦人之見 - 劉美君 / 麥家瑜 / 陳詩慧 39:51愛一個人 - 陳慧琳 / 李克勤 42:27相愛維命 - 譚詠麟 / 陳慧琳 44:54高妹 - 譚詠麟 / 李克勤 七八十年金曲串...