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Phyllis Haugabook MFT

The psyche of a sexually abused child: Why children may protect the cops who abuse them

In hopes of getting people to understand the mind and psyche of a sexually abused minor, I took a moment to speak with child psychologist Phyllis Haugabook. Phyllis is a therapist who has worked with sexually, mentally and physically abused children for over 17 years. Listen to what she has to say about the effect sexual abuse has on the psyche of the child and why so many sexually abused children often protect their abusers.

Behind Enemy Lines

Jalil Muntaqim: The 13th Amendment – prison slavery and mass incarceration

Jul 20, 2016
Jalil Muntaqim founded the Jericho Movement, which supports political prisoners, fighting for their recognition and amnesty, creating graphics similar to this for each one.

In the national debate ensuing from Michelle Alexander’s “The New Jim Crow: Mass Incarceration in the Age of Colorblindness,” some have not given credit to Angela Davis forging national interest in prison abolition with her organizing Critical Resistance campaigns across the country. With the nominal success of the Pelican Bay prisoners’ hunger strike in California, we recognize that when we organize a national determination, we can collectively force institutional change.

Judge refuses to halt force feeding of inmate in solitary confinement protest

Jul 17, 2016
Waupun Correctional Institution inmate Cesar DeLeon is shown being force fed June 20 in this screen grab from a video shown July 14 in Dodge County Circuit Court. DeLeon, who along with several other Wisconsin inmates is hunger striking to protest long-term solitary confinement, was unable to convince a judge to withdraw the force-feeding order. – Photo: Wisconsin Department of Corrections

A Dodge County Circuit Court judge on Thursday, July 14, rejected a request by Waupun Correctional Institution inmate Cesar DeLeon to stop force feeding him after DeLeon testified that he would continue hunger striking if the court’s force-feeding order were lifted. DeLeon had asked Judge Steven Bauer to discontinue force feeding by nasogastric tube or, in the alternative, to be fed intravenously.

Maroon sues DOC and wins! Settlement reached in Shoatz v. Wetzel

Jul 12, 2016
Russell Shoatz III and Sharon Shoatz with their father Russell Maroon Shoatz after his February 2014 release from solitary confinement into general population at SCI Graterford, where photographs are permitted in the visiting area.

July 11, 2016, Pittsburgh, Penn. – A settlement has been reached in the case of Shoatz v. Wetzel, which challenged the 22-year solitary confinement of Abolitionist Law Center client and political prisoner Russell Maroon Shoatz. This brings an end to litigation begun in 2013. In February 2014, following an international campaign on behalf of Shoatz, he was released from solitary confinement.

Sundiata Acoli: Ride and denied

Jul 4, 2016
New Jersey and the FBI are caught in a time warp and can see Sundiata Acoli only as a cop killer, not the brilliant mathematician, computer analyst, intellectual and humanitarian known and loved by the rest of the world, who registered voters in Mississippi in 1964, worked in Harlem with the Panthers, and has educated, mentored and counseled countless younger prisoners over the years; he is their hero. Imagine the term “killer cop” branding someone and burying him behind bars for life. – Photo: Star-Ledger

Almost two years ago, Sept. 29, 2014, the New Jersey Appellate Court ordered the New Jersey Parole Board to “expeditiously set conditions” for my parole. The Parole Board appealed the order on grounds that I had not undergone a hearing before the full Parole Board prior to securing the order for release. The New Jersey Supreme court reversed the Appellate Court’s order and remanded the case to the full Parole Board for completion of the administrative process.

Announcement of nationally coordinated prisoner work stoppage for Sept. 9, 2016

Jul 3, 2016
'This is a call to end slavery in America' National Prison Strike Sept 2016, web

In one voice, rising from the cells of long term solitary confinement, echoed in the dormitories and cell blocks from Virginia to Oregon, we prisoners across the United States vow to finally end slavery in 2016. On Sept. 9 of 2016, we will begin an action to shut down prisons all across this country. We will not only demand the end to prison slavery, we will end it ourselves by ceasing to be slaves.

White House officials and local leaders attend debate, organized by prisoner, between prisoners and Morehouse students
The Black August Slave Rebellion: Every slave has a right to rebel
Governor’s new budget supports more incarceration
Hugo Pinell, aka Dahariki Kambon: Decades of assassination attempts against the man most feared by CDCr
Suicide crisis in California women’s prison: Advocates demand justice for Erika Rocha and Shaylene Graves
SF Bay View banned inside Indiana prisons: Do Black Lives Matter behind the walls?
Illinois prisoners boycott overpriced phone calls, commissary and vending machines
Wisconsin DOC is force feeding prisoners who are on hunger strike to end solitary confinement
Chican@ Prisoners Day
Hunger strike at Wisconsin’s Waupun state prison against conditions of a ‘living hell’
Wisconsin prisoner hunger strike enters second week, spreads to multiple facilities – you can help!
Prison rules must abide by human rights standards
Yog been through hell and was not burnt
I am fighting for women in Texas prisons
Parole threatened for organizing and writing for Bay View

News & Views

Members of the Frisco 5 officially reject the San Francisco Human Rights Commission’s Hero Award

Jul 27, 2016
In one of many dramatic events during their 17-day hunger strike, on May 3, the Frisco 5 – Ike Pinkston, Ilych “Equipto” Sato, Selassie Blackwell, Cristina Gutierrez and Edwin Lindo – “marched” in wheelchairs pushed by the doctors and medical students who tended to their health from the site of the strike, outside the Mission Police Station, to City Hall, where they expected to finally meet with the mayor. He stood them up, so they continued down the hall to the weekly Board of Supervisors meeting, then underway, and made passionate statements that probably speeded their success. They ended their strike after being hospitalized on May 7, and on May 19, SFPD Chief Suhr resigned, fulfilling their No. 1 demand. – Photo: Joel Angel Juárez, El Tecolote

On July 28, 2016, the San Francisco Human Rights Commission will be presenting the Frisco 5 with a Hero Award. While we appreciate the consideration, some of us cannot accept this award. It is insulting to us that the very administration who executes the will of developers and big business instead of the will of the voters would think that awarding us for fighting their failed policies would be acceptable. How can we accept such an award when our city is in a state of crisis?

The ‘fundamentalism’ in police operations

Jul 27, 2016
Moments before murdering Oscar Grant, BART Officer Johannes Mehserle pins him face down to the platform, on Jan. 1, 2009. – Screenshot: Tommy Cross via LA Superior Court

As police murders accumulate, and police chiefs get fired and replaced because they cannot stop it – as in Oakland and San Francisco – the notion that this represents a political crisis becomes a truism. It is not a “crisis of policing,” which would suggest a situation beyond the capacities of the police. It is the police who have become the crisis.

Coalition that stopped new SF jail wins human rights award as jail system blasted by civil grand jury

Jul 25, 2016
Nearly half the prisoners in San Francisco County Jail at 850 Bryant are Black at a time when gentrification, police occupation and absence of economic opportunities has pushed most Blacks out of the City, a disaster reflected in the name of a local Black Lives Matter group, “Last 3 percent.” – Photo: Michael Macor, SF Chronicle

The No New SF Jail Coalition has been selected to receive the prestigious Hero Award by the San Francisco Human Rights Commission and its Equity Advisory Committee. The coalition celebrated a monumental victory last December, when, after years of community organizing and advocacy, they persuaded the Board of Supervisors to reject plans for a new jail in San Francisco.

Indeed, Western Civilization is in a war

Jul 25, 2016
The horrors of war and guilt of killing sear the soul of even the toughest soldier. This is Fallujah, Iraq, in 2007.

Republican Newt Gingrich, long known for his fascistic views, recently declared that “Western Civilization is in a war.” Truth be told, he is on solid ground. Indeed, Western Civilization is in a war, a war that has been raging since its inception. It has been at war with itself and with the entire non-European world for centuries. Long before anyone heard of Jihadists, Al-Qaeda and ISIL, Western Civilization was at war.

Treasure Island whistleblowers face immediate retaliation from power broker consortium

Jul 25, 2016
As the powers-that-be forge ahead relentlessly to realize this architect’s rendering of Treasure Island that will enable mega-developer Lennar Corp. to house and entertain millionaires and billionaires with fabulous views, these wealthy, connected politicians are fully aware that the current residents stand in the way of their vision and enrichment. John Stewart’s working class market rate renters as well as subsidized at-risk-for-homelessness folks have few resources. Some have become the canaries in the coal mine, sick from the radiation and other deadly toxins that may never be removed. Their swift punishment for speaking out is engineered by the movers and shakers who fear they’ll alert potential buyers to the chemicals and radiation lurking in the groundwater under the luxury condos soon to be built.

The truth about the radiation and chemicals that poison Treasure Island has been deliberately hidden from view since 1941, when the Navy began using the island as a trash dump. To conceal the extent of the toxicity and the poisoning of many sailors and civilians, recent plans to redevelop the island have required powerful players to shroud activities there in an even thicker fog than the mist that daily crawls under the Golden Gate Bridge.

Do we need white revolutionaries to rise up?
Thanks, Mama Harriet!
San Francisco Civil Grand Jury and Blue Ribbon Panel rip SFPD for racial bias
FBI gives green light to crack down on Black Lives Matter protesters – BLM statement follows
Oakland displaced housing activist Paula Beal speaks
What will Bernie delegates do in Philadelphia?
Oscar Grant’s Uncle Bobby speaks on Alton Sterling, Phil Castile, Obama, Dallas and OPD – now with full transcript
Thousands make deposits in Black-owned banks as a way to protest recent police shootings
Whites face race: Let’s talk and act
Michelle Alexander: Something more is required of us now. What?
Cynthia McKinney speaks on Sterling, Castile, Dallas, Hillary, Trump, Brexit
Ethiopians protest in Israel, call for end to state racism and police violence
Professor Griff of Public Enemy speaks on Micah Johnson and the media
Beyond Bernie: Socialist Alternative endorses Jill Stein
Working as intended in Dallas and beyond: The inextricably wound threads of White Nationalism and US law enforcement

Culture Currents

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July 28, 2016
World Hepatitis Day offers free screenings: SF has double the Hep-C rate in California, and California is highest in the nation 9:30 am City Hall, San Francisco The rate of newly reported chronic hepatitis C cases in ... more>>
July 28, 2016
Black reSurgence!TV 7:00 pm Comcast Channel 76, Astoud 30 and ATT 99 In honor of yet another innocent Black Male who has ... more>>

Kevin Durant is a Warrior

Jul 27, 2016
Lee Hubbard, right, is one of the reporters talking with Kevin Durant in this frame from KTVU’s coverage of the introductory press conference.

Kevin Durant, the 6-foot-10 basketball star, is now a Golden State Warrior, as he signed a two year $54 million free agent contract to join the team. He announced his decision on July 4, Independence Day, and the announcement sent shockwaves throughout the NBA and the country. After being wooed by six different teams over the 4th of July weekend in the Hamptons of New York, Durant was ready for a change and a new basketball experience.

B.L.A.C.K organization: Building Leadership and Community Knowledge

Jul 24, 2016
Poet Martrice Chandler sports a B.L.A.C.K shirt supporting the movement.

The need for organizations to help promote economic growth within the community is so important, and it’s in the hands of the people. Building leadership in the community is important because it shows passion and dedication, how far we have come as a community as well as how far we still have to go in order to gain wealth. I sat down with Renaldi, one of the co-founders of B.L.A.C.K, and this is how they are making strides to buy Black wealth. Check it out …

Black teenage Brooklyn-based metal band documented in ‘Breaking a Monster’

Jul 23, 2016
Unlocking the Truth lead singer and guitarist Malcolm Brickhouse in “Breaking a Monster”

Unlocking the Truth is a Black middle-school-aged trio from Brooklyn who are reclaiming what it means to be into metal – and millennium babies. The Luke Meyer documentary about Unlocking the Truth called “Breaking a Monster” came out on Friday, and I think the documentary title is a good fit for a young band of this caliber. Catch “Breaking a Monster” while you can at Landmark Opera Theater or Shattuck Cinemas in the Bay Area now.

R.O.B.I.N Hood project: Bringing dental hygiene to your doorstep

Jul 16, 2016
Rubin Sorrell, R.O.B.I.N Hood project, goes door to door in BVHP, cropped

Bayview Hunters Point residents can now wake up and open their doors with something to smile about. The R.O.B.I.N Hood project has been going door to door, making positive strides towards promoting healthy dental hygiene throughout the community. Rubin Sorrell, a Bayview native and a recent graduate of North Carolina A&T State University, is the founder of R.O.B.I.N Hood.

DLabrie: The future of the Bay

Jul 16, 2016
On a “Stay Black and Die” video shoot are JR Valrey, Ray Luv, M1 of dead prez, Mac Mall and DLabrie.

When you talk about grinding and hustling for your dream, Oakland’s DLabrie has rocked mics from New York to Seoul and collaborated with some of the most intellectual rappers of our generation. A few months ago he premiered the “Stay Black and Die” video, which included appearances by rappers M1, Shamako, Mac Mall and Ray Luv, at the Oakland International Film Festival. He is definitely someone who has a lot to say. Check out DLabrie in his own words.

Wanda’s Picks for July 2016
Longtime ILWU Local 10 President Cleophas Williams mourned
Long live Kamau Amen Ra!
Celebrate Eugene E. White Day in San Francisco July 10!
Jesse Williams: ‘a system built to divide and impoverish and destroy us cannot stand if we do’
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